I've been Snusing for about a year now and was happy that I had got myself off the cigarettes and onto something I enjoyed even more and that wouldn't do me anywhere near as much harm. I had trouble with painful bleeding gums recently though and so I visited my dentist. As soon as she looked in my mouth she said "do you smoke?" I said no I use Snus though. She didn't know what it was but I tried to explain it to her. She then said I had 3 gingival pockets which turned out to be in the 3 places I place my Snus (I never told her where I placed it) and she went on to say I should stop using tobacco as this was the cause of my problem and that if I continued it would get worse and I might end up needing gum surgery! I was shocked and mistified!? I didin't think Snus was supposed to damage your health like that? She asked me about my oral hygeine but I was already doing what she suggested each day eg. brushing twice a day, flossing and using a mouthwash. I'm really at a bit of a loss. Surely if Snus were this dangerous Sweden would have one of the highest gum disease rates in the world!? Meanwhile the only other options I have left is quiting Nicotine altogether or using NRT both of which don't really appeal to me at all
Has anyone else been affected like this? I live in hope someone might have a magical answer out there as to what I might be doing wrong to be affected like this by Snus so that I can put it right and carry on with one of my biggest pleasures in life.
