I went to the store down the street today to pick up some General, and they were out of white portion (my favorite), so I picked up some regular portion and noticed they had wintergreen. I figured I would try some out even though I'm not really a big fan of wintergreen-flavored anything.
Well, the first thing I noticed when I got home is that the exp. date is well past due
but I figured I would try some anyway. Thing is, when I pulled a portion out, one end just separated and opened up; I looked through the whole can and it seems that every one is split open on one end. Has anyone else ever had this happen? Kind of discouraging considering the cost of buying it in the store; I'm thinking of taking it back to see if they will swap it for something else.
P.S. I tried one anyway, and even though it had a decent burn to it, I won't be getting wintergreen again any time soon... :wink:
Well, the first thing I noticed when I got home is that the exp. date is well past due

P.S. I tried one anyway, and even though it had a decent burn to it, I won't be getting wintergreen again any time soon... :wink: