A Big Hello

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  • Scott64a
    • May 2008
    • 27

    A Big Hello

    Hi everyone, I am glad to be here.

    I have been a cigarette smoker since I was 12, and though I had occasionally chewed and diped tobacco, I never really gotten into it.

    I have tried to quit cigarettes many times, by using the patches, pipes, (a finer hobby was never found -delicious!) and anticholinergic shots at the doctor's office. I had made it a few months each time, and caved in only to find myself back with cigaretes, and the accompanying sinus, acid-reflux and respiratory issues involved.

    After having a really bad respiratory infection a couple of months ago, I couldn't seem to stop producing sputum and had developed a really bad hacking cough that would bring stars to my eyes each and every morning. I also had headaches from chronic sinusitis. Being a paramedic, and knowing full well how smoking ends up for people, (COPD, emphysema, heart failure, stroke, etc.) I knew it was time to stop burning tobacco to recieve nicotine.

    While at work last week, I picked up a pouch of Red Man. While I LOVE the taste, I found the bulk and bits of crud in my teeth to be most annoying, not to mention the SPITTING! Copious amounts of brown saliva are not attractive.

    I then got a can of Copenhagen pouches, which really did the trick in supplying nicotine, but on occasion make me spit and that burnt taste is nt the best one can get from tobacco. I never really cared for the Latakia blends in a pipe, either; on that note.

    A friend of mine told me to try snus, and showed me swedish-snus.com. Of course, I was eager to try as many types as I could, but for now I have ordered 10 cans of Skruf Stark portions to start. I have read tha they are quite full of nicotine, and I believe that while trying to stay off cigarettes, they will prove effective. The more I looked into snus, the better I liked the idea. Leave it to the Swedes to come up with a healthier way to enjjoy tobacco!!! -Such a fine race.

    Anhoo, here I am, eager to discuss the many aspects of snusing with you all. My order of Skruf should be here in a few days, so I'll be using Copenhagen pouches until then. I am not sure what to expect, but I have been gathered I will be pleasantly surprised with the quality of snus over the nitrosamine-laden American forms of dip and chew.

    I love the idea of discreetly snusing my way through the day. I already have mastered the art of placing a pouch of Cope "just so" to completely avoid spitting entirely. Of course, at work I do not dip while with patients, but I must confess that while I'm at school I can keep one in all day with nobody except my other friends who dip being the wiser, all te while riding a pristine nicotine high. It makes anatomy and physiology easier to bear!

    Happy snusing!

  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    Welcome! You won't look back. Snus has proven to be the answer for my cigarette habit, and is wonderful stuff. If you like the Skruf Stark as much as I do, you'll have no regrets.


    • eli
      • Apr 2008
      • 243

      Let met echo the hello, like you I tried several methods to quit smoking and so far snus has been the most successful of all of them. Best of luck and welcome to the community.


      • The Cook
        • Aug 2007
        • 166

        Welcome to the forum and congratulations for quitting smoking!


        • itchystiches
          • Oct 2007
          • 194

          Yeah man, for sure... welcome!

          I'm sure you'll knock the smoking habit on the head pretty damn quick. For me, it wasn't a week before I didn't even think about having a ciggie in the morning... and even now, I'll smoke the occasional one, but to be honest... I don't even enjoy them. I just find myself thinking afterwards, 'well damn that was a bit of a waste... tasted like shit and I could sure use some snus!'.

          Good luck!


          • shizuo
            New Member
            • Apr 2008
            • 2

            I had been smoking since high school then dipped skoal and longhorn straight since then. Placed my first order with Buysnus about a month ago for about a dozen cans of portions and I haven't looked back since. I love the not having to spit and no mess I get with portion snus.

            Last Friday I placed my second order for 2 logs of Skruf and 6 assorted cans that I'd like to try. Now I'm already planning on what to get in my third order.

            Snus is great. I hope you enjoy as well.


            • theguitargeek
              • Mar 2008
              • 24

              Re: A Big Hello

              Originally posted by Scott64a
              I already have mastered the art of placing a pouch of Cope "just so" to completely avoid spitting entirely.
              So how is that mastered I have always had to spit with cope and the like

              The Guitar Geek


              • Scott64a
                • May 2008
                • 27

                I usually put the pouch either to the left or right of the middle upper lip, or along the front of my bottom lip in various places.

                The trick is not fooling with it once it's in place, and keeping it relatively dry.

                Plus, if I get any juice, I swallow it.

                Seriously, I don't get much juice, while my other friends who dip are spitting constantly.


                • Scott64a
                  • May 2008
                  • 27

                  Well, I got home this morning to find my order of Skruf Stark portionsnus arrived yesterday while I was at work!

                  I had been getting by with Copenhagen pouches by using them as one would snus. The taste was pure awful, but they supply one with plenty of nicotine.

                  Also, I had picked up a tin of Camel original flavor snus, and I have to admit, even though they tasted like Nestea with lemon, and were tiny, they tasted good and worked.

                  Now, at long last I have had the real thing. Of course, the tins all went in the fridge, and I opened the first one as soon as I could. I was instantly hit with the smell of tea and bergamot, which I like a lot. I take Earl Grey hot with a little honey, for future reference.

                  The portions were moist and fresh, and I found I had to try one right away, so I swished with water, sucked the area above my lip dry and popped one in. How swell.

                  The portion fits in there nicely and if one presses it flat, one may conceal it nicely there. I got a nice little burn, and enjoyed that pouch for an hour or more while wife, child and I did a little shopping.
                  It's got a bit of a saltiness to it, but the bergamot is a nice touch. This is way better than dipping could ever be!

                  One gets a decent nicotine kick from them, too. I bet I can make each tin last two or three days at least.

                  Now, at $4.50 per pack for cigarettes, and $4.69 per tin for Copenhagen, these are far better quality than dip and way easier on the gums, and at $4.00 per tin, they seem a bargain for such a good product.

                  I can see where R.J. Reynolds found their inspiration for their Original flavor snus, but they had to make it small and sweet to appease a mass market of idiots who like things easy and will settle for a fascimile rather than the true thing.

                  The tins Skruf comes in are plastic, and retain a nice seal while offering a place to stow a pack in the top lid. This will come in handy when I get a call and have to remove a fresh pouch while at work.

                  Kudos to snus, now it's time to do some more shopping for more so I can anticipate another glorious shipment to try.


