Camel Spice Review

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  • extr66
    • May 2008
    • 23

    Camel Spice Review

    Camel Spice flavor snus is an interesting product. Not only is it designed for a mass market appeal, it tastes like Big Red chewing gum. I'm not sure if chewing gum flavored snus is what Camel was going for, but it's what they achieved. This stuff reminds me of smoking a cigarette and chewing gum at the same time, except the cigarette has more nicotine and more satisfaction.

    Another thing about Camel Spice flavored snus is the odd shaped tin it comes in. This stuff is definitely made to appeal to a new crowd of smokeless tobacco users, while pushing itself away from the image of other smokeless tobaccos. The tin is a rectangle with curved ends. It reminds me of a candy tin, and a flavor to go along with the packaging. Just which age of crowd they're shooting for with this, I have no idea.

    Camel Spice flavored snus also only includes 20 mini-portions, for an extra dollar and a half more than Swedish brands. Everyone knows Camel has quality cigerettes, and I see they are trying to chizzle out a new market for themselves, one that they obviously know nothing about while charging a whopping $4.99 per can.

    Camel Spice also does not last longer then 30 minutes, and I had to load 2 of them just to get a mild nicotine feeling. No buzz.

    Not recomended, save your money for an order from Sweden.

    Half a star.
  • TropicalBob
    • Feb 2008
    • 316

    Won't disagree in detail .. but I rather like them. I even like the tin shape. And I find I leave them in for hours, not a half-hour or so as with many others. Oh well, different tastes for different folks.


    • Subtilo
      • Dec 2006
      • 524

      Didn't the tins used to be round? I vaguely remember seen some pics a long time ago ...


      • extr66
        • May 2008
        • 23

        Originally posted by TropicalBob
        Won't disagree in detail .. but I rather like them. I even like the tin shape. And I find I leave them in for hours, not a half-hour or so as with many others. Oh well, different tastes for different folks.
        To each his own, I guess I'm just used to authentic snus. I'm not really thrilled about the Americanization of snus in it's current form, I wish the big companies would stay away.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9758

          I kind of believe that most snusers DON'T have a sweet tooth. But I know that TBob and I both have em and that we both like a sweeter snus from time to time. I don't like the Camel spice but I do like the frost and the original. Both of which are on the sweet side. Yea lots of different snus for alot of different personal tastes, and these personal tastes change after time. If you don't like a certain snus today just wait a month or so. You just might like it then.
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • extr66
            • May 2008
            • 23

            I liked the taste when it was chewing gum. :lol:


            • Scott64a
              • May 2008
              • 27

              I've not tried the spice kind, but I did like the original.

              I do agree that the price for 15-20 mini-pouches is way too high for me, and even then it's not as good a quality as the real thing. I won't be getting any more of it, I'll tell you that.


              • extr66
                • May 2008
                • 23

                I got the frost about a week after I wrote my lil review, and I won't even bother on another review, but since frost tastes like Winterfresh chewing gum, what exactly can the original taste like?


                • TropicalBob
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 316

                  The marketplace is the truest form of democracy and we vote with our dollars. If Big Tobacco misjudges the tastes of the majority it seeks to profit from, it will fail with its snus. I think snus will become a bigger and bigger part of tobacco's future and Big Tobacco wants the largest piece of that pie.

                  I put in an order last night for N&J West, Mocca+Tobacco, Lucky Strike and Tobaca. I doubt I'll ever see those at my American tobacco store. And I hope I can continue to order them. But if I were a betting man, I'd bet Camel would outsell them side-by-side with a majority of repeat American buyers.

                  Face it, we're snus snobs. Not exactly Mr. Mainstream here.


                  • desirexe
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 1170

                    I actually like the camel snus. I just got 6 tins today for 4 dollars each with a code to receive a 25 dollar check for doing a survey. I agree the spice tastes like big red. I think the frost tastes more spearmint than wintergreen and as for the original...just a sweet tobacco taste. It took me many attempts to find the right swedish now I have a sweet or salty option. I am happy! I just hope others...such as friends who smoke pick up some camel definitely helped me kick the cigs.


                    • extr66
                      • May 2008
                      • 23

                      I just put in an order for a roll of N&J last night too, and I cannot wait!

                      The Camel Frost tastes like WinterFRESH gum, not wintergreen.

                      If I'm a snob because I use the REAL stuff, so be it.

