Game plan for the new snuser

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  • countzero
    New Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 5

    Game plan for the new snuser

    I thought this might benefit other new snusers ordering try out boxes or other mixes. I was wondering what you all would suggest as the best order to try the items from this order in. Here is the list:

    Mini Portion Snus:
    Level mini portion
    L.D Black Salmiak mini portion

    Dry White Mini Portion Snus:
    Tre Ankare white mini portion
    Metropol white mini portion
    CatchDry Cassis Menthol white mini portion
    CatchDry Eucalyptus white mini portion
    Catch Licorice mini portion

    Portion Snus:
    General portion
    General Onyx portion ( premium snus )
    Ettan portion
    Grovsnus portion
    Lucky Strike Original portion
    Skruf Cranberry portion
    Roots Wild Berry portion
    Roots Winter Green portion

    White Portion Snus:
    Röda Lacket white portion
    Göteborgs Rape white portion
    Göteborgs Rape NO 2 white portion
    Catch Eucalyptus white portion
    Kronan white portion
    L.D Original white portion

    Maxi Portion Snus:
    General Maxi portion

    Strong Portion Snus:
    Skruf Stark portion
    Nick and Johnny strong portion

    I have only tried the Camel Spice at this point, and I am afraid that I might jump into something a bit too different, and ruin the experience. So here you go, your chance to really influence the new snuser's experience. Any suggestions for a nice "Tour of the Snus Universe" would be appreciated.

    (Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere.)
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Re: Game plan for the new snuser

    I'd say

    1st Skruf Stark
    2nd Lucky Strike Original
    3rd General
    4th Röda Lacket
    5th Skruf Cranberry
    6th Göteborgs Rapé

    These give you a basic impression about what snus has to offer (taste-wise and nicotine-wise) and you'll get appetite for the rest of the package.



    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      1st Ettan Most traditional
      2nd Catch Eucalyptus Very non-traditional
      3rd Skruf Stark Typical Swedish strong variety
      4th Roda Lacket Traditional, but lighter tasting, floral
      5th LD Black Because I like licorice :^P
      6th Göteborgs Rapé #2 The best of the berry snus', good blend of traditional, and non-traditional flavors.


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        New guy here, too. I quit smoking about three weeks ago, and I have been buying General white and regular portion from the tobacco place down the street from me (I consider myself lucky that I don't have to drive to another city or state like some of you guys). Only thing is, it runs around 5 bucks a tin and the selection is obviously limited, so I was thinking about ordering from myself.

        My plan is just to order the random mix; I don't mind the fact that I'll most likely get a few stinkers, I want to experience as broad a range as I can... 8)


        • Llanowyn
          New Member
          • Jan 2008
          • 2

          I'm also a newbie, I just put in my first order to buysnus and I spent a little less than $25, just enough to make it cost about the same as buying camelsnus. It's going to take FOREVER to receive the package tho. Here's what I ordered:

          1.) CatchDry Cassis Menthol
          2.) CatchDry White Eucalyptus Portion
          3.) General ONYX Portion
          4.) Mocca Mandarin Mini Portion
          5 & 6.) Random tins.

          I do prefer the mini portions, I just wish there were more to choose from.


          • Zofryer
            • Dec 2007
            • 66

            As a very recent ex-smoker (two packs a day) that started with camel snus, here are my favorites after trying absolutely everything but loose:

            1) CatchDRY Euca (better than camel frost)
            2) Nick and Johnny Portions (more for the nicotine, but also less salt)
            3) Kronan (strange flavor that I like for some reason, happens to be cheap)
            4) Ettan Portions (smoky flavor I like)
            5) Tre Ankare (another unique flavor I like)
            6) LD Black Mini (licorice as an enhancer, not the overriding flavor)
            7) Roda Lacket Portions (salty, but really really good)

            I had a thing for Onyx and all the general flavors until I tried Ettan. The general stuff doesn't taste bad to me, it's just not as good as Ettan. I like Roda better than any of the General offerings also. More often than not, I find myself popping in an N&J along with a Euca. If you are just looking for a swedish frost replacement, Euca is it. It's simply amazing.


            • Smarvy
              • Nov 2007
              • 86

              I've only been using snus for a couple of months now, but here are my thoughts on your list. I'm not going to comment on any that I haven't had; some of them are in my freezer, but haven't been sampled yet.

              1. General
              2. Göteborgs Rapé
              3. Kronan
              4. Skruf Stark
              5. Nick and Johnny (this and Skruf Stark are often compared to one another,
              I prefer the Skruf personally)
              6. Level (I may catch some heat for this one, but this is widely regarded as
              the "dog turd" of snus, so I think maybe sampling the worst snus
              has to offer would be worthwhile, since you happen to have a can in
              your order anyway.)
              7. Ettan (to get you back on track after your Level experience)
              8. Grov
              9. Rapé #2
              10. Skruf Tranbar (to compare with Rapé #2)
              11. Catch Eucalyptus
              12. General Onyx (I just don't like this one all that much, so I put it at the
              bottom. Hey, it's my list.)

              I hope you enjoy your sampling! Don't try to taste everything too quickly, it will take a little bit of experience before a lot of the flavors start to really distinguish themselves.


              • Sacrilicious
                • Nov 2007
                • 118

                I'm a relatively new snuser as well, this is my experience. I heard once to start with the white mini portions first, as they are close to the size of the Camel snus I started on. I then tried white portions, then regular portions, to ease myself in. It took me a while to get into the loose, but now I like it a lot - I alternate between loose and portions, but use more loose at home.

