Hello, new Snuser with a question =o)

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  • Datrowl
    • May 2008
    • 22

    Hello, new Snuser with a question =o)

    Hello all =o)

    A bit of introduction, after being an avid and happy smoker for near 20 years, the state of affairs in USA and its general stance turning so anti smoking so viciously has finally beaten me and made me do what I knew I needed to do years ago for health reasons, give up my beloved Camels.

    Having been an avid camel smoker for all of my tobacco using years, I was naturally drawn to the Camel brand of American Snus that was unleashed on the unsuspecting American public recently.

    Nic hit to calm the beast, flavorful if overly sweet, no smoke, no spit, no one the wiser, nothing to not like for one trying to give up the evils of the smoke.

    Further research led me to this sight, and thru research here, Buysnus and Northerner where based on some popular suggestions here I placed an order for 10 cans of various Snus and waited. A whole 5 days later a package arrived in the post, my order had arrived and I was on my way to staying off smokes forever....having bought myself 2 weeks with the Camel Snus already, I had high expectations.

    Thats where the dream died so to speak, now, I'm no fool, and I've seen Marlboro brand Snus drop in price from 5.00 a tin, to 1.25, Camel hasn't yet followed suit, but no doubt will be forced to in order to maintain even a fractional percentile of the market share. This does not bode well for the American Snus market, and while Snus is surely the answer to America's issues with tobacco, it's been poorly marketed, poorly represented, and is no doubt fading into the crushing depths of oblivion from whence there can be no escape.

    What that means to me specifically is, even if I found some way to learn to tolerate the insane levels of sweetener in the Camel brand of Snus, it wont be around long enough to be the long term solution I had hoped for.

    Anywho, back to my paltry 10 cans of true Snus, after a fair go at all 10 types, I can honestly say WITHOUT QUESTION...... I do NOT like the actual bitter taste of tobacco itself, something I've always known, as its kept me off American smokeless tobacco this long, however seemed to have forgotten while using the candied version marketed here in USA. I need a new supply, a new source.

    To be a realist, I can tolerate the taste so long as its not something that slams me in the face with each portion used. and is masked or mixed with other flavors that help ease the consumption a bit.

    What I'd like to know, from any of the " old hands " that have tried it all, seen it all, done it all... which of the types of true Snus have the least ..... Tobacco bitter, earthy dirty taste?

    Mints, fruits berries, some sweetness... sadly, like many Americans i do tend to the dessert menu when it comes to products I'll willingly consume. even a good strong anise to mask the flavor....anything..

    I want to watch my child grow up....i HAVE to stay quit smoking and yet I know without a replacement, I alone don't have the willpower to stay away...

    can anyone help?

    Toss me ideas, I'll try em all, not concerned about the expense, if it takes me 100 types to find one that works I'm good, as long as it works...

    If you can make time, please, list for me the sweetest, least bitter least tobaccoish tasting over candied dessert Snus you can think of... if its too " soft " for even your wife or girlfriend, its probably what I'm looking for...

    All I need is a product that supplies my body with Nic that wont make me sick, smoke free, spit free, that can be used anywhere. Snus is the answer...but which one is right for me?

    please...ideas, suggestions....

    Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge...

  • CWC
    • Mar 2008
    • 114

    Datrowl, if your into the sweet nontobacco flavor, you may want to try Probe. I think it is the sweetest non bitter tasting snus I have tried to date either in loose or portions. Also, after you find a snus you like, you may want to try loose, I find the bitterness doesn't come through as much like the portions. That is probably because after it is pretty much stays stuck in one place where with the portions I am constantly moving them around in my mouth.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Try all the Wise varieties, or so I am told.

      Certainly, all the Mocca products are sweet, without being too sweet. But they a are mini's without much of a nicotine hit. Goat Rape isn't bitter at all. Lastly, try some of the white versions. White comes with a much more muted flavor, why some folks around here don't care for them that much. But that might be just what you are looking for.

      Lastly, if you want no taste. There is Lagmark Wine & Chef - White Mini Portion made by the folks that make Wise. From Northerner's website...

      "This Wine & Chef snus is for people that wants to enjoy both nicotine and wonderful flavours. It's tasteless, colorless and free from nitrosamines that can cause cancer."

      So, if you don't want flavor at all, there you go.......


      • riff
        • Apr 2007
        • 22

        I would echo the Wise suggestion, especially the citrus/mint - sweet, but not overwhelmingly. The Offroads tend to be very strongly flavoured as well (cranberry, licorice), but I can only take them in limited amounts!


        • RPatrick
          • May 2008
          • 48

          As this is my first post, I'd like to say thanks to this community for all of the great information shared here. I am a former SKOAL / Kodiak user and the opinions posted here have helped me tremendously to find the right Snus for me. I've been using Snus for over two months and it is a real life changing product. I feel 100% better using Snus !

          This thread really hit home with me because I too like the sweeter stuff, although I also enjoy mixing in the natural flavors on occasion like General Original.

          I've found that I prefer a variety of Snus brands each day, and after trying many different kinds, I can make some suggestions that may appeal to you.

          I have to second the Probe Whiskey Snus portions. This snus has a nice sweet flavor that I really like.

          Roda Lacket portion is another unusual snus that has a fresh berry type flavor that is enjoyable and a must try. Not bitter at all.

          Skruf Cranberry is not very sweet. It does have a natural tobacco flavor but the cranberry flavor really mixes in well and makes it taste a lot better than you might imagine. Worth a try if you can handle some level of natural taste.

          All of the above can be ordered from buysnus.com .

          There are a couple of types I need to mention that are made in Sweden but labeled for sale in the USA and formulated with american taste in mind. General Wintergreen and Catch Dry Peppermint. Both of these are sweet and a must try if you like minty flavors. For some reason they are not sold on buysnus. It probably has to do with the distribution contract since they are made for sale in the USA. You can buy them by the roll from www.swedishsnus.com . If you want to buy individual cans, you can buy it here: http://www.iwanries.com/Swedish_Snus...836e9b$CD$3B$0 . These products are also stocked in the selected american stores that sell snus (found with the store locator from swedishsnus.com .

          I always keep a can of all of the above available, along with General Original Portions. I'm always in the mood for at least one of them !




          • yummi4tunekookie
            • Feb 2008
            • 277

            I agree with the Wise--just not the original flavor. Wise Originals taste like exploding worms, or something similar :lol:

            I'd also definitely recommend both Vertigo flavors. They're not exactly sweet on your taste buds, but being marketed to women like me, they're definitely loaded with fruity-berry flavors!

            Oh, oh--also try the Gotlandssnus Grönsnus (Green) portions! They're faaantastic, and taste like green apple to me!


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9758

              Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
              I agree with the Wise--just not the original flavor. Wise Originals taste like exploding worms, or something similar :lol:

              Well, exploding worms with pepper on em. Quite tasty if I must say so.
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • yummi4tunekookie
                • Feb 2008
                • 277

                Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                I agree with the Wise--just not the original flavor. Wise Originals taste like exploding worms, or something similar :lol:

                Well, exploding worms with pepper on em. Quite tasty if I must say so.
                If by pepper, you mean feet smeared in fecal matter, then yes! :lol:


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9758

                  I see Yummi is a toe sucker..............lol
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • yummi4tunekookie
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 277

                    Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                    I see Yummi is a toe sucker..............lol
                    *whistles innocently and wanders off*


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9758

                      hears a slight whistleing sound thats slowly getting louder..........
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • Slydel
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 421

                        I have not seen anyone mention Göteborgs Rapé No2 Portion. It has a lot of flavor, is slightly sweet, and lasts a long time. It is a white portion so I like to wet it before putting it in the upper lip. Then I let all the wonderful flavor drain down in to my mouth (a lot of yummy flavor). If you are like me, as many others, your tastes will probably change to the less sweet snus. I think that the Rape 2 is the most flavorful, without the earthy tobacco flavor, that I have found. The Got yellow portions seems to find a niche in everyones cache of snus too. The probe whiskey is quite good-actually one of my favorite loose. I am not sure of the portions but they might not suit you as well as others might think. Do give it a try.....the whiskey/smokey taste might hit you in the right spot!

                        cheers and congrats to switching to snus.

                        Almost forgot a possible alternative that some might hate: Offroad American Wintergreen. Buy it and add a little sugar if you are willing to go loose. Not too bad but I have become far removed from using it. By the way, what snus have you tried?


                        • TropicalBob
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 316

                          I share your distaste for the bitterness of pure tobacco flavor. There are some excellent suggestions in this thread: Wise in all varieties but original - but especially the "tasteless" Lagmark Vin&Kocksnus; CatchDry Peppermint (probably in a tobacco store near you); Skoal Dry Cinnamon (I've consumed about 15 tins ordered online; tastes like Dentyne chewing gum); both Vertigo flavors; and maybe Mocca Pomegranate. No loose. No regular portions. No strong portions. Start white, dry and mini. Move up if you feel you need to. Good luck staying off cigarettes.

