Goteborgs Rape and terrible headache?

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Goteborgs Rape and terrible headache?

    I have never had this with any other snus. Iopened a can of rape this morning and have been using it for the past several hours. For some reason, this snus is leaving me feeling like I have a jackhammer inside my skull. I don't know if the stuff isnt delivering the nicotine, or if I am having a reaction to one of the flavoring agents.

    Has anyone else ever had one specific snus that causes severe headache?
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    In the past, there have been a few times when I've gotten headaches from snus. This really only occurred when I would chain-snus one of the stronger brands, like N&J or Skruf Stark or General Onyx. Too much nicotine in a short span of time can cause me headaches, but it takes quite a lot to do so and is by no means a frequent occurrence with me. It hasn't happened to me since November if I'm remembering correctly.

    I've never gotten one from Goteborgs Rape though, and it's one of my daily brands.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      It could be an allergy to one of the flavours, I suppose. Switch to something else and see if it goes away?


      • nickyspaghetti
        • Mar 2008
        • 19

        I had this after chaining a few offroads - too much nicotine and the flavourings did me no good at all. Strange as skruf stark gives me no problems so I think it is the flavourings/additives that I might be sensitive to.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          I just got back from lunch. Headache went away while eating (no snus in). I'm givin this stuff one more chance right now. If the headache comes back, it'll be into the toilet for the rest of the can. I hope it isnt the snus, I really like the taste of this stuff :cry:


          • TropicalBob
            • Feb 2008
            • 316

            Headache is a classic nicotine overdose symptom. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. Blood vessels narrow. Those serving the brain are quite small and the narrowing produces headache.

            If you've used snus of similar strength, however, without a headache resulting, then you might be having a reaction to one of the flavorings.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I dont think it was nicotine OD. In fact, it seems to have been more of an underdose/withdrawal symptom. I typically use equal or stronger snus, and I was actually using fairly small pieces of this compared to my normal sized pris. I have been making my pris about 2/3-3/4 of my icetool 3ml for some time now. This morning, while trying to decide if I liked this new snus or not, made a fairly small pris (only about 1ml). When I finished eating, I packed up a normal-sized pris (2/3 of my tool) and went all-or-bust. After getting some food in my belly and bringing my nicotine level back to normal operating conditions, I seem to be fine.

              Think im going to lay off the N&J and Skruf Stark for a while.

              On a side note, Goteborgs Rape is definately a tasty snus. I dont think it will become part of my daily rotation, but I will most definately keep some laying around.


              • The Cook
                • Aug 2007
                • 166

                I don't have anything good to say about Gotesborg Rapé. It's a sugary confection with the "taste" of lingon berries. Lingon berries up the yinyan, I say! Curiously, the loose is quite palatable and is in the top five of my fave looses.

                I can perfectly well understand that your head aches when snusing this nordic horror


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  It's the GR#2 that's the Lingonberry flavour. Regular Göteborgs Rapé is spicy - if you're comparing the #2 portions with the regular loose, no wonder you like it better.


                  • Shrewd
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 118

                    I've tried twice now to get to like the GR portions, but have had no success . I think it's the spicyness - when I want spice, I want spice! I think the spice is just getting in the way of my enjoyment. I want to like it, but I just can't. I have some GR #2 in the freezer that I'll be opening any day now, and I hope I like it better.

                    Besides, all I can see when I look at the can is "Goat Rape" or sometimes "Borg Rape (star trek)" - with the former I get kinda sick, at least with the second I get images of Geri Ryan so I don't get too upset .


                    • victoryredchevy
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 303

                      I've really grown to like the GR No.2 portions and I also like the GR portions. I've used them before and having been using them the last few days. I've never noticed them to cause a headache for me.


                      • Shrewd
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 118

                        I just finished a tin of GR #2. Wow, what a difference. I really enjoyed the #2. I think it's now one of my favorites, and a definite must order again!


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Originally posted by Shrewd
                          at least with the second I get images of Geri Ryan so I don't get too upset .
                          ah, what would space be without babes shamelessly dressed in spandex suits :lol:


                          • Xan_e
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 36

                            Rape gives me a headache too.. Not everytime I use it but at least 1 out of 4 portions do. It's always like a really bad migraine. No other snus does this to me. I just bought a can of #2 I'm hoping it doesn't do the same thing.


                            • aika
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 133

                              There is a VERY high likelihood that you guys may be allergic to juniper as I am. In Texas, juniper trees are often mistakenly called 'cedar' trees. I can be outdoors around a ton of them and I get a headache out of the blue. Tried GR a few times and each time I get a headache.. should have read this thread sooner!

