Ice Tool Snus Box

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  • Datrowl
    • May 2008
    • 22

    Ice Tool Snus Box

    anyone got one? are they made well? hold up well in a pocket carried all day every day? weighty? hinges seem sturdy or flimsy? utter garbage? worth buying if you happen to have 50.00 without a home? thoughts? concerns? why the hell are there so many question marks in this post?

    and lastly, how deep is the " used portion " storage area? ( i'm toying with a modified " blue ice pack " to fit in one to keep my Snus cool all day while at work LOL used an epoxy to glue together and seal a self made plastic disk of about the right size and shape injected with " blue stuff " useing a " meat injector for fried turkey then sealed with a dab more epoxy, so far its working strangely well, gonna try and fashion another thin one to fit the bottom of the can so i have Snus sandwiched between cold packs....)
  • extr66
    • May 2008
    • 23

    Can you post some pics of the tin you modified? Sounds very interesting!


    • Harry
      • Dec 2007
      • 213

      I love my icetools, but can not recommend an icetool los snus box.

      I was very disappointed. The seal is not tight. It's just metal on metal. The lid can fall off easily. It's lightweight brushed steel. I bought it so that I can put the snus that comes in wax tins into a container that I could pack haphazardly on the bottom of the tin with my icetool.

      I've since taken to using empty LS and my old Diplomat tins for my ettan and RL. I can't find anything else to do with my icebox.

      Again, this is the los box. Maybe the portioned one is a bit more functional.


      • Grim
        • Jun 2008
        • 850

        I was wondering about getting a portion version of it.

        Some have stated you can put your can into it instead of emptying the can into the box.

        Just wondering...would imagine steel would keep cooler longer.

        Someone else have one that they love and take with them everyday.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          I had a portion box from back before I learned the joy of loose. It was in the same order as my portion box that I got my first loose. I found that the portion box didnt work with loose (just like you cant put an ashtray lid on a can of loose) and I gave my can away to a fellow board member here. I've been planning on ordering the loose box, I just never got around to it. The boxes are just classy. I got a LOT of compliments on it when I used to set it on a table or bar while out and about.


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            Well i love los too but it is ruining my gums.... i mean everytime i take a los pris out i look at my gums and everytime it looks like i ave small scabs above my teeth and its brownish color so im just using portions at the moment.

            I was wondering how well it holds together and someone mention theirs didnt because its a metal on metal seal so they put their can of portion inside the box and it fit.

            Just wanted to know from others how well it hold together in there pockets or if its just for an around the house snus center peice.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I never had an issue with the lid popping off. It twists off easily, but it never just popped open while in my pocket. And yes, the inside diameter is just large enough to fit the bottom half of your snus can. Just remove the lid from your snus, drop the bottom half inside the icebox and put on the icebox lid.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Grim

                Just wondering...would imagine steel would keep cooler longer.
                It would probably warm the snus up quicker. Steel has better heat transfer than cardboard and plastic do, so the cold will leave the can quicker, and it'll warm up faster in your clothes.


                • theguitargeek
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 24

                  and I thank you again X for the box, it has traveled the racing world well.
                  rolex, nascar,nationwide, superbike and usar so far

                  thanks again

