Today I went to two separate SA's (Super America's) and noticed that have advertisement for "Camel Snus Coming Soon". I've been there and done that, but I was still excited that I might have a local source for snus if I run out (even if the flavor and price sucks). I hope this could be more of a trend than anything else, that maybe people are starting to become aware of snus locally here. We were a test market for Camel Snus about a year ago so I doubt that's what is happening again. Interestingly when I asked the clerk at both stores about their carrying snus the clerks were really curious about it. I had to take out my Skruf in my pocket to show them the real thing. Also, at one of the stores there were a bunch of customers who wanted to know more about snus - so I preached it from a soap box
. In reality I doubt many will become converts, but I did give a couple pouches away and showed them the "proper" way to snus (upper lip).
I know some of you are lucky enough to live in a city where Swedish Match is available, but sadly I'm not there

I know some of you are lucky enough to live in a city where Swedish Match is available, but sadly I'm not there
