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  • lofat
    • Sep 2006
    • 154


    Some froum the may recal that I tried to contact Rocker regarding certain snus' being discontinued... well, I never heard back from them, but I came across this press release.... not good news really, but it is what it is.

    source - http://www.philipmorrisinternational...r_20061004.asp

    Philip Morris International / Lausanne / 4 October 2006

    Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) announced today that it has, through one of its affiliates, acquired Rocker Production AB (Rocker), a privately owned manufacturer of the smokeless tobacco product, Swedish snus.

    "I am extremely pleased with this acquisition, which provides an entry for PMI into the profitable and growing market for snus in Sweden," said Jos Arkes, Area Director Nordics, PMI. "The acquisition of Rocker will allow PMI to gain product development and manufacturing expertise in this important market segment, where we are not currently present."

    Rocker, located in Arvika, Sweden, manufactures and sells the Rocker brand of snus and holds an estimated market share of 0.1% (Source: AC Nielsen, July YTD 2006) of the Swedish snus market.

    Snus accounts for 52.5% (Source: Swedish tax authorities data) of the total amount of tobacco sold in Sweden and is expected to have a yearly growth rate of 0.4% (Source: PMI estimate based on Swedish tax authorities data) based on current market trends. The acquisition is not expected to have a near term impact on PMI earnings.

    "The acquisition is in line with the company's strategy to continuously grow our business in all profitable tobacco product segments. We look forward to offering adult tobacco consumers quality smokeless tobacco products as part of the PMI product portfolio in Sweden," said Jos Arkes.

    Rocker Production AB

    Rocker Production AB was established in 2000 and is a privately owned snus manufacturer based in Arvika, Sweden. Rocker currently has one brand, Rocker, with a total market share estimated at 0.1% (Source: AC Nielsen, July YTD 2006).

    Philip Morris International

    Philip Morris International, based in Lausanne, Switzerland, held a 15.5% share of the international cigarette market in 2005. Its brands, led by Marlboro and L&M, are sold in over 160 countries around the world. Philip Morris International is an operating company of Altria Group, Inc.
  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    That explains it.
    Good for the owners of Rocker AB who got a nice fat present in the bank. But cigarette companies should stay the **** out of interfering with snus producers.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      If it means that snus gets more popular then I say so much the better. If all the smokers in the world became snusers, then quality of life for everyone (except perhaps oncologists and cardiologists) would go up.


      • mwood72

        My only worry is if the UK government start to cotten onto Snus Customs will start intercetping it and charging our 80% Tobacco tax on it


        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          That's my fear too mwood.

          @ Zero:
          Cardiologists and oncologists have nothing to worry about. Worldwide obesity increase will keep 'em plenty busy!


          • lofat
            • Sep 2006
            • 154

            Originally posted by Craig de Tering
            But cigarette companies should stay the **** out of interfering with snus producers.
            Agreed 100%. I especially wish the American tobacco companies would just leave it alone. I am all for mass scale harm reduction - however I don't feel so good about RJ Reynolds or Phillip Morris taking the wheel.

            - Scott


            • mwood72

              Originally posted by lofat
              Originally posted by Craig de Tering
              But cigarette companies should stay the **** out of interfering with snus producers.
              Agreed 100%. I especially wish the American tobacco companies would just leave it alone. I am all for mass scale harm reduction - however I don't feel so good about RJ Reynolds or Phillip Morris taking the wheel.

              - Scott
              Lofat - Yes, why mess with something the Swedes have been doing well for a long time!


              • nzkiwi

                American Tobacco companies know that the days of cigarettes are numbered. American cigarette companies will continue to expand into the smokeless tobacco market. I think the profit margin is higher for smokeless tobacco, and the market potential is greater because of the reduced health risk associated with smokeless.

                You wait and see, the more popular smokeless becomes, the greater the tax we pay. Governments have no problem taxing tobacco, its the politically correct thing to do. :x

                Better enjoy the low prices while you can.


                • mountainman
                  New Member
                  • May 2008
                  • 7

                  Philip Morris

                  Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                  That explains it.
                  Good for the owners of Rocker AB who got a nice fat present in the bank. But cigarette companies should stay the **** out of interfering with snus producers.
                  It looks like Philip Morris knows their tobacco.

                  PMI's new 1847 snus is very nice: well packaged and the taste is wonderful. Also, if the list of ingredients is accurate, it contains no glycerol (E422) and no smoke flavoring. Philip Morris has just jumped to #1 in my book.

                  Let's see if PM can take Rocker's 0.1% of the Swedish market and turn it into something successful.

                  Ain't capitalism great?


                  • Kindrd
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 266

                    It kills me that they are continuing to push this crap bastardization of snus in the US markets. Oh well, I guess they are learning anyway. I am really surprised they didn't buy out Swedish Match.