                My first mini white was Lucky Strike and I liked it very much. I see you have Tre Ankare, I have a tin of that in the freezer but haven't tried it yet. For white portions - Grov, General, Lucky Strike are all good. I've basically had to try everything, I'm at the point where when I make and order it's about 2/3 stuff I know I like and the rest "experiments." I would definitely ease into the N&J and Skruf Stark. You might find it unpleasant at first if you weren't prepared for it.. My absolute fav snus at the moment is Grov loose. For portions I like Lucky Strike, Grov, General, Skruf. Goteborg's is good. The only flavored snus I've tried are the Offroad Wintergreen and Coffee/Vanilla. they're not terrible, it's just not my thing, they kinda just sit in the fridge.. I've tried the Gotlandssnus Green and Yellow and they're OK, not the best but worthwhile. So my advice is start small and try everything.

                Welcome to the wonderful world of snus. As I never tire of telling anyone who will listen: I smoked heavily (1+ packs a day) from the age of 14 to 32. I smoked from first thing when I woke up til last thing at night. And I gave it up with NO TROUBLE when I switched to Swedish snus. That was a month and a half ago and I am so happy!

                Hope this helps!


                • Lanci3250
                  Banned Users
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 48

                  countzero- good to see another Snusser in the triangle! Welcome!

                  As you will see, many people have divergent tastes with regard to snus. I have tried Camel, and think of it as more like having a stick of gum. The real deal tastes like tobacco. I would suggest that you start with catch or one of the other mini white portions as they are more along the line of what you are used to with camel, then begin to branch out. The stark portion are a bit more of a kick in the head, so I'd save trying one of those for when you can relax at home.

                  Also, would recommend getting some probe to go with trips to the flying saucer!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    OK, I am just laughing at this thread. i think you will find that each person has a truly personal relationship with their snus. And if a hundred people chime in, you will get a hundred slightly different opinions. Doubt that will really help you much.

                    The one thing I will add. My first snus was Ettan portion. Since I knew this was a classic, traditional snus, I figured i would start there. from there, I have hopscotched all over the map. I have tried most, and every order, still manage to get something new to throw in the mix. In nine months, the only two i hated was Level (tasted like dirt) and Phantom (tatses worst than dirt - I find it disgusting).

                    Eventually, you will find your way, but for now, i suggest just trying next whatever you fancy at that moment. The differences in some are much more subtle, then the differences in others can be quite dramatic. Mocca Pomegranate, one of my favorite sweet snus, will taste like nothing else you have had. You are in for a truly satisfying journey of discovery. welcome to the family.

                    And oh yeah, welcome to another person here in the Triangle.


                    • Lanci3250
                      Banned Users
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 48

                      Sounds like we should open a shop here!


                      • countzero
                        New Member
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 5

                        Order arrived!!!

                        My shipment just arrived, and I'm really excited to ditch the Camel. I appreciate all the responses to this post. I have tried to synthesize all of the responses (coupled with my own ideas) into an order of portions to try. Here is what I ended up with:

                        Catch Dry Euca
                        Catch Euca
                        Lucky Strike
                        Goteborgs Rape
                        Goteborgs Rape #2
                        Skruf Stark
                        Tre Ankare
                        Level (to get it out of the way)
                        General Onyx
                        Roda Lacket
                        Skruf Cran
                        Nick and Johnny
                        LD Black

                        I immediately popped an Ettan, and WOW, what a difference. The burn and salt didn't bother me at all. It was a refreshing change after the chemical sweetness of the Camel stuff. Good, straight-forward tobacco taste to me.

                        For the Catch Dry Euca, I really enjoyed it at the beginning. It had a really good flavor, but was really "light" after the Ettan. The flavor mellowed, but then turned a bit bitter, faster than I expected. I Can see why Camel felt like sweetening their stuff. I'll revisit this one later to see how it compares with the flavor changes that I experience down the road.

                        I tried the General next. I was caught off-guard by the smokiness. After a sec, I found that I enjoyed it a lot. It will take a while before I decide if I like it better than the Ettan. I'm finding that I popped this one in a little too closely behind the others, and got a bit too much nicotine (if that is possible).

                        After waiting a while, I tried the Catch Euca to compare it with the Dry. I found that had more tobacco taste. I like it, but not quite as much as the Dry.

                        I'll try some of the others later, and update this again. If this thread is tiring anyone, let me know, and I'll can the updates.


                        • Kindrd
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 266

                          Re: Order arrived!!!

                          Originally posted by countzero
                          The flavor mellowed, but then turned a bit bitter, faster than I expected. I Can see why Camel felt like sweetening their stuff.
                          This tends to happen when you get too much moisture too quickly. Some like it that way though. Also if you do favor the sweeter snus, Offroad it what you should try.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Since you are a newbie, I'll let you in on a little secret. We love threads like this. Anyone who has been snusing for a while and hangs out here really does love the whole ethos of snus. And a new user just discovering it reminds us of our own joy of self discovery.

                            But I will make you a bet... you won't keep to your schedule. Soon, one of your cans you hadn't planned on trying will just call out to you and you won't be able to resist.

                            Don't be so eager to try out all of them right away. When I first started using, I ended up with too many cans open at the same time. They do seem to dry out a bit fast if opened. Be patient, all will get tried in due time.

                            But please keep updating us. I love to read new user's reactions. It always brings a smile to my face.


                            • Zero
                              • May 2006
                              • 1522

                              Re: Game plan for the new snuser

                              Originally posted by chainsnuser
                              I'd say

                              1st Skruf Stark
                              2nd Lucky Strike Original
                              3rd General
                              4th Röda Lacket
                              5th Skruf Cranberry
                              6th Göteborgs Rapé

                              These give you a basic impression about what snus has to offer (taste-wise and nicotine-wise) and you'll get appetite for the rest of the package.

                              I'd add at least Ettan on that list and would, if nothing else, suggest to save Skruf Stark for a later try - it's so strong that it might kill the experience of the rest of them to follow. :idea:

