Snus / Chew legal again in the UK ?

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  • jeffster_uk
    • Nov 2007
    • 15

    Snus / Chew legal again in the UK ?

    After work today, I popped in to "Birds", the fabulous tobacconists in the centre of town where I buy most of my nasal snuff, as the guy that owns the shop was interested in seeing what Snus was, as he has been asked for it many times over the years...

    He told me that there are rumours in the tobacco industry here that Snus and Chew may soon become legal over here again...

    Must be 15 - 20 years since Skoal launched over here, and was then quickly banned...
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    That would be sweet. I forgot to bring my snus with me to work yesterday and almost had a panic attack when I realised what I'd done :lol: Would have been nice to just be able to pop to the shop and grab a tin! Ended up drinking a pile of coffee and eating a ton of dark chocolate all day :?


    • mwood72

      Originally posted by Zero
      That would be sweet. I forgot to bring my snus with me to work yesterday and almost had a panic attack when I realised what I'd done :lol: Would have been nice to just be able to pop to the shop and grab a tin! Ended up drinking a pile of coffee and eating a ton of dark chocolate all day :?
      Zero - I tend to treat that as an emergency if I forget mine and return home to get it If I didn't I'd probably end up buying cigarettes to get my nic fix


      • PseudoSwede
        • Sep 2007
        • 71

        I keep a tin in our office refridgerator just for that reason. If I forget my "current" tin at home, or finish off a tin while at work I'm covered.


        • nzkiwi
          • Jan 2007
          • 141

          I agree, I'd be up the creek without a paddle. I would be screaming at people by quit time(pardon the pun).


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            Originally posted by mwood72
            I tend to treat that as an emergency if I forget mine and return home to get it
            :lol: :lol: pretty damned close! I seriously considered it, but it would have been a huge pain in the arse to do so.


            • brothercrash
              New Member
              • Nov 2007
              • 1

              Winter up here is a beautiful thing in that regard...

              Originally posted by Zero
              Originally posted by mwood72
              I tend to treat that as an emergency if I forget mine and return home to get it
              :lol: :lol: pretty damned close! I seriously considered it, but it would have been a huge pain in the arse to do so.
              I feel your pain. Luckily it's winter over here in Philadelphia, so I always have it in the car. I don't always refridgerate mine if I only have a half a can of my portions. I go through at least 8-12 during the work day. Maybe more if my co-workers forgot theirs or just want something different.

              I introduced snus over here to my co-workers and there are about 7 or so of us that use it now instead of that nasty chemically crushed glass filled american crap.



              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                ah, well, I don't have a car so it's a two mile walk across southwest london or £2 (~$4.10) for the two-way ride on the bus :?


                • bcsiegl
                  • May 2006
                  • 23

                  Oh man! That's rough Zero. Since i live in southern California, i can’t really keep snus in the car because it gets too hot (today Nov.16 was 85F and therefore even hotter in the sun-baked car – not to mention what goes on here in the summer) so i keep a package of not-too-good-tasting – but nearly indestructible – Ariva™ – a tictac like tobacco preparation by Star Scientific Inc. (with which i am in no way affiliated) for just those emergencies in the glove compartment.
                  If you can’t or don’t feel comfortable using the fridge (i'm assuming there is one) at your work to store emergency snus, perhaps you could get Ariva
                  or Firebreak available at
                  (i'm sure neither of which will taste any good to you but they DO have nicotine)
                  and keep it somewhere – your desk, locker, mailbox...

                  Or, as my father would tell me when I forgot things: “Tape it to your forehead!” :lol:


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    You know, I've just never forgotten my snus before so I hadn't even thought of keeping some there in case of emergency. I think I will start doing that, though... I work in a physics laboratory, mind you, I can do better than a fridge :twisted: Might just tie a tin onto a string and plop it down the bottom of a liquid nitrogen dewar, ready for fishing up at a moment's notice :lol: -196°C (about -321°F)... should keep fresh for about ten thousand years or so :lol:

