The portion pouch fits discreetly under the lip and stays dry so it runs less, but holds its flavor for a longer time. ...
Mini White Portion
Catch White Spearmint Mini
Created by:
- Published: 26-04-19, 11:45 PM
Catch White Spearmint Mini
Catch White Spearmint Mini - Earlier called Catch La Fayette - With a delicious spearmint flavor!
The portion pouch fits discreetly under the lip and stays dry so it runs less, but holds its flavor for a longer time. ... -
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General Mini White Portion
Created by:
- Published: 19-04-19, 11:25 PM
General Mini White Portion
White and discreet General snus.
A full-bodied spicy tobacco taste with pronounced notes of bergamot and hints of hay, green grass and leather.
With a dry, less runny mini portion surface for a fresher feeling and prolonged flavor release.
A perfect introduction to Swedish snus. ... -
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Göteborgs Rapé Mini White Portion
Created by:
- Published: 12-04-19, 10:21 PM
Göteborgs Rapé Mini White Portion
The Classic in a discrete Mini white portion format.
With a mild tobacco taste, slightly fruity and with elements of Lavender and Juniper Berry. ... -
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Lundgrens Skåne Mini White Portion
Created by:
- Published: 03-04-19, 11:23 PM
Lundgrens Skåne Mini White Portion
Lundgrens Skåne Mini White Portion is produced with organically grown tobacco from Skåne, in the southernmost part of Sweden.
The snus comes in mini white portions with a taste of flavorful tobacco and notes of Swedish wild berries. ... -
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Mocca Licorice Mini Portion
Created by:
- Published: 27-03-19, 09:23 PM
Mocca Licorice Mini Portion
Mocca Licorice Mini Portion is a white mini portion snus with a smooth tobacco base and delicious licorice flavor.
Very discreet with a dry surface and long lasting smooth flavor.
Mocca comes in a nicely designed metal can. ... -
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Reply to Can I swallow the juice?by SnusifyAnother thing to note is Snus used under the top lip and creates very little juice unlike Dip which you use in your lower jaw and that does need a sp...
Channel: Snus Newbies
Today, 12:14 AM -
Reply to What's in your mouth right now?by Snusifyright now I have a large prilla of kronan lös under my lip.
Channel: Snus Talk
Today, 12:08 AM -
Reply to What's in your mouth right now?by BurnieStill working on it. Takes several days to rehydrate, so a slow process doing just a few pouches at the time. Still don't like how little tobacco is...
Channel: Snus Talk
Yesterday, 06:06 PM -
Reply to What's in your mouth right now?by LinkSnus upper left and gum on right, no sweat. Hows those superdry treating you? Get them to your liking yet?...
Channel: Snus Talk
Yesterday, 07:01 AM -
Reply to What's in your mouth right now?by BurnieHow do you chew gum and Snus at the same time? I guess my mouth is not that coordinated....
Channel: Snus Talk
Yesterday, 04:22 AM -
Reply to What's in your mouth right now?by LinkMoose Mint with Trident spearmint gum, not a bad combo
Channel: Snus Talk
11-02-25, 11:00 PM -
Reply to What Do You Drink With Snus?by Snusifybeer, tea, juice...
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08-02-25, 10:42 AM -
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by ElmoI just recently started using Snus, and I need to know if I can swallow the spit/juice.
Also, are Grizzly pouches the same as Snus? Can I...-
Channel: Snus Newbies
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