I could be over-reacting to a video placed on youtube. You decide.
I was intoduced to snus by my older brother when I told him about my lungs, the blood and the snow. I decided to document the progress of me quitting smoking buy using swedish snus. My videos are updated every once in a while and I consider myself to be completely cigarette free. All the questions asked by other youtube users are answered and I don't get paid for what I am doing. I just want others to get off the smokes.
Recently, one of the largest online snus distributors has made a video that specifically targeted my videos due to their success. They used similar key words and titles in order to get viewers to click on their video that advertises their web page.
In America we call this Guerrilla marketing. I always consider the integrity of a corporation that uses this type of advertising. As a consumer, I would feel a bit angry if I clicked on a video that said "Stop smoking with Swedish Snus" and all that popped up was a corporate video explaining snus and who to buy it from.
If you are going to make a stop smoking with snus video. Then do it! Show the people that you can quit smoking. Use real people. Don't play with the people who are concerned with their health.
I was offered compensation in the form of cash or product and denied the offer because of the terrible display of plagiarism that happened. I'm not using snus to make money or get free stuff. I'm using it to save my lungs and be healthy. You don't copy someone and then expect them to roll over for you when you offer them petty compensation.
Americans hate corporations like this. We have too many of them already. This type of advertising does not properly represent Swedish products and they should be ashamed of their terrible marketing decisions.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Nicholas Knutson
Whitefish Montana
I was intoduced to snus by my older brother when I told him about my lungs, the blood and the snow. I decided to document the progress of me quitting smoking buy using swedish snus. My videos are updated every once in a while and I consider myself to be completely cigarette free. All the questions asked by other youtube users are answered and I don't get paid for what I am doing. I just want others to get off the smokes.
Recently, one of the largest online snus distributors has made a video that specifically targeted my videos due to their success. They used similar key words and titles in order to get viewers to click on their video that advertises their web page.
In America we call this Guerrilla marketing. I always consider the integrity of a corporation that uses this type of advertising. As a consumer, I would feel a bit angry if I clicked on a video that said "Stop smoking with Swedish Snus" and all that popped up was a corporate video explaining snus and who to buy it from.
If you are going to make a stop smoking with snus video. Then do it! Show the people that you can quit smoking. Use real people. Don't play with the people who are concerned with their health.
I was offered compensation in the form of cash or product and denied the offer because of the terrible display of plagiarism that happened. I'm not using snus to make money or get free stuff. I'm using it to save my lungs and be healthy. You don't copy someone and then expect them to roll over for you when you offer them petty compensation.
Americans hate corporations like this. We have too many of them already. This type of advertising does not properly represent Swedish products and they should be ashamed of their terrible marketing decisions.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Nicholas Knutson
Whitefish Montana