Working my way thru a can of this -- guite good. Nice, light tobacco taste, not too heavy, but a good tobacco flavor still.
Maybe I'll order me a roll.....anybody else dig this?
I guess it's an acquired taste.
Some folks like it (like you) while others hate it (like me). There seems to be no middle way.
I'm not gonna hijack your thread so I'll just say; all you gotta do is do a forum search for "gustavus". I think you'll find enough threads/posts about it.
Glad YOU like it though. Besides, if it were all bad I'd guess Gustavus would've been taken out of production a long while ago.
Happy snusing!
Don't let ME deter you. ONE can is about €5 with s&h so you should just try it.
The last thing I want is to make another snus manufacturer a prey for stinking cigarette corporations.
Get a can and keep an open mind.
I think my taste tend to run off course a little.....flavors a lot of people like, I don't much care for, and vice versa.
Maybe you will like it, maybe you won't....I get this can in a mixed bag from buysnus, but probably wouldn't have bought it on my own. Sometimes, the mixed lot is kinda fun for new stuff.
FYI, Craig: Gustavus is already made by the Gallaher Group, which I'd call a cigarette-company, but as long as they stick to the traditions and keep the production up (unlike Rocker), I don't mind. It's a sign of the times, that 'big tobacco' breaks into the snus-market. And I even believe, that some of the newly founded snus-producers are speculating for that.
I must admit I don't care much for any of Gallaher's Snus (eg. Gustavus, LD, Level) but I agree some people must like it otherwise it would have gone out of production.