COMPLETELY off topic, but I hate men.

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  • yummi4tunekookie
    • Feb 2008
    • 277

    COMPLETELY off topic, but I hate men.

    I especially hate the beautiful boys that catch my eye and flirt with me for days, then completely ignore me for no reason.

    I hate men, and I want them all to die horribly slow, painful deaths. :evil: I want them to get eaten, then shat out, by huge, stinky bears. I want to skin them alive and roll them in salt and rubbing alcohol.

    ...Except for the awesome guys here at SnusOn!

    Seriously, though. Just. WTF.

    I think I'm gonna pop in 2 portions right now.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    What, you hate - that they flirt or that they lose interest? If the former, get used to it - humans are animals, that's what they do. Be thankful they're normal and lose interest rather than stalk 0_o If it's the latter, maybe try something other than throwing the freshly shorn pelts of babies at them? :wink:


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      You're cute, young, in college & seem to know what makes you happy. You will find many dogs in your travels, but eventually you will be able to housebreak one of em


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542


        I like polar bears... they make big poop!


        • yummi4tunekookie
          • Feb 2008
          • 277

          I don't mind the flirting--in fact, since I was the hideously dorky, ugly girl growing up, I find any attention I get AWESOME. I certainly know that humans are animals, too. I'm pretty bestial myself :lol:

          It's just that these two guys did the SAME THING to me in the past week. They caught my eye, went out of their way to show me that they were interested, and right when I return that interest, they ignore me. This has never happened before, and I'm freaking out. Did my boobs shrink or something?! I didn't think they could get any smaller, but... :? Anyway, I don't get men. But I want one, RIGHT NOW. The sooner I "housebreak" one, the better!

          And man, do I love N&J. I'm tempted to try that Stark Skruf now...


          • yummi4tunekookie
            • Feb 2008
            • 277

            Ugh. I am so completely disgusted right now. I got a text from one of the guys I mentioned, asking if I'd like to have sex with him.

            What. The. ****.

            I am so disappointed in people.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Well at least the weeding out process was quick with that one eh? ;^)


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                Ugh. I am so completely disgusted right now. I got a text from one of the guys I mentioned, asking if I'd like to have sex with him.

                What. The. ****.

                I am so disappointed in people.
                Move to Vancouver. You'd probably find it to be nothing short of paradise. Tied with Vienna in third behind Zürich and Geneva for quality of living, but immensely more affordable, by comparison, and filled with amazing, tasty food of all sorts, intelligent people, and only a few crackheads and smackheads on the east side. The tulips are up in January, the Sushi is cheap as hell (and the best outside of Japan, according to a senior diplomatic official of that country!), and godly dim sum rains from the sky 24h a day.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  Damn Zero, you have me sold.


                  • TropicalBob
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 316

                    Yummi, you are forgetting the evolutionary mandate that results in conflicts between human males and females. A man's mandate is to spread his seed as far and wide as possible, thus assuring his continuation as a species. A woman's mandate is to find a mate who will be faithful in raising (for many, many years) the progeny of a union.

                    I've known very few women who, like men, just wanted recreational sex. And they're so warped no man with a brain would marry one. Besides, it's too dangerous out there today to be indiscriminately promiscuous. Have standards and you'll attract a male worthy of someone with your intelligence and adventuresome spirit (how many women would even try snusing? - you rock!).

                    When most men marry, they want a mate who won't jump into other beds. Your behavior in the courtship phase determines if you'll get a worthy proposal in the future.

                    You have everything going for you -- except impatience brought on by hormonal demands. WTF? Live with it, head high, small breasts proudly thrust outward.


                    • RealmofOpeth
                      • May 2007
                      • 407

                      Well if it makes you feel any better I hate women too.
                      But, probably mainly because of the guys.
                      I can't seem to find a woman who is sane and isn't a typical woman saturated with all the commercial bullshit that is targeted to and expected of women (usually by men, but since women adopt it so ubiquitously, men in turn adopt those expectations, some kind of vicious cycle)..or otherwise not acting like a typical airhead who dot their i's with a circle or heart, lose their mind when it comes to anything technical, find some need to gossip as if it's a world issue, etc.

                      The ones who do fit the latter usually have some emotional baggage going on as well. Some guy screwed them over and so now I have to tread lightly not to go in that direction if I do some normally meaningless action that reminds them of it. In general, women have so many guys coming their direction, they're naturally ambivalent and can't make up their damn mind whether they want to be with me or not. The grass is always greener on the other side. So many choices. With men, it's not quite as easy of course. Anyway the girlfriends i've had find me alright for a while, then realize I'm not as grand as they once thought I was for some reason despite me not really changing much at all, and they call it quits..usually through some process of escaping their guilt as much as possible. then at times realize they didn't know why they broke up or that they screwed it up and apologize trying to rekindle things.
                      There was a list out there that call for traits of a 'real man'. I found it to make sense mostly but made a list of that call for traits in a real woman. It turns out most of the list applies to both sexes.
                      Women are no better than men and vice versa. It only seems that the other sex sucks worse because they are not what you are.


                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        Don't bother with SoCal; looks are everything here...and if you don't have that, you better have money to compensate. :roll: Fake and shallow people, horrible traffic, stupid laws, astronomical cost of living...

                        but I love the weather. 8)


                        • Kindrd
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 266

                          Men want what that can't have. If you are too easy a catch then that shows. Make em work for it, sadly an art many women have lost. It only takes one in the end.


                          • desirexe
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 1170

                            You guys have got to be some the most wise people I have seen on a forum! I have discovered that men and women both suck equally. At least this is what I see living in the U.S. People are generally out for themselves and are completely oblivious to others around them! BUT, I am just bitter because I recently moved to Florida from Alaska. Up in AK, the people were AWESOME! I miss the outdoorsy, nature loving people there. Here it is a busy dog-eat-dog world. I am just happy that I already found my husband and don't have to deal with finding a mate amongst the mess of turds! Hang in their Yummi..Mr. Right is out there, he just hasn't shown himself to you yet.

                            Hey, Tropical Bob are you a biology or anthropology professor? I swear I heard my professor explain the man/woman thing the same way you did.


                            • Zero
                              • May 2006
                              • 1522

                              Originally posted by desirexe
                              You guys have got to be some the most wise people I have seen on a forum!
                              It's all the nicotine - keeps everyone sharp :lol:

