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  • yummi4tunekookie
    • Feb 2008
    • 277


    I'm thinking about throwing in a can or two of loose snus to see how I like it. So far, I'm pretty interested in the General. I'm wondering, though, if there are particular types that stick and stay together better than others. I know there'll be mess, regardless, as it'll be my first time, but the less crumbly, mudsliding mess, the better.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Röda Lacket, Prima Fint - those are the most fine and most like Play-Doh. You could make sculptures with them!


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Interestingly enough, I just got home from the bar and tossed a canof prima fint in the fridge to try for the first time. If I hate it, i'll mail it to ya.


      • yummi4tunekookie
        • Feb 2008
        • 277

        Originally posted by Xobeloot
        Interestingly enough, I just got home from the bar and tossed a canof prima fint in the fridge to try for the first time. If I hate it, i'll mail it to ya.
        Ahhhhh! WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME?!


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          because I have strange taste buds and refuse to let good product go to waste? Or maybe it's because im so hairy I just eminate fuzzy goodness :shock: :lol:


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            OK... so, I cracked the prima fint. General is my favorite snus flavor-wise, but MAN! I thought general baked easily... It took me literally 10 seconds (if that) to bake this pris of prima fint.

            Had it in for a couple mins now for the flavor test. So far, very subtle, but I think i may actually enjoy it. I have always been a bold flavor person. Maybe after 3 months of snusing I have finally gained the ability to taste the subtleties in the mild snus varieties.


            • yummi4tunekookie
              • Feb 2008
              • 277

              Yaaaay! That's awesome! Hopefully I'll be able to make a pretty pris like that!

              I'm glad and not glad that you like it, though--hahahahaha!


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                So, like I mentioned before... I love bold/spicy snus. I put in this prima fint expecting that I would not be pleased. I have had this pris in for some time now and it just gets more and more flavorful the longer I have it in.


                • yummi4tunekookie
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 277

                  That's it. It's going in my next order!


                  • PseudoSwede
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 71

                    Hey, yummi...

                    I would take Zero's advice about Roda Lacket and Prima Fint. These are two of my favorite snus'. They are both very easy to bake and are very subtle in the flavor department. I've read here that they don't give the "nic-kick" that other snus' provide, but I find their "shots" quite enjoyable. You won't be disappointed with either snus.



                    • Erik327
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 64

                      Dude, that is a nice looking pris! 10 seconds of baking?! Yeah, that's going on my next order of loose!




                      • KentuckySnusser
                        • May 2007
                        • 109

                        Granit Loose is very easy to bake and holds together well in addition to those mentioned. It may not be quite as finely ground as Roda Lacket or Prima Fint but it's one of the most user-friendly snusses I've ever had, and it tastes great!


                        • Kindrd
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 266

                          Ettan is also very easy to bake.


                          • Jason
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 1370

                            I figured I'd post here instead of starting a new thread...

                            I just received my first order of loose today (well, mostly portions and two cans of loose); I went with General and Ettan. Figured I would try General first, to keep with tradition. :wink:

                            All I can say is: WOW, what a difference!

                            Now I know why you guys rave on about loose, it's awesome! I didn't find baking hard at all, which I was worried about since I forgot to add a prismaster to my order. The pris came out a little weird-looking; kind of like a lop-sided diamond shape, but it was solid and didn't crumble much at all when I put it in. Speaking of that, it felt like I was putting a small marshmallow under my lip instead of, well, a teabag...It just feels so much better on the gums, IMHO.

                            The taste and nic-hit is perfect, also. I've had the pris in for about a half-hour now, and no mud-mouth as of yet. I still don't see myself using loose at work, but it's definitely going in the normal home rotation!

                            I'm proud to finally be part of the elite...I only wish I had tried it earlier! 8)


                            • Anti
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 140

                              Originally posted by Jason
                              I figured I'd post here instead of starting a new thread...

                              I just received my first order of loose today (well, mostly portions and two cans of loose); I went with General and Ettan. Figured I would try General first, to keep with tradition. :wink:

                              All I can say is: WOW, what a difference!

                              Now I know why you guys rave on about loose, it's awesome! I didn't find baking hard at all, which I was worried about since I forgot to add a prismaster to my order. The pris came out a little weird-looking; kind of like a lop-sided diamond shape, but it was solid and didn't crumble much at all when I put it in. Speaking of that, it felt like I was putting a small marshmallow under my lip instead of, well, a teabag...It just feels so much better on the gums, IMHO.

                              The taste and nic-hit is perfect, also. I've had the pris in for about a half-hour now, and no mud-mouth as of yet. I still don't see myself using loose at work, but it's definitely going in the normal home rotation!

                              I'm proud to finally be part of the elite...I only wish I had tried it earlier! 8)

                              Did you order from Buysnus.com? If so, when did they ship it?

                              They shipped mine on Monday, so I was trying to see what kind of time frame I'm looking at.

