nicotine kick!

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    nicotine kick!

    hi i been asking so many questions cause im a new user,sorry
    just wondering i know that skruff has the highest nicotine content but say for instance i want a big kick of nicotine at any given time would it be the same to take a big pris of kronan instead of using a regular sized skruff pris?
    and also i find that kronan which is cheap snus has a lot better flavour than some of the expensive ones has anyone evr noticed this?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Taste is sort of a subjective thing, I think. Everyone's got a favourite. As for the nicotine hit, it would all depend. The rate of absorption will depend on the alkalinity of the snus (which you can feel by the amount of "burn"), how tightly you pack the pris and how finely ground the snus is, etc. The best way to figure it out is to just try, I guess. You can always double-snus -- pack a pris under both sides of your gums :twisted:


    • mwood72

      Biggest Nicotine Hit

      I've been looking at the Nictotine content of Snus. Am I right in thinking you would get the biggest hit from either Skruf Stark or General Onyx? If so has anybody tied these and what are they like? I've tried General White Portion in the past and quite liked that but never General Onyx or Skruf.


      • lofat
        • Sep 2006
        • 154

        I agree with you on the Kronan tip, got a good flavor, esp. for the price.

        I think loose and fine ground would give a bigger nic rush, but I don't know that for a fact, just seems like more surface area for absorbtion.

        I am looking forward to trying the snus portions soon. I actually just tried cope pouches (in anticipation of my portion snus coming in the mail) and wow, come a long way since the bandits I tried in the 80's, the flavor actually lasts a while!



        • TheJanitor
          • May 2010
          • 260

          I get the biggest nicotine hit from General Ekstra Sterk.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Originally posted by TheJanitor
            I get the biggest nicotine hit from General Ekstra Sterk.
            100% agreed.

            Also, doing a hillbilly pinch will increase the rate of absorption, since the tobacco won't be as condensed. Here's a video demonstration:



            • jmdkodiak
              • Mar 2011
              • 218

              Originally posted by snusjus
              100% agreed.

              Also, doing a hillbilly pinch will increase the rate of absorption, since the tobacco won't be as condensed. Here's a video demonstration:

              WOAH! Who is that in the video?? Snus monster???

              And what language is he speaking?? Doesn't sound like Swedish...


              • AtreyuKun
                • Aug 2009
                • 1223

                My favorite sterk is Oden's Extreme, but I get a much bigger surge with Thunder. I can hardly even feel the kick of 02 or Claq or N&J anymore.


                • TheJanitor
                  • May 2010
                  • 260



                  • AtreyuKun
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 1223

                    Wow. 2006?? 3 years before I had even heard of snus. I did not notice that.


                    • Mrobin52
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 109

                      Yeah I just noticed that too AtreyuKun. I read the whole thread and didn't even notice until you I read yours, haha.
                      BTW what is in your avatar? It's from a book right? I recognize it but I can't put a finger on it.


                      • AtreyuKun
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 1223

                        Yep! It's from Scary Stories To Tell in the Dark, a book that literally haunted me as a child.
                        I used to have Rush from Mega Man, but this seemed more appropriate for my state of mind.


                        • Mrobin52
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 109

                          Thats what it is! Yeah that book used to haunt me as well. I remember when you had Rush.
                          Do you feel haunted now?


                          • AtreyuKun
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 1223

                            Originally posted by Mrobin52
                            Thats what it is! Yeah that book used to haunt me as well. I remember when you had Rush.
                            Do you feel haunted now?
                            Believe it. That's how I overcame all those childhood fears of ghosts and demon, and the dark: I surround myself with them. Oh god, I love that artwork from those books.

                            By the way, sorry about hijacking the (dead) thread.


                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              Thunder Classic is all you need to know.

