Hello all =o)
A bit of introduction, after being an avid and happy smoker for near 20 years, the state of affairs in USA and its general stance turning so anti smoking so viciously has finally beaten me and made me do what I knew I needed to do years ago for health reasons, give up my beloved Camels.
Having been an avid camel smoker for all of my tobacco using years, I was naturally drawn to the Camel brand of American Snus that was unleashed on the unsuspecting American public recently.
Nic hit to calm the beast, flavorful if overly sweet, no smoke, no spit, no one the wiser, nothing to not like for one trying to give up the evils of the smoke.
Further research led me to this sight, and thru research here, Buysnus and Northerner where based on some popular suggestions here I placed an order for 10 cans of various Snus and waited. A whole 5 days later a package arrived in the post, my order had arrived and I was on my way to staying off smokes forever....having bought myself 2 weeks with the Camel Snus already, I had high expectations.
Thats where the dream died so to speak, now, I'm no fool, and I've seen Marlboro brand Snus drop in price from 5.00 a tin, to 1.25, Camel hasn't yet followed suit, but no doubt will be forced to in order to maintain even a fractional percentile of the market share. This does not bode well for the American Snus market, and while Snus is surely the answer to America's issues with tobacco, it's been poorly marketed, poorly represented, and is no doubt fading into the crushing depths of oblivion from whence there can be no escape.
What that means to me specifically is, even if I found some way to learn to tolerate the insane levels of sweetener in the Camel brand of Snus, it wont be around long enough to be the long term solution I had hoped for.
Anywho, back to my paltry 10 cans of true Snus, after a fair go at all 10 types, I can honestly say WITHOUT QUESTION...... I do NOT like the actual bitter taste of tobacco itself, something I've always known, as its kept me off American smokeless tobacco this long, however seemed to have forgotten while using the candied version marketed here in USA. I need a new supply, a new source.
To be a realist, I can tolerate the taste so long as its not something that slams me in the face with each portion used. and is masked or mixed with other flavors that help ease the consumption a bit.
What I'd like to know, from any of the " old hands " that have tried it all, seen it all, done it all... which of the types of true Snus have the least ..... Tobacco bitter, earthy dirty taste?
Mints, fruits berries, some sweetness... sadly, like many Americans i do tend to the dessert menu when it comes to products I'll willingly consume. even a good strong anise to mask the flavor....anything..
I want to watch my child grow up....i HAVE to stay quit smoking and yet I know without a replacement, I alone don't have the willpower to stay away...
can anyone help?
Toss me ideas, I'll try em all, not concerned about the expense, if it takes me 100 types to find one that works I'm good, as long as it works...
If you can make time, please, list for me the sweetest, least bitter least tobaccoish tasting over candied dessert Snus you can think of... if its too " soft " for even your wife or girlfriend, its probably what I'm looking for...
All I need is a product that supplies my body with Nic that wont make me sick, smoke free, spit free, that can be used anywhere. Snus is the answer...but which one is right for me?
please...ideas, suggestions....
Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge...
A bit of introduction, after being an avid and happy smoker for near 20 years, the state of affairs in USA and its general stance turning so anti smoking so viciously has finally beaten me and made me do what I knew I needed to do years ago for health reasons, give up my beloved Camels.
Having been an avid camel smoker for all of my tobacco using years, I was naturally drawn to the Camel brand of American Snus that was unleashed on the unsuspecting American public recently.
Nic hit to calm the beast, flavorful if overly sweet, no smoke, no spit, no one the wiser, nothing to not like for one trying to give up the evils of the smoke.
Further research led me to this sight, and thru research here, Buysnus and Northerner where based on some popular suggestions here I placed an order for 10 cans of various Snus and waited. A whole 5 days later a package arrived in the post, my order had arrived and I was on my way to staying off smokes forever....having bought myself 2 weeks with the Camel Snus already, I had high expectations.
Thats where the dream died so to speak, now, I'm no fool, and I've seen Marlboro brand Snus drop in price from 5.00 a tin, to 1.25, Camel hasn't yet followed suit, but no doubt will be forced to in order to maintain even a fractional percentile of the market share. This does not bode well for the American Snus market, and while Snus is surely the answer to America's issues with tobacco, it's been poorly marketed, poorly represented, and is no doubt fading into the crushing depths of oblivion from whence there can be no escape.
What that means to me specifically is, even if I found some way to learn to tolerate the insane levels of sweetener in the Camel brand of Snus, it wont be around long enough to be the long term solution I had hoped for.
Anywho, back to my paltry 10 cans of true Snus, after a fair go at all 10 types, I can honestly say WITHOUT QUESTION...... I do NOT like the actual bitter taste of tobacco itself, something I've always known, as its kept me off American smokeless tobacco this long, however seemed to have forgotten while using the candied version marketed here in USA. I need a new supply, a new source.
To be a realist, I can tolerate the taste so long as its not something that slams me in the face with each portion used. and is masked or mixed with other flavors that help ease the consumption a bit.
What I'd like to know, from any of the " old hands " that have tried it all, seen it all, done it all... which of the types of true Snus have the least ..... Tobacco bitter, earthy dirty taste?
Mints, fruits berries, some sweetness... sadly, like many Americans i do tend to the dessert menu when it comes to products I'll willingly consume. even a good strong anise to mask the flavor....anything..
I want to watch my child grow up....i HAVE to stay quit smoking and yet I know without a replacement, I alone don't have the willpower to stay away...
can anyone help?
Toss me ideas, I'll try em all, not concerned about the expense, if it takes me 100 types to find one that works I'm good, as long as it works...
If you can make time, please, list for me the sweetest, least bitter least tobaccoish tasting over candied dessert Snus you can think of... if its too " soft " for even your wife or girlfriend, its probably what I'm looking for...
All I need is a product that supplies my body with Nic that wont make me sick, smoke free, spit free, that can be used anywhere. Snus is the answer...but which one is right for me?
please...ideas, suggestions....
Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge...