My experience with loose (help please)

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  • Xan_e
    • Feb 2008
    • 36

    My experience with loose (help please)

    Okay I'll start this thread by first saying, yes I've watched Zero's hand-baking video, and it was very helpful. However, I need guidance to say the least, lol.

    My Experience with Ettan Los:

    So I started baking my first pris and all was going good until it fell apart on me. It did this a couple of times so I thought, maybe I'm making it too big. I cut down on the snus used and tried making a smaller pris.

    Bingo. The smaller pris turned out perfect. It was keg shaped and a lot smaller than the one Zero made, but it was still pretty big. After placing the keg-shaped-mini-pris under my lip I immediately noticed how awkward it felt. It felt as if I stuck a big wad of play-doh under my lip. I looked in the mirror my lip was bulging out like crazy. Is this normal?

    It wasn't comfortable at all. It was nothing compared to the comfort of portions, which lay perfectly between the lip and gum. I remember thinking, how do people do this?

    Since it was so uncomfortable I decided to push on my lip to compress the pris a little bit so my lip didn't bulge a couple centemeters--bad idea. Half the pris ended up running down all over my front teeth, it tasted great but looked disgusting, and made me a little nausaus from swallowing half of it.

    So I just wanted a couple of questions answered:

    1. Is it possible to make a pris in a different shape? Maybe similar to the shape of a portion so it doesn't make your lip stick out quite so much.

    2. How do you taste loose snus without messing with it? Do you have to just let it sit there?

    3. Is it unhealthy to swallow this stuff? lol I hope not.

    On a good note, I thoroughly enjoyed the taste, and the nicotine hit right away. I'm not a big fan of the texture, or the mess it made in my mouth, but it was fun baking it. Maybe I was meant to stick with portions, even though I would like to master the skill of loose-snusing.

    Thanks for any replies!
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    You have the right idea. Start small, then work it up. You will get better with practice.

    As for shape, there is no set shape to make it. However you can make it, you can snus it!

    As for not messing with it, just try not to play with it. We have a thread stickied as to how to manage your pris.

    The bulge in the lip is going to happen if you make it awkwardly big. Sometimed I will pop it up into position then do some additional molding of the pris with an upward motion from the outside of my lip.

    As for swallowing, no, it will not hurt you. Snus is considered a food product. Using loose snus guarantees that you will swallow some.

    Keep on practicing man. you'll get it


    • Xan_e
      • Feb 2008
      • 36

      Thanks a lot for the reply. As for the thread on managing your pris... Where can I find it? Link FTW?


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        I'd say just practice. My first pris had me hating loose snus and wondering how on earth people dealt with it. By the time I finished the first tin, I was totally in love with loose - you just gotta keep at it and it will all come together.


        • Kindrd
          • Oct 2007
          • 266

          Loose is pretty tasteless when you start using it. It is flavorfull after awhile of getting used to it. Not sure why. I would just buy an icetool and make yourself a perfect pris everytime. You can mess with the Icetool pris a little more as well.


          • Xan_e
            • Feb 2008
            • 36

            My 2nd Pris of Ettan Los:

            I made this one a lot smaller. I also took my time to make it a little more firm. However, this one did have an odd shape, similar to a diamond. It was a rectangle kinda stretched out if that makes sense: /__/ .

            The pris broke up a little after I first put it in, but that wasn't a big problem. It feels like its running but its not. So I keep thinking to myself, if it wants to run, let it run.

            Also, I noticed my Ettan had a few tiny white shavings or something in the can, but I think it might just be wax from the cardboard so I'm not too worried.

            At this point, I don't care if it runs or not. I'm just trying to enjoy my Ettan Loose.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              That is exactly what you are finding. Little bits of the wax that the can is coated with. Nothing to worry about.

              Good to hear that the loose is starting to work a bit better for you. Keep on truckin' my friend


              • KentuckySnusser
                • May 2007
                • 109

                Keep in mind that Ettan is notoriously difficult to keep in for long periods of time. I've read quite a few posts where people have had trouble keeping it in for over an hour. It's one reason why I hardly ever buy it.

                Loose snus comes ground to different consistencies. The finer the cut, the easier to bake and, conversely, the more coarse it is the more difficult it becomes to form into a pris and retain its shape.

                Finer ground snusses include Roda Lacket, Goteborgs Prima Fint and LD Gold among others. If you find yourself being consistently frustrated with Ettan when starting out, don't be discouraged. I'd recommend trying a finely ground loose until you get the hang of it.


                • Xan_e
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 36

                  Is the quality of a Prismaster pris much different than an Icetool pris?

                  I think I'm going to buy a Prismaster, the Icetool is too expensive, especially since I don't really know how well I like loose.

                  I thought maybe the pris would be just as good or similar. The Icetool is probably just a luxorious "pretty" Prismaster. Am I correct?


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Yeah, basically - the prismaster is flimsy plastic and you have to fight with it a bit more to do the same job, but it will make a pris just the same. The shape is a bit different than the icetool, however - Subtilo took some nice photos to show the comparison :


                    • Xan_e
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 36

                      Great pictures, thanks a lot, that helped

