What should I open next?

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    What should I open next?

    I typically keep a few cans open at one time. By tomorrow i'll be down to 2 cans open.

    Things I have but have not tried (all loose):

    Goteborgs Prima Fint
    Roda Lacket
    Goteborgs Rapé

    I am finding my tastes to prefer the more bold/spicy tastes over the mild/subtle tastes (wish I had ordered more general with my last order).
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Ah, you're down to none of my favorites :^P I think I'd have to say Goteborgs Prima Fint. It's pretty mild from what I've heard, but I only see 1 or 2 left in your list that I would consider bold. It might be best to save them for later so you don't finish up your stock with all mellow snus'.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      If you could lable each of the ones i listed from mild to bold, where would each one fall?


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by Xobeloot
        If you could lable each of the ones i listed from mild to bold, where would each one fall?
        Ok, some of these are based on my portion experience, and 1(Prima Fint) hearsay.

        Goteborgs Prima Fint mildest

        Roda Lacket mild and slightly sweet, floral

        Kronan Earthy, with a medium tobacco flavor

        Goteborgs Rapé Moderately spicy,with floral tones that appear after being in awhile.

        Level Bold in all the wrong ways. Tastes like compost with some bergamot added :^P

        Phantom I don't like V2's snus. I've had Phantom portion, and the Offroad limited edition portions. The Offroad I liked at first, but very quickly grew tired of it, and Phantom is just horrible. You may like it, but their snus is like no other out there. All the other snus' have the same general type of flavor, V2 doesn't follow those guidlines, and I think the product suffers because of it. Their snus reminds me of a picture I saw once online. It showed a guy with a rubber boot pulled over his head. The caption read "Originality, just another word for doing it wrong" :^P


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Go with Goteborgs Rape. The portions are great. The loose is even better. Definitely one of my favorites.


          • Xan_e
            • Feb 2008
            • 36

            I havn't tried any of the other brands you have listed but I would definitely recommend Goteborgs Rape. Very bold, spicey, and slightly sweet. You'll love it.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              Well, after I read what Ix sait, I had to go head forst into the phantom. Typically I like V2 products, but this one tasted like i had just taken a sock off my foot after doin fab work all day then used it to wipe my butt after eating taco bell and decided to make a tobacco product out of it. I am a big advocate of the offroad products both loose and portion, but I wouldnt take a piece of phantom again if you paid me.

              Thawing the level now. Think im going to save the Goteborgs Rapé for later since the rest are supposidly not very bold. Will most likely order a can or 2 of general from Iwan Ries to curb my craving.


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                :lol: Phantom strikes again!


                • PrisMaster
                  • May 2007
                  • 208

                  I say go for the Prima Fint. Personally one of my favs. I would honestly toss the Phantom in the garbage and never buy and offroad or Phantom loose snus IMO. I hated them and they are still sitting in my freezer. They got this kinda waxy taste/feel to them and the flavor is sickening. The Offroad Original Loose tastes nothing like any other original i have tried. Yuck!


                  • RealmofOpeth
                    • May 2007
                    • 407

                    it depends on your preference of use. if you like to save the best for last, i would recommend kronan and Rapé to be last.


                    • KentuckySnusser
                      • May 2007
                      • 109

                      Originally posted by Xobeloot
                      this one tasted like i had just taken a sock off my foot after doin fab work all day then used it to wipe my butt after eating taco bell and decided to make a tobacco product out of it.
                      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

                      Think Northerner will use this for a Phantom description anytime soon?


                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        Speaking of descriptions, this is how buysnus describes it:

                        "Portion snus with traditional snus aromas slightly peppery with hints of citrus and smooth round taste."

                        I'm sorry, but I was tasting nothing even close to that. :shock: I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but I just love to hate that stuff for some reason...


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          Well, I opened the Level and I actually like it. It is not my favorite snus by far, but it is not awful either.


                          • Kindrd
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 266

                            Originally posted by Xobeloot
                            Well, I opened the Level and I actually like it. It is not my favorite snus by far, but it is not awful either.
                            The Level loose is not bad at all. It doesn't seem like many people here have tried it though. Everyone gave up with the portions, which I find tasteless. Try out the Kronan, I think you will like it. It is one of my favs for sure.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              Yeah. I have been working through the ones that people said were bad first. After I finish the level I will probably go to the Prima Fint or the Roda Lacket (after some general that I should get any day now). I definately need to keep at least one can of general around at all times. It is by far my favorite loose thus far.

