Sugar in Snus?

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  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Sugar in Snus?

    It may sound unusual, but after some research on this forum, which I did, even before I was a member and before I tried snus for the first time, my only concern about trying snus was the sugar content. My teeth are naturally (and due to heavy smoking in the past) not too good, so this concern is quite vital for me since, AFAIK, sugar equals caries.

    The only clear statement, which I have read, is on the Gothiatek-website by Swedish Match, that no sugar is added in their snus-brands and, therefore, only the natural sugar content in the tobacco plant (which is very low, or less than 1%, as in nearly all vegetables) can be found in the snus.

    I do like some Swedish Match brands very much, but I also like other brands. I have not seen any list of ingredients of any brand, that states sugar as an ingredient, but also, for some brands, there seems no ingredient-list to be available.

    From my personal experience, some brands taste very sweet (like LD black portion), but not necessarily like sugar, more like some artificial sweetener.

    So, If anybody has any further knowledge on the sugar content in snus, generally, or e.g., knows, that sugar is not allowed or not traditional, to be added to snus, your comment will be appreciated.

    Apart of that, any comment on this issue will be useful. Thanks.


  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    I don't think there's any notable amount of sugar in any snus. In fact, snus is basic (pH~8-9) so it will, in fact, do the opposite of sugar, which bacteria metabolise into acids. Snus can actually help your teeth to absorb minerals - the natural job your saliva does to repair acid-damage to your teeth.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Thanks, Zero! This sounds very conclusive.

      I visited my dentist a month ago and he said, snus was surely better for my teeth, than smoking. He looked though, as if he knew, what snus is but also had not too much knowledge about it. Maybe next time he's better informed and there will be snus cans in the waiting room, because it is so good for your teeth. Only wishful thinking, of course. :lol:


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        Well, it's not SO great for your teeth... it can help prevent caries, but it has been shown to, in some cases, increase chances of gingival pockets, etc. I'm sure he won't be giving out snus instead of toothbrushes. Too bad, really :lol:


        • littlesilverboxfromwales
          • Mar 2007
          • 118

          Hi Gents, I found a study on the net about (excuse my spelling, I can't be bothered to use a spell checker, and I only recieved a very basic education ops: ) "Gengival Recession in Snus users", don't ask me for the URL, I'll never find it, but the study found no increase of gum recession in portion snus users and a 16% increase in loose snus users. Better than smoking, I think??
          Sorry if I'm being vague, but the figures are what I read.
          Cheers M


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            ^^ :wink:


            • littlesilverboxfromwales
              • Mar 2007
              • 118

              Cheers Z, my wife just told me that her fathers "bird" is losing teeth at a 'rate of knots' because of years of smoking. Nice :shock:


              • brendo20
                • Mar 2007
                • 46

                Speaking of sugar in snus, I tried RedMan Chew for the first time last night at a friend's house, his mother brought it back from america 11 years ago and it tasted like it kept well, but so sugary compared to snus! In Aus we have a candy type thing called Red Skin with an indian on the wrapper... Im wondering if they got the idea from the chew but its not surprising the yanks get into that stuff in a way. Although I much prefer the dull flavour of snus, safe in the knowledge that it most likely won't make my mouth fall apart... If they sold it here i think it would go nuts with the redneck set ahahaha. Would be nice to get snus locally tho. No man, don't worry about sugar in snus at all... Probably more in ur breakfast cereal.


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  11 year-old chewing tobacco?? :shock:


                  • nzkiwi
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 141

                    I wonder what the tsna content of the 11 year old chew is? :lol:

                    I guess we can say redman keeps well.


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Originally posted by brendo20
                      No man, don't worry about sugar in snus at all...
                      No, I don't worry too much and I have no choice anyway, cause I'm totally addicted to snus.

                      11 year old Redman sounds a little weird. I'm not sure, if I would try it.

                      Reminds me of the NATO-cookies, which I have eaten quite often, during my military service. Some of you might know them, these little crackers, kind of crispbread. Yeah, most of them were older than me.


                      • bakerbarber
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1947

                        The distinct lack of sugar in Swedish Snus kinda pissed me off the first time I tried it.

                        Now I much prefer snus to "straight" or other flavored American chew.


                        • Maximus
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 222

                          I would like to know if the 11 year old Red Man is still holding at 13 years now? :lol:


                          • rickcharles606
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 2307

                            Yeah I'm gonna pass on the decade old chew too..LOL


                            • Kvlt
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 197

                              Originally posted by bakerbarber
                              The distinct lack of sugar in Swedish Snus kinda pissed me off the first time I tried it.

                              Now I much prefer snus to "straight" or other flavored American chew.
                              Same. I initially thought it tasted horrible, but I guess I got use to it.

