Hello everybody and a little question on taste...

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  • ['nju:bI]
    • Dec 2007
    • 29

    Hello everybody and a little question on taste...

    Hi there,

    on Friday, I received my first ever shipment of snus and I was absolutely amazed about how great it is. I tried all different kinds of cigarette replacements, but snus is the only I've stumbled upon so far that is really satisfying. Know what mean? Bet the ex-smokers do...


    Anyway, I have a little question that's been whirling through my mind for hours now and I gotta get rid of it.
    I started with a can of General lös (kinda tasty, but I have to get used to this bergamotte touch, I think) and skruf stark lös, with which I instantly fell in love. Though the baking gave me quite a hard time this weekend, I tell ya :lol:
    Today, I received my try-out box (portion)from northener.com and decided to start with Ettan and Röda Lacket. The former's definitely one hell of a great pleasure, but the Röda...-
    I dunno. I've had this one single portion around 3pm and until I had this salami pizza (yummi...) just a moment ago, I could STILL taste ist. And it tastes like dried flowers to me. Kinda like something you's expect to lie in your grandma's closet to scare away the moths...
    Allright, I know, there's no point in discussing such a subjective matter and I really do understand everybody who likes it, but for me this one's a clear "nope, thanks."
    However, I read an old post by zero stating that the lös was way better than the portions and I'd like to know if there's anybody out there who can confirm that? Might it be worth a try....?
    Also, if somebody here knows a brand that tastes quite similar, I'd appreciate you letting me know about it. Don't need that again...

    Apart from that, I'd just like to thank everybody here for creating such a great, informative forum!
  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    I've had Roda Lacket loose and I don't find it all that great. Apparently a lot of other people do, which is making me wonder if it's just me, or if it's the can I have.
    It's just sort of a real subtle tobacco flavor that's a little 'doughy' in taste. Is that found in the portions? I'm not understanding the sweetness and incredible flavor or whatever else there is that has been lauded about on this brand. The flavor isn't 'bad', just a little boring for me. It tastes similar to what it smells, but the smell is better than the flavor I think. I have to mush it about if I want to get the 'essence' of it because there's not much there if I just leave it alone.
    I'm giving it another try and also going to get the portions when I get my shipment in this week or the next. I'll let you know if it's any different than before and what I think of it.


    • Kindrd
      • Oct 2007
      • 266

      Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
      It's just sort of a real subtle tobacco flavor that's a little 'doughy' in taste. Is that found in the portions?
      I have not had the loose but to me the portions are just salt flavored. I can't taste anything there. This one is too subtle for my tastes. I was considering giving the loose a go sometime.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Re: Hello everybody and a little question on taste...

        Originally posted by ['nju:bI
        However, I read an old post by zero stating that the lös was way better than the portions and I'd like to know if there's anybody out there who can confirm that? Might it be worth a try....?
        Röda Lacket Lös has a very subtle, cigar-like tobacco-taste. Like a mild and less salty Ettan. It is worth a try and it absolutely doesn't taste like the portions, which indeed have a dried-fruits-candy-taste.



        • RealmofOpeth
          • May 2007
          • 407

          Re: Hello everybody and a little question on taste...

          Originally posted by chainsnuser

          Röda Lacket Lös has a very subtle, cigar-like tobacco-taste. Like a mild and less salty Ettan. It is worth a try and it absolutely doesn't taste like the portions, which indeed have a dried-fruits-candy-taste.

          shit. if that's true then i should'a just skipped it in favor of another tin of skruf stark. i was hoping my can was just bad so the descriptions people have been giving it contrary to this (flavorful and all that) would be true. it is like a very subtle ettan. i love ettan, but this stuff tastes sort of like a slightly more bitter form of an extremely weak ettan.


          • darkwing
            • Oct 2007
            • 415

            I love RL loose and portions, I only started using the loose when my own sampler pack from Northerner ran out of portions and I resorted to opening the can of loose that was left. To me RL smells and tastes like, as they say, dry fruit, licorice, all kinds of good stuff. I have portions of RL now too and find them great, although in typical portion fashion, the flavour is muffled somewhat.


            • Lauritzen
              • Nov 2007
              • 30

              If you like Ettan and Stark, you'll probably like GrovSnus and Nick and Johnny.

              Question though: Do you like the taste of General but not a fan of the bergamot? You might try General Onyx or General Silver


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                Originally posted by Lauritzen
                If you like Ettan and Stark, you'll probably like GrovSnus and Nick and Johnny.

