No Love for LD?

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    No Love for LD?

    LD doesn't seem to be very popular around here, but they make 2 of my favorite flavors. The Black Salmiak is delicious imo. It has a nice oily texture, and the flavor lasts a long time. Licorice isn't all that common in the USA either, so that makes it extra special.

    I also like the Juniper flavor. Very flavorful, and not something I'm used to at all. Nice and herbal, with a pleasant astringency. It's like having Christmas in your mouth :lol:

    Does anyone else favor the LD brand?
  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    I like both Red and Gold loose although I wouldn't go as far as to say they're super tasty. They're just good, period.
    They stay moist longer than Swedish Match brands too.


    • RealmofOpeth
      • May 2007
      • 407

      Originally posted by Craig de Tering
      I like both Red and Gold loose although I wouldn't go as far as to say they're super tasty. They're just good, period.
      They stay moist longer than Swedish Match brands too.
      ??? how do they stay moist longer? I would figure any snus would stay moist as long as it's in your mouth.
      I'm interested in snus that stays dry longer


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        I think he means they keep moist longer... before you use them.


        • RealmofOpeth
          • May 2007
          • 407

          Originally posted by Zero
          I think he means they keep moist longer... before you use them.

          AHHHHH...I guess it helps to think about the spectrum of states snus can be in before assuming one.


          • Gurn Blandston
            • Jul 2007
            • 51

            I must confess that I haven't tried LD and also that the very reason for it is this here internet discussion board. I haven't heard too many good things and so.....I pass.

            But really, can you put your snus trust in a bunch of internet yahoos you've never seen, let alone met?

            In honor of you, my new friend, I hereby place an order for 1 can of LD.

            In a week to ten days, we'll see if fading the public really pays off!



            • Subtilo
              • Dec 2006
              • 524

              Nice move, Gurn :wink:

              I bought LD salmiak the other day.

              I like the fact that these portions (like Onyx) are wicked black, and I'm also really impressed by the nic-hit.

              As for taste ... well, I'm not huge fan of salmiak/licorice snus unless it's super powered like Offroad, but I think the LD version stays true to the concept.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Gurn Blandston
                I must confess that I haven't tried LD and also that the very reason for it is this here internet discussion board. I haven't heard too many good things and so.....I pass.

                But really, can you put your snus trust in a bunch of internet yahoos you've never seen, let alone met?

                In honor of you, my new friend, I hereby place an order for 1 can of LD.

                In a week to ten days, we'll see if fading the public really pays off!

                Uh oh, I hope you like it. I take my recommendations seriously, and am disappointed when others don't agree. Oh well, if you don't like it, at least it's cheap :wink:

                I think the Black Salmiak is my favorite of any snus. It might be a bit much portion after portion all day long, but if I was forced to pick only 1 kind, that would be it.


                • Coffey
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 150

                  Even though I've not had much good to say about LD in the past, I really enjoy the Black. The only problem is that there are 3 other low priced brands that I prefer. I think that Offroad, Kronan, and Knox are all superior to LD. The only brand I think LD beats is Level, and that's not saying much :lol:


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Coffey
                    Even though I've not had much good to say about LD in the past, I really enjoy the Black. The only problem is that there are 3 other low priced brands that I prefer. I think that Offroad, Kronan, and Knox are all superior to LD. The only brand I think LD beats is Level, and that's not saying much :lol:
                    Yea, my love of LD ends at the Juniper, and Salmiak. Their regular flavor's ok, but nothing all that terrific. I've only had the Level minis, but there's nothing there that makes me want to try the full size.


                    • RealmofOpeth
                      • May 2007
                      • 407

                      Originally posted by Coffey
                      The only brand I think LD beats is Level, and that's not saying much :lol:
                      what is the deal with Level? I have heard nothing but bad about it...if there is any 'no love' going on, it's certainly for Level.

                      what makes it so horrible?
                      if people hate it that much why is it still being sold? Not that I say something being on the market means it's just seems confusing something like Level would still be around and stuff like strongcut/rocker (i've heard good things about) disappear.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        It's not bad imo, it just doesn't have much going for it. There's better cheap snus' out there that you could spend money on. It doesn't really have anything that makes it stand out from the rest. I'm not familiar with the popularity pf European cigarettes, but I think they're just cashing in on the familiarity of Level's name for the snus market.


                        • Gurn Blandston
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 51


                          No worries. It's my goal to give every snus at least a single can trial. I would have gotten around to LD eventually anyway. This board is useful in helping me decide when to get something. Lots of positives and I try sooner.

                          Besides, there's no accounting for taste. Most folks on here give high marks to Nick and Johnny, yet it doesn't seem to be a snus for me.

                          Who knows, maybe I'll love LD.

                          I've noticed that my tastes are becoming more sophisticated (maybe that's not the right word). By and large, snus is very subtle when compared to the jackhammer flavors of American dip. It's taken me a few months, I think, to be really able to discern between flavors.

                          Nick and Johnny was in my very first batch and I liked it back then, but now it tastes kind of funky to me. I also liked General quite a bit but now it strikes me as merely an average snus.



                          • KentuckySnusser
                            • May 2007
                            • 109

                            Man, a can of LD Salmiak portions let me down today when I opened it to find that 5 portion bags had loosened in the middle, dispersing snus all over the others. To see that the quality of the portion bags was so low was very disappointing. I'll be shelling out the extra 50 cents for a tin of Metropol in the future.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by KentuckySnusser
                              Man, a can of LD Salmiak portions let me down today when I opened it to find that 5 portion bags had loosened in the middle, dispersing snus all over the others. To see that the quality of the portion bags was so low was very disappointing. I'll be shelling out the extra 50 cents for a tin of Metropol in the future.
                              Bah, sorry to hear that I prefer LD over Metropol, but Metropol's pretty good. I want to try the Offroad licorice, but I'm hoping to score a deal on a roll of LD juniper. If I can get some kind of deal on the LD, I'll get a can of the Offroad with the shipment(I have too much snus on hand to justify an order atm)