                          Almost forgot: Strongly recommend you try Stonewall Java hard snuff. Many tobacco shops carry it. Excellent, excellent taste and 4mg nicotine.


                          • Datrowl
                            • May 2008
                            • 22

                            Thanks for all the suggestions,

                            Slydel asked what types I had tried,

                            General Mini's
                            General Onyx
                            Tre Ankare ........all these were just too strong in raw tobacco flavor for me

                            Gotlandssnus green
                            offroad peach
                            offroad cranberry
                            offroad apple
                            Mocca pomagranit
                            Catchdry Eucalyptus

                            Phantom blue ( was a freebie 11th can )

                            The Offroad products wern't BAD per say....but even a novice would tell they were a MUCH lower quality product not only in terms of tobacco content, but also the portion bag which in my estimation after 30 minuts in your mouth turns into an old sock... or roll of gauze ...not sure but it would be a more enjoyable experience with a better portion bag

                            The Mocca Pomagranit has an odd " perfumey " almost too fake chemically taste to it... reminds me of kissing my wife on the neck while were out and getting that womans makeup perfume taste ...hard to describe, and sad...cause I really like em other than that

                            Catch Dry Eucalyptus I like... but pretty weak on the nic hit....i find myself still wanting a smoke even with a fresh one poped in my lip

                            Phantom blue.... /shudder ...least it was free....

                            The Gotlandssnus green .....theres something about it....makes me ill 5 minuts in just the combination of flavors I believe, sad.. i had envisioned it would taste by its description on Buysnus the way fresh cut grass smells, very light, very clean, I was very wrong LOL

                            Going to place a second order today, another of the offroad peach ( though I do not care for the portion bag at all )
                            a can of the Probe
                            the Wise mint citrus
                            the Wise wine and chef
                            Roda Lacket
                            the Vertigo Bahama
                            goteborgs rape no2

                            and continueing research on skoal dry and the American only flavors marketed by actual snus companies whom i can trust to not lace a product with 180+ toxic chemicals with no " content " label.
                            The delivery system of Snus is surely better than Smoke, but its more than the Smoke I want to get away from... the difference in how I feel after just 2 or 3 weeks cant ALL be Smoke....my lungs havent even finished clearing yet. I can only surmise that the Ammonia Arsenic and continued grocery list of chemicals I was ingesting had a more profound effect on me than i was willing to admit.

                            I honestly think that in due time, as I build up a tolerance for the taste of the tobacco I'll eventually become a full time, full flavored Snuser. Perhaps even crave that bitter sour pithy taste a bit.

                            My problem was I think, I weened off on smokes, onto the Camel Snus, while still being a smoker my sense of taste hadn't come back yet, I didnt even notice the sweetness of the Camel Snus till I went back and tried one a few days into actual Snus and found it almost intolerable. at some point my taste came back, or at least IS returning and the natural tobacco flavor is just a bit much considering I haven't tasted ANYTHING that didn't hit me in the face with a stick for YEARS. Something pretty common to most ex-smokers i think. Had I gone straight into a can of General from smoking , with a still muted sense of taste, all would have been fine, and i would have been able to deal with the slowly increaseing boldness of taste in the product as my own taste came back slowly over 2 or 3 weeks. However, jumping STRAIGHT from Camel Snus Candy neck deep into a General Onyx ....well....less than desireable results...

                            You've all been very helpful, and I'd like to thank you again for your time and willingness to pass on knowledge.

                            Thank you,

                            **EDIT** can anyone tell me if there is an actual taste difference between the wise 3's and 6's?


                            • eli
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 243

                              Yeah, the "culture shock" of going from Camel Snus to a Swedish pure tobacco snus can be a bit jarring. I remember getting my first order from northerner, popping open a tin and finding the smell a bit off-putting. My wife asked me "are those still good?" thinking the smell was some type of rot.

                              the scent coming off an open can is still a bit much for my wife ot take, but i now find it enjoyable.It took me a couple days of "trying" to get past the 'earthiness" and into the actual flavor, I just made sure the only access to nicotine I had available was the snus. I've been off cigaretted for over a month now and my sense of taste and smell is definitely returning.

