I was hoping to get some advice from some ex-smokers out there (although I bet this applies to snuser's in general), and to put this out so hopefully some search engine might help somebody else
. How do you guys all handle drinking and substituting snus for smokes. I'm sure I'm not in the minority when I say that when I smoked I would go through near a pack or more in a couple hours chain smoking while drinking. The more I drank the more I smoked. I have found snus to cover my vitamin N addiction in just about every case except drinking. I get through that by sheer will power. Do you do anything different than normal while drinking? For example, switching snus more often say, every 15 minutes, or 2 at once, or stronger variety (I've taken to N&J portions already, so I don't think I can find anything really stronger)? I already read about snusing and drinking in general (liquids, not alcohol) and I don't struggle with that at all so I can be snusing and drinking simultaneously. This might simply be a case of will power, but I'd love to hear if someone else has something clever.
