Greetings from Sweden!
Found this forum through wikipedia and thought I'd check out what (maily americans I see) thinks about our snus.
Personally I'm an Ettan guy (considering I worked in the construction buissness when I started my choice of snus isn't thet strange :roll: )
I have alot of questions for you.
What types do you guys prefer? And how much do you use per day? How did you get into contact with it? How is it viewed by the general public?

Found this forum through wikipedia and thought I'd check out what (maily americans I see) thinks about our snus.
Personally I'm an Ettan guy (considering I worked in the construction buissness when I started my choice of snus isn't thet strange :roll: )
I have alot of questions for you.
What types do you guys prefer? And how much do you use per day? How did you get into contact with it? How is it viewed by the general public?