Cool snus marketing!

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  • Alma
    New Member
    • Oct 2007
    • 1

    Cool snus marketing!

    Hey guys,

    I'm new to the world of snus, but it all sounds really cool, especially since here in the UK we now have a smoking ban. I was wondering whether anyone had seen snus being sold (anywhere in the world) in bars/clubs/restaurants/similar social environments.

    Was it sold in a cool way? For example, was it displayed really well at the bar? Was there any special packaging? Did the barmen have a really interesting way of selling snus? Do snus do any sort of sponsorship?

    Any comments would be so helpful as I am doing a bit of research at the moment.

  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Yeah, it sounds like market research - you almost didn't have to say so, it gave itself away pretty easily. :lol:

    You won't find snus for sale anywhere in europe because the EU, in their infinite wisdom, have banned it. That said, it's commonly for sale in Sweden in bars and pubs - in vending machines much like you'd see cigarettes being sold. Snus is kept refrigerated, so that's a constraint.

    At any rate, it's a tobacco product, which means it's addictive. Snus users don't need to be "sold" snus anymore than smokers need to be sold cigarettes - it's a pretty guaranteed sale if someone finds themselves without snus. Plastering it with mind-numbing, eye raping advertisement won't do anything but embitter people (well, people like me anyway... I can't stress the degree to which pushy, "cool", "exciting", and "yay, product!" advertising annoys the everloving piss out of me!). Not that that helps your research much, I suppose, but if you want to make good advertising then my opinion is just to stop :lol:

    If companies spent more effort making good products rather than trying to sex up shite ones (invading my peaceful environment with mentally offensive sloganeering...) then I would be a happy man. Good products sell themselves.

    But yeah, that's my rant over, sorry about that... I'm a bitter old man before my time :lol:

    Also, as an aside, if you're thinking about advertising for snus, good luck anyway as I fully expect that, like cigarettes, if they're ever made legal in Europe that advertising them, being an addictive tobacco product, would be illegal or, at best, extremely regulated.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Haha, Zero, it sounds, like you own a pair of these sunglasses from that great movie "They Live" (by John Carpenter, USA 1988). You know, once you put the glasses on, advertisment slogans turn into "Obey!", "Sleep On!", "Reproduce!".

      Sorry, absolutely no offense meant!



      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        :lol: something like that.


        • Stargazer
          • Aug 2007
          • 225

          snus is sold at bars in Norway.
          But they are normaly shit brands I don't like.
          The display is normaly discrete or non exsisting.

          I have been to Sweden many times, and I have never seen a
          snus vending machine. Vending machines with tobaco products are normaly fround oppon by most people becouse of the lack of social control.
          (in both Sweden and Norway)
          And I haven't seen one since I was a child, not counting being outside of

          I haven't been everywhere in Sweden, but I think that the machine displayed
          in the swedish match factory tour, was more a "if it only was possible"
          kind of thing.


          • RealmofOpeth
            • May 2007
            • 407

            Originally posted by chainsnuser
            Haha, Zero, it sounds, like you own a pair of these sunglasses from that great movie "They Live" (by John Carpenter, USA 1988). You know, once you put the glasses on, advertisment slogans turn into "Obey!", "Sleep On!", "Reproduce!".

            Sorry, absolutely no offense meant!

            aaahhh hahahaha. yeah i just got the same vibe before reading your comment. that movie is cool even if it is cheesy. "I've come to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of bubble gum"

            It's also interesting how a ban from the EU affects all of Europe despite it's many countries. Of course this goes without saying, it's a European Union afterall right. But total loss of sovereignty for each country because of the consolidating agreement made. Soon to slam North America. and most likely every other major region in the damn world.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Originally posted by Stargazer
              snus is sold at bars in Norway.
              But they are normaly shit brands I don't like.
              The display is normaly discrete or non exsisting.

              I have been to Sweden many times, and I have never seen a
              snus vending machine. Vending machines with tobaco products are normaly fround oppon by most people becouse of the lack of social control.
              (in both Sweden and Norway)
              And I haven't seen one since I was a child, not counting being outside of

              I haven't been everywhere in Sweden, but I think that the machine displayed
              in the swedish match factory tour, was more a "if it only was possible"
              kind of thing.
              Really? I saw them in bars - usually hidden away in a corner somewhere, and discrete, but common enough. This was in Göteborg.


              • Stargazer
                • Aug 2007
                • 225

                well, I haven't been to many bars in Sweden, sp that probably
                answers the question right there. :lol:


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  Well, that was the only place I saw them - nowhere else. Only in bars, which is really the only place where you can sell them without worrying about kids being around.


                  • FetFnask
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 29

                    Snus and cigs are sold in vending machines here. You don't put coins in the machine though, you have to by a token in the store where the vending machine is located. It's not like vending machines för candy or soda, but they do sell them from machines.


                    • RealmofOpeth
                      • May 2007
                      • 407

                      Originally posted by FetFnask
                      Snus and cigs are sold in vending machines here. You don't put coins in the machine though, you have to by a token in the store where the vending machine is located. It's not like vending machines för candy or soda, but they do sell them from machines.

                      i wish they had that shit here. of course i don't dip or smoke no more so it doesn't make much difference to me really. but having to get smokes or dip when the cashier has no fuggin clue what you're talking about is really annoying. also having to scan the selections, often times obscured or far away from the counter, as fast as possible and decide what you want before pissing people off wondering what your delay is also sucks.
                      i like to buy my tobacco at my leisure dammit. vending machines and tokens for them is a great idea.


                      • scythespawn
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 103

                        i completely agree opeth, it would make things alot easier.(by the way, i'm not sure if your name was inspired by the band opeth, but if so, cheers to you. i love older opeth.)


                        • RealmofOpeth
                          • May 2007
                          • 407

                          Originally posted by scythespawn
                          i completely agree opeth, it would make things alot easier.(by the way, i'm not sure if your name was inspired by the band opeth, but if so, cheers to you. i love older opeth.)
                          of course it's inspired by the band. thanks mate
                          I'm a bit of a 'midcomer' to Opeth myself. I really enjoy My Arms, Your Hearse and Still Life the most out of all of them (because MAYH is where I started liking Opeth, their previous albums took me a while to 'get it' and are good, but I like the sense of structure found after Morningrise). Their later material is also great too, but not quite the same majesty going on. It really sucks their drummer and rythm guitarist is gone for some new guys I'm not sure about.
                          I remember seeing Axenrot at a show one time and his playing was simplified as **** compared to Lopez

