Copenhagen - Yikes!

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  • The Cook
    • Aug 2007
    • 166

    Copenhagen - Yikes!

    Just out of curiosity, I bought a tin of Copenhagen. I left it in my fridge for the longest while before I got the nerve to try it out. Well, I got that nerve today and I opened the tin. I got out my Icetool, loaded a modest amount and then shot up. Mother of Jesus! The stuff tasted like leather and salt. Now, I love the salt in snus, but not with a leather taste. I spit it out fast and threw out the can. Now I can say I've tried American dip.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I've only had Copenhagen twice before, but I thought it was pretty good. I'm not a fan of the whole spitting thing though. If it weren't for that I'd probably get it on occasion.


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      Speaking of American dip, I often see an enticing array flavoured Skoal Bandits at the corner store. Apparently they are pouch tobacco. They require spitting and are like the Cope that the Cook was so disgusted by?


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I think they require spitting. I haven't had the Bandits since they were first released back in the 80s, but I've read that the using process hasn't changed. I think they're a little dryer now, at least with some of the styles, so you may get away with not spitting, but a lot of that depends on stomach strength I imagine ;^)

        Copenhagen has a pretty strong pure tobacco flavor. I haven't had any snus that really compares. I think the closest would be Ettan if you concentrated the flavor of 3 pris' into 1 LoL. The highly flavored Skoal products I don't think will taste as strongly of tobacco, but I'm not totally sure. I used to use Regular wintergreen Skoal many years ago, and sometimes mint Happy Days (any of you remember that?) so I'm basing my estimation on that experience. The Copenhagen I've had has been other peoples. I've never bought my own can.

        If you don't mind spitting, I'd go ahead and give it a shot. It's something a bit different from snus. If spitting's a problem I wouldn't bother. I don't like spitting because it dries my throat out pretty bad. That's the biggest reason I don't get American brands much.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed>



          • slatter
            • Sep 2007
            • 84

            that was proabaly the single most confusing thing i have ever watched


            • anweis
              • Aug 2006
              • 70

              Originally posted by darkwing
              They require spitting and are like the Cope that the Cook was so disgusted by?
              They do even more than the loose version. I got my gums burned really well by those pouches, and they even shrank to reveal the bases of my teeth! The flavors are very strong and very nasty. Chemical flavorings at their best.


              • PseudoSwede
                • Sep 2007
                • 71

                "that was proabaly the single most confusing thing i have ever watched"

                I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong Zero, that he was drawing an analogy to American dip...and the spit generated by it. Calling it "MUD" much like the name of the dolt in the video.

                I tend to agree with him. I dipped Cope for 20-some years and since I've discovered snus I haven't put a Cope dip into my mouth. I'm almost afraid to now.

                Jeff [/quote]


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  Haha. Primus. Leave it to Les Claypool to make (probably) the only music video ever to prominently feature dipping, mud baths, and implied murder. And all this while being in a relatively popular band (at the time, maybe not so much anymore).


                  • TheInsulator
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 65

                    yeah i used copenhagan and the skoal bandits when i ran out of snus. The copenhagan is very harsh. i could only stand so much before i tossed the can out. The skoal bandits were alot better but a poor substitute for snus. I never had to spit using the bandits but my throat would get rather scratchy. U.S. smokeless tobacco just has a very un-natural flavor to it. It always tastes the same. It doesn't matter where you buy it, how long it's been sitting on the shelf or what temperature it's stored at. U.S. Smokeless always tastes the same. it must be the chemicals that are added as perservatives. Very bad stuff. Just stay away from it. I use snus pretty much all day long and i've had no problems with mouth sores or anything. I used copenhagan for 2 days and developed blood colored bumps on the inside of my cheek.


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                      Haha. Primus. Leave it to Les Claypool to make (probably) the only music video ever to prominently feature dipping, mud baths, and implied murder. And all this while being in a relatively popular band (at the time, maybe not so much anymore).
                      :lol: sums it up. They were even on Conan! 8)



                      • ClemsonUSA
                        New Member
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 2

                        I used regular Cope (loose) for years before discovering snus over the past year. In my opinion, it's still the best smokeless product in the U.S., although I think the product is simply not as good as it used to be. It still, however, packs the most punch in terms of nicotine. Only Nick and Johnny loose seems to compare as far as snus goes...

                        Concerning the spitting issue, Cope is literally the only smokeless product sold in the U.S. that I can use without having to expectorate. I've had no problem placing it under the upper lip to facilitate this, although the texture is such that it gets away from me a little bit.

                        If you're going to use Cope, the unflavored loose variety is the only one I would recommend. Cope pouches are not only unsatisfying but are irritating as hell. They also smell like concentrated ammonia. The flavored varieties (e.g. Cope Black) are all uniformly rank.


                        • theoldsearock
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 77

                          I "dipped" Copenhagen Fine Cut for years. It's the best of the american dip. Leather and salt - that pretty much says it all with regards to flavor. It's hands above the rest of the lot.

                          That said, I much prefer my Nick and Johnny.


                          • RealmofOpeth
                            • May 2007
                            • 407

                            Originally posted by ClemsonUSA
                            The flavored varieties (e.g. Cope Black) are all uniformly rank.
                            Cope black was the only one I could fully appreciate of the cope line. It had the smoothest flavor..rarely did I enjoy standard cope because of that leathery taste.
                            Of course, sometimes it wasn't fresh. that's another thing, it's a crap shoot to get the freshest can. (regardless how recent the made by date is) usually the date is a rule of thumb but it's unreliable too. Also since black is not sold anywhere near as much, it usually goes bad quicker because a lot of the places that do sell have like the same shipment that has been there for 6 months or something.
                            cope straight is a's no different than skoal straight. and now they have something like smoked hickory...which I wouldn't mind trying...but not motivated to get a can.


                            • scythespawn
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 103

                              don't bother with smooth hickory, it sucks.

