I live in Knoxville and am driving to Winston Salem tomorrow. Reckon I will stop by a convenience store and pick up some Camel Snus. Curious which ones to try.
Winston-Salem trip tomorrow - Camel Snus?
Depends on what you like.
While I now prefer any non-licorice flavored swedish snus to the camel stuff here's my thoughts.
The Original has a very mild tobacco flavor
The spice has a very strong spicy (clove/cinnamon) taste that completely overpowers the tobbacco.
The Frost is very minty, I could detect no hits of the tobacco flavor over the artifically sweet, minty flavor.
They all seem to use artificial sweeteners in the mix, which pretty much means that what I've got left is only for an emergency backup now that I've been turned on to the swedish. They're all completely inoffensive, but also nothing to write home about either.
I'd say if you like the Catch flavored varieties or the Metropol mint types then you may actually derive some enjoyment from these.
camel is the snus I started with. I think it is way different from swedish snus. To me, camel is sweet and not salty at all...it is comparable to minty candy, if that makes sense. I would use the stuff all the time if it weren't for the fact it is near impossible to find! Personally, I love the camel spice and frost flavors. If you like big red gum, try spice. If you like spearmint, try the frost.
I also started on the Camel Snus before moving to Swedish once it became hard to find; never looked back or missed the Camel - flavor is very strong for both the frost and spice, natural had very light tobacco taste.
I live in the Triad area above Greensboro (about 30 miles ENE of Winston-Salem), the Camel Snus has been pulled from many convenience stores (lack of sales I believe), it is usually most readily available in the large truck-stop style gas stations along the interstates.
If you can't find any around Winston let me know and I can direct you to at least 2 places I believe still have it near Greensboro-Burlington (not sure since I haven't checked in about a month), or I can find some and send it to you at cost.
Never stopped in Winston area to purchase it, but I believe it is/was tested in entire Triad area - I used to be able to get it at some out of the way c-stores, but now I think yoour best bet is to try a couple of the largest gas stations you see - possibly Sheetz in the area - not sure if they had it or not, but that type of store is the only place I know of around Greensboro that was carrying it recently.
I got it! 3 Cans
I am staying in Winston Salem and stopped at the Sheetz store and picked up one of each flavor of Camel Snus. The portions look a bit like some of the swedish minis. I so far have only opened the natural. I put the portion in my lip and was acosted by the sweetness. No saltiness really. Just sweetness. I left it in for a good hour and it was still sweet when I tossed it and now I have in a portion of Skruff Cranberry. To me the natural Camel tastes like old fashioned chewing tobacco I tried as a kid. Leaf like Days of Work or something. Not too bad, but a lot different than Swedish Snus. Definitely tastes like chewing tobacco. It is very discreet and like having a candy. I like the tins. I am on travel so was going to leave them in my car to keep cool at night, but realized I have a fridge in my room, so they are in there with the remains of my outback steak. I am a low carb person so don't want to be taking in sugar particularly and it seems to me that Camel loaded these with either Sugar or Saccharine or something. Anyone else find them too sweet too? Maybe if they take off, they will expand them to other flavors and less sugar and maybe slightly bigger portions--who knows. The ones I got, all three cans expire June 17&18.
FWIW I also stopped in a tobacco shop just west of Winston Salem where they didn't have Snus, but I bought a can of Skoal Spearmint and it is totally awesome! I should stop back and buy a roll because it is hard to find. Also, it expires in July.
I have some of the Skoal spearment postions. It tastes like a mega powerfull Triumph snus. I like the triumph cuz theres no spitting.
PPGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I've seen longcut Offroad snus, but if it is of the same quality as the 2 portion Offroads I've tried I wouldn't bother.
Also, I read somewhere a couple weeks ago that Camel was going to increase the size of their snus from .4 to .6 grams
The Spice and Frost are both even sweeter than the natural. Spice actually wouldn't be too bad if you could taste the tobacco and was less sweet tasting. I liked it until I tried some real snus, haven't really had any desire to get any more since though.
Originally posted by KerprodoThe Spice and Frost are both even sweeter than the natural. Spice actually wouldn't be too bad if you could taste the tobacco and was less sweet tasting. I liked it until I tried some real snus, haven't really had any desire to get any more since though.