                Question though: Do you like the taste of General but not a fan of the bergamot? You might try General Onyx or General Silver
                Haven't had the grov yet but i will soon. Nick and Johnny is nice. sometimes it's a little rich for me though.
                General tastes fine to me. i have never had earl grey tea so i don't know what bergamot really is like.
                general onyx is very good but i've noticed if it's not perfectly fresh it can be kind of nasty.


                • ['nju:bI]
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 29

                  Question though: Do you like the taste of General but not a fan of the bergamot?
                  Well, not sure about that yet. It's getting better with every portion, so I guess I just have to get used to the combination of tobacco and bergamot.
                  But as a smoker,I surely prefer more straight tobacco flavors.

                  Generaly Onyx is part of my order from buysnus.com and should arrive this week

                  Wasn't aware that General Silver had a different taste than the original, though. Thought it was merely a lighter version...I'll keep this one in mind.
                  Thanks for your advice on this.


                  • Craig de Tering
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 525

                    In my experience Röda Lacket is somewhat lacking in nicotine.
                    Call it Röther Lacking. :lol: The taste is great though, but so is pizza.


                    • alex
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 226

                      I didn't see anyone recommend Diplomat. Kind of falls in the same 'pure' tobacco type flavor as ettan IMO. Also, if you do not like Röda I might recommend steering clear of Göteborgs Rapé flavors (those get high marks here, but have that similar flowery, herby taste). Also steer clear obviously of the crazy flavors... (i.e. Offroad Cola :? ).


                      • jqlynch
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 132

                        Diplomat is great; I think it's my current favorite loose brand. It's like General with a much more subtle citrus flavor. (Like, almost not there.)

                        The big difference b/t GR and RL (esp. loose) is the lack of the doughy flavor that RL has. I've noticed RL portions don't have that as much, so those are good (for me) as an occasional treat.


                        • Soft Morning, City!
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 772

                          I actually prefer Diplomat over General, at least as far as loose goes as I've never had the Diplomat portions. It's just a nice, well rounded snus. Zesty, but not so much as to be overwhelming. Smooth. Lovely.

                          I like Roda Lacket loose, but I don't really use it very often. It's nice, but I prefer Goteborgs Prima Fint over it. I kind of put both in the same category. Both are extremely mellow. I just like the Prima Fint better for some reason. And both are extremely easy to bake. So fine as to almost be like Play-Doh.

                          Have to agree with Lauritzen about Grov. In the loose format, I think it's definitely one of the best pure tobacco brands. Everything about it is perfect. I'm sad that my last can is dwindling, but I'll surely be ordering more in the not so distant future. I love the coarse texture. It's a bit harder to bake than other snus at first, but it holds together insanely well in the mouth.


                          • ['nju:bI]
                            • Dec 2007
                            • 29

                            Alright, seems like I already know the next two brands on my wishlist - Grov and Diplomat. N&J should be in the mail today :-)

                            Unfortunately, it'll take a while before I can try it, as there are four open cans in my fridge already and I don't want all the good stuff to turn into sand...

                            I've been snusing Ettan portions at work for three days now and I love it!
                            Can't withstand the occasional cigarette break yet, but cut back quite a bit on my cigarette intake without even trying to.
                            I even experience these cigarettes to be somewhat annoying, because right afterwards, I won't be able to flip in another portion for some minutes, which gives me so much more flavour to enjoy. Never would have that this could happen...

                            Thanks for all the good advice!

                            Great forum you got here, guys, and I'm damn glad I stumbled upon it!


                            • Sacrilicious
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 118

                              Originally posted by ['nju:bI
                              I even experience these cigarettes to be somewhat annoying, because right afterwards, I won't be able to flip in another portion for some minutes, which gives me so much more flavour to enjoy. Never would have that this could happen...
                              I had a similar experience during my "transition phase," which lasted about a week. My first experience with snus was the Camel product (Portland is a test market), and I would alternate between cigs and snus, not even consciously phasing them out. I'd quit enjoying smoking for the most part a while ago, it was just a nicotine delivery system. When I'd smoke outside I'd just think how I was wasting my time, I rushed through them. I've been smoke-free since my first shipment from buysnus arrived, it was a very organic process. As a person who smoked for 20 years and could never quit before, this makes me very happy.

                              Good luck with your process - but you don't need luck, you have snus!

