Snusing All Day

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  • PseudoSwede
    • Sep 2007
    • 71

    Snusing All Day

    Anyone else out here snus all day?

    I find myself with a pris in my lip when I'm driving into work...a new pris in my lip every hour of the work day...a pris in my lip on my drive home...a pris in my lip after dinner (about 1 every hour) until I fall asleep.

    Anyone else have a habit like this?? I know (and accept) that I have an addiction to nicotine, but I don't use snus because of it. I simply love the experience and taste, albeit, nicotine is a very nice by-product of using snus. Besides, the snus I use the most are Ettan, Goteborgs Prima Fint, and Roda Lacket. Not your "powerhouse" nicotine vehicles.

    Please! Someone tell me I'm not alone!!! :shock:
  • alex
    • Jul 2007
    • 226

    I chain-snus pretty regularly, I put in a portion on my way to work, and swap snus for snus all day, I use each portion from 1 - 2 hours. When I get off work I will not snus untill I get to my house and then I will pop in a fresh loose pris and switch between loose and portions untill I go to bed.

    I snus probably 85% of the time I am awake


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      The question should be, if anyone of us is NOT chainsnusing :wink:.



      • alex
        • Jul 2007
        • 226

        It's also been posted here before that a lot of swedes use a whole can everyday, so they are definitely chain-snussing


        • PseudoSwede
          • Sep 2007
          • 71


 name is Jeff....and I'm a ChainSnuser....


          • Soft Morning, City!
            • Sep 2007
            • 772

            I don't blow through an entire can in a day, but I do admittedly snus for a majority of the time in a day. I wake up in the morning and make a beeline for the refrigerator to bake up a pris. I spit out that pris as I'm getting ready to leave, and after the 10 minutes it takes me to get to school, I get to class and start in on the portions. I go with the portions all day, usually 2-3 per class (my classes run for 3 hours). I go and eat lunch and as soon as I'm done, I throw in another. When school is out, I don't snus on the way home because I'm awaiting aiting a fat pris of loose upon my arrival. Then I alternate between loose and portions for the rest of the day at my leisure until I hit the sack.

            On weekends I do essentially the same, though admittedly I use more loose that portions on the weekends because I'm at home relaxing all day. When I go out at night, it's right back to the portions.

            I agree. I'm addicted to nic for sure, but it's mostly the fact that I simply love the taste and sensation of having a pris or portion in my mouth. It's like a little nugget of heaven that I get to carry along with me all day long in my upper lip. Snus has become one of the small joys that makes even the worst days livable.


            • Master Chief
              • May 2007
              • 46

              dont worry man, you're definitely not alone

              to add on to what these guys have already said, i snus all the time, even when im weight-lifting, playing hockey or riding my bike

              i even do it when im asleep 8)


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                I've been sort of chain snusing...however, I use two prismaster capacities of pris's. That is, using the larger section of the prismaster, for very tightly packed pris's for each side of my upper lip. I mean the larger section when you take out the plunger, and make it so the compression side pushes towards the flat end of the tube (the prismaster logo upside down when compacting snus). I keep the pris's in for anywhere between 2-4 hours at a time usually.
                After a while of having one in, I'll often take it out with my thumb and pinky finger in usually one swipe after I washed my hands...swill my mouth out with a carbonated diet drink (to sorta take off the numbness to the flavor in my mouth)....and manually bake the two pris's together, to release more flavor and reveal more nicotine and just stuff it up in dead center. Sometimes it works great, others it's kinda flat. But that's how I usually roll. kind of a process, not so great for doing in public, but since I don't get out much, that's mainly why.


                • Stargazer
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 225

                  I have about 4 at work and then 2 or 3 when I come home.
                  I have periods of the day when I snus very little, then I have periods
                  when I snus a lot.

                  before I got a asignment from my temp agensy, I used to snus like a old sailor during the evening. the trash can by the computer was full of
                  skruf bags. :lol:


                  • jqlynch
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 132

                    It really depends on what I have available. For a few weeks, all I had was the SM lös tryout box and two cans of Metropol Peppermint. Now I have a considerably well-stocked freezer and four different portion brands I'm alternating throughout the day.

                    Right now (I'm out of town during the day all week), since the portions travel easier with me than lös, I've been going through about 8 during the day (0600-1700 hrs) and 1 or 2 portions at night, perhaps, but definitely 2-3 pris at home before bed.


                    • badmofo
                      New Member
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 3

                      Same here. Snus on the drive to work, snus at my desk at work, snus on the drive home, snus at home in the evening. I thought I was the exception but glad to know otherwise. I usually use smaller pris at work though so it's almost not even noticeable. I use all loose because I really don't like the tase of any of the portions I have tried.


                      • nzkiwi
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 141

                        You bet, I even put one in before going to sleep from time to time.

                        Disclaimer: Please don't try this at home!


                        • rawker75
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 28

                          One thing I do I don't think anyone has mentioned here yet. It's a bit weird but I love snusing in the shower. It's like one of the best luxuries of the modern world. Just like drinking a beer in the shower (I know I'm not the only one that has done that). I highly recommend trying a pris in the shower.


                          • The Cook
                            • Aug 2007
                            • 166

                            I used to keep a schedule - 2 snuses in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 2 at night. Sometimes, I just say "**** this" and snus all I want. I think that I'm headed down the road to chainsnusing... However, even chainsnusing is way cheaper that cigarettes. A tin of portions lasts 5-6 days, and a tin of loose even longer.

                            BTW did anyone check out the snus story contest results at
                            You should read the winner's submission - swearing and barfing - I guess the Swedes are really cool with that! Anyways, I came in fourth. I think that I won some bauble or other.

                            The winning story is at


                            • itchystiches
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 194

                              Yeahhh I snus in the shower every day! It is the best.

                              I also agree with the shower-beer.... another everyday luxury


