I have noticed that most lös is slightly dry when I open the can, especially the gellivare and landstroms and gotlands grey I recently bought. I have taken to adding a bit of distilled water to cans of lös almost immediatlly on opening them. Does anybody else do this or am I just packing my pris too tight?
Adding water to snus?
Originally posted by Kennet KlotkukHave thought about that myself. As Asquar said you really don't wanna add too much water, a few drops should be just fine.
Know a guy who has tried it, he said it didn't work but he's a idiot anyway so he might have added too much
Whether a can of snus is too dry is entirely up to your personal tastes.
I've had many many rolls of Offroad and I once got a roll that I suddenly found a bit too much on the dry side. Just a few DROPS of water and some massaging of the contents with my fingers is all it took to get the snus' moisture up to snuff (no pun intended). ;-)
The only time I had to do this was when I got a can in the mail with a small crack in the lid. It was a bit dry, so I stuck my hand under the faucet and let 3 drops fall off my wet hand into the can. After I added the water, I shook it like it owed me money then tossed it in the fridge overnight to spread throughout and it was fine the next morning.
Originally posted by XobelootI shook it like it owed me money
lol......thats a great comparison and a great visual
PPGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I pack a snus tin like the dip I used to use.
Once it's about half full, from using the icetool, some of the different varieties can become a bit, ?loose? You know what I mean.
When it's all compacted on one side, you can just insert the tool twice and pack a perfect pris.
Before I did this, gathering all the bits from the bottom of the can gave a less consistent pris, even with using the icetool and a secondary press into the thumb.