This question is for the other american snussers. I just placed another order. A large one. This time i used I had to use the swiss post. They quoted my shipping charges at $14 and change but i noticed on my order form that the charges weren't included in the total. Do they bill you seperately for that. How does that work? I've only used up until now. Speaking of which, if you go through do not pick REK as your shipping. I'm sitting here dipping putrid ****in' copenhagen because i ran out of snus and 11 days waiting for my order. it usually takes 7 days USPS otherwise. has anyone had any problems with They almost sound too good to be true. They said they'll throw in a free can of random snus plus buy 6 rolls and the seventh is 15% off. I bought a roll of general portions, 1 can general loose, 1 can goteborg's loose and a stainless steel portion tin. Plus hopefully my large order of goteborg's rape will be here monday. I will be stocked up for about 2 months
