Cleaning the palate for snus

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  • The Cook
    • Aug 2007
    • 166

    Cleaning the palate for snus

    I find that if I eat an apple, a portion or a pris taste great. However, if I drink orange juice, the snus hardly tastes at all. Anyone else had this effect on the palate?
  • bcsiegl
    • May 2006
    • 23

    Yup, - Same experience here. I think it's the acidity in the orange juice that neutralizes the alkalinity of the snus. This probably means if you drink any highly acidic liquid with a pris or prilla in you might as well throw it out, because you won’t get as much nicotine from it (if any). And if you drink an acidic liquid, you should probably rinse your mouth before putting in a pris or prilla. Anyway that my theory.
    Perhaps our illustrious resident moderator/scientist Zero can corroborate this :?:


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Hard to say. Apples are quite acidic too - malic acid is even more sour and tart than citric acid. At least subjectively, at any rate, I find the taste of oranges to linger while apples tend to have a lighter and fresher taste - definitely more of a palate cleansing fruit, I think. As for why, who knows?


      • The Cook
        • Aug 2007
        • 166

        New health benefit of snus - eat an apple before you snus


        • alex
          • Jul 2007
          • 226

          How about the first snus of the day after brushing your teeth... I try and hold off after brushing my teeth for as long as possible (or at least until I get coffee) because I hate minty snus!


          • The Cook
            • Aug 2007
            • 166

            OH - I forgot the beer :P Beer also clears the palate quite well.


            • jqlynch
              • Sep 2007
              • 132

              That sounds like a really good idea. I've been working on a tin of Kronan loose all day that's about to reach the Best Before date, so before I switch back over to General I might just have to have a beer.

              Of course, I don't really need an excuse to have a beer, but it helps rationalize it to myself.


              • The Cook
                • Aug 2007
                • 166

                bcsiegl wrote in a recent post: Yup, - Same experience here. I think it's the acidity in the orange juice that neutralizes the alkalinity of the snus...

                I've been off orange juice for two days, and I have to say that my snus experience is much improved. Thanks for the theory. I'd have to say now that it's been promoted to fact.


                • jmcphail
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 52

                  A small piece of bread, with no spread, jam, butter, etc. would do a good job of cleansing the palate, at least it does with wine and food.


                  • bcsiegl
                    • May 2006
                    • 23

                    Thanks, Cook. I was beginning to wonder if my theory had no merit. - Because just the other day i brushed my teeth with a portion in - with baking soda toothpaste (Tom's of Maine). So, according to my logic the baking soda should strengthen the snus. Well, the opposite happened. It totally washed it out. I mean there was nothing there except the feeling of the tea-bag paper. I squeezed it with my tongue even chewed it a bit - NOTHING - just toothpaste flavor. So here's my two cents for the day: CAUTION: DO NOT BRUSH TEETH WHILE SNUSING. IT COULD BE DANGEROUS FOR YOUR SNUS. :wink:


                    • jeffster_uk
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 15

                      I have found the last couple of day that a Banana does the same job as an Apple...

                      Guess its cos they both are pretty mild tasting, with no "in your face" flavouring, like oranges / orange juice, etc...


                      • Soft Morning, City!
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 772

                        Banana does work well. I've never used apple, but I had a banana the other day in between prillas and it worked very well.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I've found that a glass of water and a cigarette works pretty well :P


                          • The Cook
                            • Aug 2007
                            • 166

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            I've found that a glass of water and a cigarette works pretty well :P
                            Like Alex said, you're HARDCORE, man


                            • ummerr
                              • May 2007
                              • 36

                              i don't know if tea/coffee are generally accepted, but today i tried using Yerba Mate before snusing, and it was a new sensation that i felt accentuated the snus.


