Great site guys. I started dipping when I was 12 (I don’t blame evil tobacco for that one, I was well aware I was being a moron even back then). Sometime during a stint in the service this changed to smoking. Nicotine is a vice I’ve never been able to quit. I like to lift weights, run and I’m one of those 30 year old dorks who plays competitive softball. American nicotine products where literally killing me and I could feel it, yet quitting was just ****ing wretched.
Until I ordered snus. Heart burn gone. Cardiovascular strength improving exponentially. Smoke free since Jan 1. The snus experience has tripled my expectations. I suppose what I DO blame Big Tobacco for is the amount of poison they put in their products. After using snus, that has become so obvious to me.
While I’ve only tried two brands so far, RL portions and Stark Skruf (I’m sure I’m misnaming/spelling these) I can tell I’m a snuser for life. The feeling of a packed loose (I can’t bring my self to say the word “pris” yet) tucked upstairs and to the left, the tease of salt, little rose and leather tobacco and an unbelievable bump of nic is amazing.
A few questions.
Important snus characteristics to me are 1. nicotine 2. flavor 3. bake ease, in that order. Any suggestions?
So far, based on the RL, I’m not impressed with portions. Not satisfying to me. I’d rather wait to get to my house and pack a real snus.
Am I wrong? Is there truly a such thing as a satisfying portion? Or are they mostly a hold over for most you guys until you can get to the loose?
Holy crap…I wrote book…sorry about being so long winded.
Until I ordered snus. Heart burn gone. Cardiovascular strength improving exponentially. Smoke free since Jan 1. The snus experience has tripled my expectations. I suppose what I DO blame Big Tobacco for is the amount of poison they put in their products. After using snus, that has become so obvious to me.
While I’ve only tried two brands so far, RL portions and Stark Skruf (I’m sure I’m misnaming/spelling these) I can tell I’m a snuser for life. The feeling of a packed loose (I can’t bring my self to say the word “pris” yet) tucked upstairs and to the left, the tease of salt, little rose and leather tobacco and an unbelievable bump of nic is amazing.
A few questions.
Important snus characteristics to me are 1. nicotine 2. flavor 3. bake ease, in that order. Any suggestions?
So far, based on the RL, I’m not impressed with portions. Not satisfying to me. I’d rather wait to get to my house and pack a real snus.
Am I wrong? Is there truly a such thing as a satisfying portion? Or are they mostly a hold over for most you guys until you can get to the loose?
Holy crap…I wrote book…sorry about being so long winded.