Why is there a difference in health labels?

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  • Ettas
    New Member
    • Apr 2007
    • 13

    Why is there a difference in health labels?

    On the SNUS i've tried, everything has been in Swedish but people said that it only says tobacco is addictive. But then I got some General portions and in english it says, "May cause mouth cancer." Are there different conditions which must me met for different brands going to different countries in terms of what must be put on the labels? Also, I meant like why is there a discrepency in health labels if a majority of studies have found no correlation of SNUS and this?
  • carotevi
    • Mar 2007
    • 64

    Different countries have different laws about labels have to be used. It's just according to how much the law makers had to drink the day they made the law. People can't agree on is it hot or cold outside much less a label that goes on that BAD stuff called tobacco. In the states they slap the same warning on any tobacco that is used in ones mouth no matter what it is or where it comes from. Then on top of that you have at least one state that has it's own tobacco label laws on top of the fed law. I have noticed when I buy snus that was intended for sale in the us it has the us label. When i buy snus that was intended for Sweden it has theirs (although I can't read it i assume it is).


    • mwood72

      I beleive the Swedish warning label on Snus roughly translates to "this tobacco product may harm your health and is habit forming" (so Northerner told me) but I heard by law in the US all oral tobacco must have a cancer warning regardless of which kind it is. I beleive nasal snuff gets the same kind of soft warning label in the UK as opposed to the "smoking kills" one we get on cigarettes.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        I also don't speak Swedish, but the text means: "This tobacco product can damage your health and is addictive". The same text is also mandatory for german oral tobacco products (E.U. law), thus I don't have translation problems.

        All european oral tobacco products formerly also had to have a cancer warning label, but this has been abolished a few years ago, because of missing scientific evidence.

        ^^ Besides of that, our politicians mostly have enough to drink. :lol:



        • carotevi
          • Mar 2007
          • 64

          i was on a business trip a few months ago and met a lady who grew up in Sweden but now lives in the us. I did not know where she was from Sweden at first. I got my handy dandy snus can out at the table. I was there to sale to them and normally won't do tobacco at a time like that but since hardly no one in the us knows what snus is i don't worry because most think i am getting a mint or something haha. This time she knew what it was and commented on how gross "that stuff" is ;-) Then she told me where she was from and all. To make a long story short(er) I asked her to read the warning to me. She said that it don't directly translate literal word to word but it means just what y'all been saying.... that is could be bad for your health and IS additive. Of course that's still third hand but she seemed to be sure of what she was saying. Oh by the way, she was blonde ;-)

