How will the Snus Tax Increase Affect Us?

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  • cigator
    • Aug 2007
    • 96

    How will the Snus Tax Increase Affect Us?

    I live in the USA. My normal Snus order usually runs about $50 every couple of months. I just got the Northerner email that says the tax is going to 37%. Will my $50 order cost almost $70 with the increase?
  • M0RNA
    • Dec 2007
    • 46

    I'm afraid it does look that way Cigator. I'm in the UK, and assuming that P+P stays the same in the new year, a 10 can roll of Nick and Johnny Los will increase in cost from £36.67 to £46.20. Thats another £10 to find every 2.5 months, given that I go through a can of los in about a week. That means that instead of costing me £3.67 a week, it will cost me £4.62 a week. This increase in cost is not prohibitive to me, but I think its madness to increase the tax on something with such harm reducing potential. If they really wanted to make a difference, they should increase the tax on cigarettes by 37%. Yet another unfair tax burden...but hey, it doesn't bother me because I'm absolutely made of money (not!) :wink:


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      People outside the E.U. are not affected by the tax increase. It's another question how the vendors will calculate their prices, but I don't think anything will be different than it was last year.

      Well, Europeans have to face a price increase of at least 60 eurocents per can of lös and 30 eurocents per can of portions, maybe a bit more, regarding inflation. MORNA, I hope you're not right, nearly 1 pound more per can would be terrible.



      • phish
        • Jan 2007
        • 265

        I got this email from

        The tobacco tax on snus will be increased from 246 SEK to 336 SEK per kilo from 01.01.2008. One can of portion snus will be increased by 0,23 Euro and lössnus 0,41 per can.
        So the increase is not too bad. We have to remember the 37% increase is on the tax not on the price of a can Although I'm still going to place a 3 roll order before January, to save a little money.


        • M0RNA
          • Dec 2007
          • 46

          So the increase is not too bad. We have to remember the 37% increase is on the tax not on the price of a can
 calculation was wrong. I was calculating a 37% increase on the price of a can, not simply a increase of 37% on the tax. That means that a can of los snus will increase in price by 29p. This will mean that a 10 can roll of Nick and Johnny Los will increase in price from £36.88 to £39.81... a £2.93 increase in price. Not as bad as I had originally thought


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Don't forget to add 25 % Swedish VAT.

            I calculate it as 90 SEK/kg x 0.07571 (₤/SEK) x 0.05 kg/can x 1.25 (VAT) ≈ ₤0.43 or around €0.60.

            Since last year's price increase was slightly higher than the tax increase, I guess we will all be wiser, when the vendors announce the new prices, which will be in January/February, depending on their stock-keeping.

            This is the second tax increase within one year after 10 years without ANY snus-tax increase. And what I find most horrible is that the tax increase for snus again is much higher than for cigarettes. This has nothing to do with a policy that I would call "human". Sweden badly needs a new government as soon as possible.



            • M0RNA
              • Dec 2007
              • 46

              Hi Chainsnuser,

              Yes, I had neglected to add the additional VAT. Having done so, I make it an extra 43p per can too. At least I can save a bit by getting my 6th roll half price from BuySnus. I'm not particularly happy about this, and its not a cool thing that the Swedish government is doing.


              • cigator
                • Aug 2007
                • 96

                With all that has been said, as a USA consumer, will my $3.00 tin of snus still cost $3.00 after January 1?


                • Smarvy
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 86

                  This is an excerpt from and email I got today from

                  The Swedish Government will once again increase the TAX on smokeless tobacco in Sweden starting 1: st of January 2008. This time they will increase the tax with 90 SEK (about 10 EUR). Note that this only affects you who live within the European Union.

                  So, it looks like those of us who live in the US are safe, at least with buysnus. I don't know if other vendors will increase their prices all over the board because of the tax or not. I feel sorry for all you europeans though, you have my sincere condolences.


                  • databat
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 66

                    The dreaded SIN tax. They tax all the stuff that you love, even if there is the slightest chance it could hurt you if it causes something bad to happen to a lab rat when they feed it 10 times it's body weight of the stuff.

                    Alcohol Tax, Cigarette Tax, brothel tax, velcro-midget-tossing tax, the list goes on and on. :cry:

                    What really doesn't make sense to me, at least in America, they make such a big deal out of tobacco, yet more people get killed from drunk drivers and prescription medications taken the wrong way, yet they choose tobacco as the villain. It makes you wonder how many of our lawmakers should be in the loony bin instead.

                    *looks into crystal ball* Oooh I see snus users demonstrating in the streets in Sweden...

                    Give me my prilla or give me death!


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Originally posted by databat
                      What really doesn't make sense to me, at least in America, they make such a big deal out of tobacco, yet more people get killed from drunk drivers and prescription medications taken the wrong way, yet they choose tobacco as the villain. It makes you wonder how many of our lawmakers should be in the loony bin instead.
                      Yeah, don't even mind America, just have a look at the "reasons" for the E.U.-snus-ban. In case one doesn't know that it comes from some of the most powerful (yet not democratically elected) politicians of the world (and 'their' judges - don't expect a separation of powers in the E.U.), one will guess, that it either comes from a loony bin or a kindergarten.

                      Some crazy opinions from the European Court of Justice:



                      • RealmofOpeth
                        • May 2007
                        • 407

                        Originally posted by databat
                        velcro-midget-tossing tax, the list goes on and on. :cry:

                        sorry if there's any midgets here...that's just funny.


                        • databat
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 66

                          Originally posted by chainsnuser
                          Yeah, don't even mind America, just have a look at the "reasons" for the E.U.-snus-ban. In case one doesn't know that it comes from some of the most powerful (yet not democratically elected) politicians of the world (and 'their' judges - don't expect a separation of powers in the E.U.), one will guess, that it either comes from a loony bin or a kindergarten.

                          Some crazy opinions from the European Court of Justice:

                          *boggle* The arguments in favor of the snus ban are insane! It's like a child folding their arms and saying, "We refuse to admidt we were wrong now go away."


                          • M0RNA
                            • Dec 2007
                            • 46

                            Originally posted by databat
                            *boggle* The arguments in favor of the snus ban are insane! It's like a child folding their arms and saying, "We refuse to admidt we were wrong now go away."
                            This is why I don't vote. Quite frankly, 99% of politicians give me the creeps.

