Do you share your snus?

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  • Azrsuperstar
    • May 2008
    • 55

    Do you share your snus?

    Just curious, when you guys are out do you offer snus to your friends? If so, what are the reactions you guys get?

    Usually, if I'm out at a bar/club I'll offer snus to the people in my party--most people turn me down. I offer mostly to my friends that smoke. Some like it...others hate it

    :?: :?:
  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    Yeah, I do. I've given probably 8-10 tins away, though I have to admit that I give away ones I'm not totally enthralled with: Wise, Phantom Blue, LD minis, etc., though I've let several people try individual pris (prises?) or portions of my favorites.

    I have a brother and a sister who are experimenting with snus I've given them to quit smoking, though they haven't really taken to it. I have another friend who dips, and is beginning to see snus as a positive change. I gave him a tin of Landstroms, and he likes it OK. He's going to start placing orders with mine, which will save on shipping a little bit.

    But I only promote it to people who use tobacco, smokers who may be trying to quit. I use only portions in public, and usually just call it "nicotine replacement therapy" to those for whom it's none of their business.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9758

      I offer it to anybody that I am out with. But I tell the non smokers that they should not start any nicotine product ever. However, I really try to convince the smokers to try it and I'm happy to explain how much better it is than smoking, the fact that you don't have to spit, the very reasonable price compared to cigs, etc. And I am fine if no one wants to take a sample from me. That just means theres more for me. :lol:
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • DukeofPrunes
        New Member
        • May 2008
        • 7

        Yes! I love to share my snus. Moreso because I have a lot of smoker friends that I try to convert.


        • eli
          • Apr 2008
          • 243

          I would, I may have one friend who is interested in trying it to quit smoking (he's afraid of the pharmaceutical options, but knows he'll need something to alleviate the chemical addiction).


          • itchystiches
            • Oct 2007
            • 194

            Yep, I've offered it to all of my smoking chums.

            However, 95% of them open the tub, smell it and go 'oh mann that smells like SHIT i am not putting that in mouth!'.

            The ones that have tried it kept it in for about 15 minutes, then commented how foolish they felt having it stuck in their lip and confirmed that it 'wasn't for them'.

            I do have a few friends from Norway and Sweden here though who are amazed to find a non-Scandinavian using it and regular steal the odd portion or tub off me, and vice-versa.


            • Azrsuperstar
              • May 2008
              • 55

              Ha ha ha, I've gotten a few "Oh man, that smells like manure!" I also never give or push snus onto anyone who doesn't use tobacco.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                In 14 months, I have only had two people take me up on my offer to share. Most of them look at it, or smell it, adn think I am out of my mind. Oh well, their loss.

                Now because so many folks know I snus, I get about one free can of Camle a month. As folks have gotten free tins from places, they always seek me out to give it to me. Fortunately, although I much prefer the Swedish stuff, I like Camel as a desert snus every once in a while. The crap will keep forever in the fridge.


                • Dead Rabbit
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 315

                  I play probably on average 10 softball games a week. lot of guys dip and are open to try snus. i started off giving some away and have since started selling a profit


                  • PrisMaster
                    • May 2007
                    • 208

                    Whenever someone notices it I give them the run down on what it is and how good it is. I have a few people at work that I have got tins for and they have seemed to like it for the most part. One kid has actually gotten pretty hooked on the tobacoo bits and is really looking in to ordering snus on his next order. Lately he has been asking me for snus a lot at work. He really seemed to enjoy the Gotlands Yellow. I like trying to get snus out there. Its actually pretty fun promoting it.


                    • victoryredchevy
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 303

                      I don't mind sharing it. I'm a die hard Lucky originals user so that's what they're gonna have to try, but sometimes I'll have something else on me. So far, I've let four friends, who are all snuff dippers, try some snus. My roomate dips and will bum a portion of Lucky from me now and again. He's a moron, because no matter how many times I explain to him that it's more enjoyable when placed in the upper lip, he's continues to bottom lip it and he doesn't really care for it. I let a co-worker try it and he hated it. Another friend tried a portion of Goteborgs Rape No. 2 and I was suprised he liked it. My boss is a veteran snuff dipper. He tried a General portion and liked it. Overall, the opinions of snus have been mixed. I'm not stingy with my snus, really.


                      • Starcadia
                        • May 2008
                        • 646

                        I shared my first one the other day. A girl, actually. She'd been looking forward to seeing me partially because she thought she'd be able to get a cigarette or two off me, as she'd been trying to quit for a few months. When she discovered I didn't have cigarettes she was disappointed. At one point, after she'd been complaining about wanting a cigarette, I recommended she try one of my General portions. I told her how to use it and that within five to ten minutes her desire for a cigarette would disappear. She had trouble initially keeping it in her lip, but she stuck with it and eventually got comfortable with it. I made sure not to pester her about it, and I don't know how long she kept it in, but it was fun to share, and she didn't complain about cigarettes for the rest of the day. Which means either she was satisfied by the snus, or was scared that maybe I'd offer her more. :lol:

