I'm in the market for a high-quality, lower priced portionsnus. I have tried quite a few varieties and my favorites in regards to portions are the Ettan and Gotlandssnus Yellow portions as I generally do not like flavoured snus. The only exception to my aversion to flavors would probably be Skruf which seems to be more subtle. I've also been enjoying the Tourney product which I have been able to get locally; I believe it's sold under the Grand-Prix label in other states. The issue I have with it is it is a very dry white portion (probably to increase shelf life) which tends to irritate my gums. I've read good things about both the Granite and the Knox and was wondering what you fine people prefer
Portions, Granit or Knox
I like them both, quite a bit. Knox is where I'd start, because it's significantly cheaper than most premium brands. It has a good flavor, it's strong, and I don't get tired of it. It's a high quality snus, and it'd stand on its own as a premium brand in terms of flavor. If you're looking for good, affordable snus, I doubt you can find a better value proposition. The downside is that it's occasionally backordered or out of stock, as Skruf is usually at max production capacity and wants to make sure they get enough of their premium brands made.
Granit is a really high quality snus as well. It's primarily flavored with bergamot (orange), but there's still some tobacco flavor there, so it's another favorite of mine. But it's not significantly cheaper than most other stuff (namely Ettan portions) that I enjoy much more.. if I'm already going to pay shipping, paying 10% less isn't really going to change much.
Most of the other "cheaper" snus that I've tried just hasn't done it for me. If it's not <$20/roll, it's not really saving me enough to screw with. I'd rather save money by figuring out the sweet spot in terms of shipping cost/free rolls from BuySnus instead of buying snus I don't enjoy as much.
Phantom Blue is worth trying, but the rest of V2's tuff (Phantom, Offroad, etc) just doesn't do it for me (or most folks here) at all.
Hope this helps a little..
- Jeff
I like them both as well. Knox is a great choice. I don't notice any difference between it and higher priced snus. Current pricing puts it about $1 per can cheaper than the Granite. If you are willing to buy Granite Portions, I would suggest you try a can of Retro Original. It is the moistest portion I have tried and has a great flavor. Sorry to say I like it a better than even Knox and Knox was my favorite portion. I will still buy Knox because it is less expensive but Retro will be thrown in with my purchases. As you said, you do not like flavored snus but I think that LD red and blue are worth a try too because they are lower priced and absolutely outstanding.
I'd say try both of them as well. Knox is my every day portion brand currently and Granit Maxi was my daily brand a few months back. If I had to pick one over the other, Knox would probably win my vote. But try both of them. Both are quality brands.
I also strongly suggest trying Granit loose. The flavor is wonderful and the pris holds together very well. It reminds me a little bit of Diplomat (R.I.P.).
I've now been through a roll of Granit los and portion and will be ordering more come buysnus season. Usually I bounce around a bit, changing my everyday snus once I'm out, but Granit has it for me.
I didn't like Knox very much as I found it too floral, a bit perfume-y.
Granit also tastes different between every pris/portion. I know it has to do with my taste at the time, but sometimes it's tobacco, other times its bergamot.
Like SMC said, the los lives up to its namesake. It's a rock under your lip.