The 20/20 Report {Snus for noobs by noobs}

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  • Norex
    • May 2008
    • 37

    The 20/20 Report {Snus for noobs by noobs}

    So I guess camel is not that bad of a company... From what i have read and experienced myself they are responsible for a reasonable amount of new american snus users, my self being one of those users. My first snus encounter was about 3 days ago when i saw a camel ad and was hooked (yea i fell for the ad) long story short i haven't smoked since. Im 22 and started smoking at 12, seriously I can feel the difference in breathing but Im not going to get in to that now. Anyway I live in New York which is a place where snus is rare and camel wasn't going to cut it (too sweet). So I headed down to 4th st to a place called Shisha int. and got catch dry-white peppermint portion as i figured id like white portions as they are dryer and I also bought General as it is much hyped!. When outside and poped a catch.
    This is real snus, as stated in many post the real stuff is way better than the american stuff. Right away the peppermint flavor was much better as it tasted more adult if you will (less sweetness, more realistic mint taste).
    So far i was impressed... but then came the general. WOAH this stuff is raw, maybe americans (or just younger ppl) generally do cling to a sweeter or less bitter palette because this tasted to me like when your swimming in the ocean and a bit of water seeps into your mouth occasionaly. Maybe ill get used to it maybe not, if it where more subtle like how sunflower seeds are then maybe we would have a deal. (if anyone can suggest a snus with a very light salty flavor)
    anyway to rap this up im waiting for 3 tillys that i ordered
    OFFROAD Coffee&Vanilla (Can't Wait to Review This)
    Mocca Pomegranate
    Catch White Eucalyptus

  • riff
    • Apr 2007
    • 22

    Welcome to the wonderful world of snusing! 8)


    • Scott64a
      • May 2008
      • 27

      Try Skruf Stark, if you like bergamot and lots of nicotine.

      I like the portions thus far, and find them very satisfying to use all day long. Because it is in portions, it is inconspicuous and that adds to it's appeal for me. I can be sitting there getting high and nobody is the wiser.

      WAY better than smoking.


      • RPatrick
        • May 2008
        • 48

        I've found that I need to have at least two snus flavors available, something sweet, and something natural. If you give the General Snus a fair chance, you may really end up liking it. At first I wasn't crazy about it, but after a couple of days I started to crave it like it was roasted peanuts. For my sweet Snus, I really enjoy Probe Whiskey. It is the sweetest of the high quality Swedish Match varieties and does not taste salty at all. I like the Catch Dry Peppermint too by the way. But I'll tell ya, I've gotten to where sometimes nothing but the General Original will do when I need a good, stout lip of tobacco.


        • Norex
          • May 2008
          • 37

          Thx for the reply, maybe I will give General more of a sit down.
          Im going to try out some Probe Whiskey if I can get my hands
          on some... still waiting for my order before i review camel snus
          in depth.


          • extr66
            • May 2008
            • 23

            Glad you got into the real stuff fast. My first experience was the real stuff, then I tried Camel and was instantly let off by it. NY would be fun to walk around snusing in.

