Tourney Snus

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  • fakieollie
    • Apr 2008
    • 32

    Tourney Snus

    Tourney is a brand of cigarettes that have been sold at the Speedway chain of gas stations/convenience stores. This chain is in Michigan, possibly other states, I'm not sure. Anyhow, they seem to be the cheap store brand generic for speedway. They are much cheaper but they are horrible. Worse than GPC.

    I stopped at one earlier this evening and I was shocked to see that Speedway now has Tourney snus. I see that this Tourney snus was mentioned in one other post. It was $2.68.

    It looks like this:

    I guess it was alright. My palette is still rather new to snus, so I can say, it was alright. It's okay to know I can get it in a pinch in between shipments.

    Even though I've only tried six different kinds of snus, I can say it seemed to be less significant in terms of overall strength, both in taste as well as nicotine content. Crappy packaging. 20 portions. They felt lighter. I don't know...
  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    It looks like it is manufactured by Snusab

    Tin looks similar to the Roots tin......has anyone had the Roots for comparison?


    • Subtilo
      • Dec 2006
      • 524

      Think you're right, KarlvB.

      I've never had Roots becuase of the simple (and superficial) reason that I HATE their design. It just doesn't speak to me.

      The same goes for this Tourney snus - man, thats one ugly sticker! :shock:

      But thanks for the pics, fakieollie. It's nice to see whats going on in the world of snus.


      • kb8uvm
        New Member
        • Mar 2008
        • 1

        I tried my first Tourney yesterday and I've had Roots. Roots have a much stronger taste then Tourney. Tourney seemed to be very weak in flavor. I'll take Root's over Tourney.


        • kinesthetic
          • May 2008
          • 22

          Grand Prix snus will be available in select retail outlets
          throughout the following areas: Portland, Oregon; Kansas City,
          Missouri; Indianapolis, Indiana; Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas; Raleigh,
          North Carolina; Orlando, Florida; and Columbus, Ohio.
          Interesting that it doesn't mention Michigan. I wonder what areas this Tourney or "Grand Prix" (are they the same?) can really be found in?


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            The sticker on the bottom says it's just 12 grams!!!
            Those pouches must be minis then.
            Swedish "Normal" sized pouches are 1 gram per pouch and this has 20 pouches.
            12/20 = 0.6 gram per pouch.
            Time to double up the portions under the lip :lol:

            All the same, I'm happy to see Swedish-made snus being marketed by bottom-rung US retailers. Even if the taste sucks at least you know it's made by people who know how to make the true stuff.
            If you had only posted the second pic I would've never guessed it was a US-branded thing like Camel, Taboka or Marlboro (the tiny, pebble-hard, ultra-sweetly-chemically stuff)

            I hope they know that it needs refrigeration. If they keep these cans at room temperature either there's some extra preservative action going on or they're ****ing up any chance people will get proper quality when they buy it.


            • spirit72
              • Apr 2008
              • 1013

              I wonder what areas this Tourney or "Grand Prix" (are they the same?) can really be found in?
              I'm in the Columbus, OH area and saw signs for it outside most of the Speedway stations around here. I'm going to grab a can over the weekend just for giggles and I'll let you guys know how it pans out.


              • kinesthetic
                • May 2008
                • 22

                Now that I know they are white mini's I doubt I'll even throw $2.50 at these. I'll just stick with Triumph for my local snus to supplement the stuff I order from Sweden. But if you get some let us know what you think.


                • fakieollie
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 32

                  I did get some and I am letting you know what I think...on a scale of one to ten, I'd give it a 6. If I could get the snus I order online anywhere around here, I'd probably give it a three. So, it gets bonus points only because of availability. Overall though, it can't hold a candle to the real thing.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Subtilo

                    The same goes for this Tourney snus - man, thats one ugly sticker! :shock:
                    I kind of like it. It's not the best, but it has a kind of retro American look to it. 1954 would my guess for a date :^)


                    • Subtilo
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 524

                      Originally posted by lxskllr
                      Originally posted by Subtilo

                      The same goes for this Tourney snus - man, thats one ugly sticker! :shock:
                      I kind of like it. It's not the best, but it has a kind of retro American look to it. 1954 would my guess for a date :^)
                      Hm, yes, I see what you mean. Guess I'm just into more simple designs, Knox, Skruf and such. They're so clean and neat :wink:
                      I still don't get why SM changed the General design. The old one was really classy.

                      But there is nothing wrong with a touch of ol'school (thinking the upcoming Jakobssons and also the regular Gotland can with the nice old goat on the lid).

                      Again, it's so superficial, I know ... what really matters is the snus itself.


                      • TropicalBob
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 316

                        Totally agree, lxskllr. I saw that lid on Tourney and immediately envisioned it hanging from a gold chain around my neck.

                        Heck, we need to raise public awareness. That would be one way to start a conversation.


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9758

                          ...........quietly sits and watches TBob, with his giant snus tin hanging from his neck, turning into a sort of Flavor-Flav of snus.........

                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • fakieollie
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 32

                            I hope they know that it needs refrigeration. If they keep these cans at room temperature either there's some extra preservative action going on or they're ****ing up any chance people will get proper quality when they buy it.
                            Well the label claims they are in a "stay fresh pack" :wink:


                            • fakieollie
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 32

                              Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                              The sticker on the bottom says it's just 12 grams!!!
                              Those pouches must be minis then.
                              Swedish "Normal" sized pouches are 1 gram per pouch and this has 20 pouches.
                              12/20 = 0.6 gram per pouch.
                              Yeah so I'd have to spend close to six bucks to get the same amount that I could mail order for at least a buck or two less, and it tastes better and just is better. Maybe it is at least an omen of an improved local snus situation.

