Poll: How may people here smoke?

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  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    Poll: How may people here smoke?

    It's been almost 7 weeks since I've had a cigarette, and I've truly made a seismic shift in attitude. When I pine for nicotine, I wish for a snus, not a smoke. Way cool.

    I'm just wondering if very many other folks have done the same, or if people here both smoke and snus, or where you're at on a continuum.
  • nickyspaghetti
    • Mar 2008
    • 19

    I've had just 5 cigs since I started 3 weeks ago - all with a drink(I used to smoke a pack on a night out so i guess one or two each night is not too bad.)
    I haven't had a cig that I was satisfied by, which leads me to think that it is going to be replaced exclusively by snus when my body learns to act on my brains orders not on automatic after a drink!


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      I wish I could say I've given up smokes completely (actually, option #1 would have been nice), but I do partake every great once in a while when hanging out with friends. The good part is that I know that I don't NEED one; I'll smoke to actually enjoy the act of smoking, which I haven't been able to experience for years. I don't feel bad about it because I figure that one day in SoCal smog is about equal to one cigarette smoked anyway... :P


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        I never smoked much to begin with - only the magical green tobacco occasionally for about ten years on and off, then started smoking when finishing my masters degree simply as a means to keep my sanity and keep motivated. Smoked lightly for maybe 18 months (2-5 a day kind of thing), always thinking that it was a dumb thing to start and that I should probably stop before it became any more of a habit than it already was. Ran into snus in Sweden about two years ago and haven't looked back.


        • snowblind
          New Member
          • Jun 2007
          • 6

          Smoked almost a pack a day for 10 years, chucked 'em out the day my first snus order arrived..... have had 3 cigarettes in the last 12 months thanks to snus


          • Z480
            • Mar 2008
            • 20

            I completely gave up smoking 3 weeks ago in favor of snus, after 13 years of smoking 1-2 packs a day, and have only taken about 5 puffs since (all in the first couple days). What made it especially easy for me is that I had the flu on the day my first order of snus arrived, so I wasn't enjoying the cigarettes at all. Also, I drank about 3/4 of a bottle of NyQuil that day, so the nicotine cravings were kinda hard to notice.

            The weird thing is that cigarette smoke somehow smells REALLY bad to me now. I guess that's a good thing, since I don't ever want to smoke again, but I don't remember it ever bothering me before I started?


            • Asquar
              • Mar 2008
              • 256

              Originally posted by Z480
              The weird thing is that cigarette smoke somehow smells REALLY bad to me now. I guess that's a good thing, since I don't ever want to smoke again, but I don't remember it ever bothering me before I started?
              Funny, because although don't anticipate ever smoking again, I still enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke when I'm around it. But I don't envy the smoking, or in any way wish to participate.

              I also have kept a couple of ashtrays at home for people who wish to come visit and smoke. I WILL NOT join the fanatical, neo-puritanical "smoke free" social movement.

              Originally posted by Jason
              ...but I do partake every great once in a while when hanging out with friends. The good part is that I know that I don't NEED one;
              This seems like it would be true for me also, if I tried it. But for me, the key to being a non-smoker is to not smoke, to not even ever have a single one. I'm one of those alcoholics who doesn't drink, so that's a paradigm I'm used to. I'm not knocking smoking. I just wish to be entirely a non-smoker. Today, all of those verboten messages: NO SMOKING WITHIN 30 FEET OF THE DOOR etc. do not apply to me.


              • Z480
                • Mar 2008
                • 20

                I should probably clarify a bit...

                I'm not bothered by people smoking nearby outside, or even indoors as long as I'm not in a visible smoke cloud. The smell isn't something I'd want to be around all the time, but it's not like it makes me want to puke or anything. Being in a small enclosed space with someone who's smoking (like a car with the windows rolled up) is really unpleasant, though.

                Of course, I completely agree on the stupidity of the "smoke free" thing, and I don't think that people should have to go out of their way to protect my delicate senses or anything like that...


                • nickyspaghetti
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 19

                  I hate the smell of the smoke - I couldn't stand the smell on my hands. I do however sometimes feel the craving if some smoke passes my nose - just from the association with the addiction I think. I am in favour of a smoke free environment, as long as the government support people who A. want to smoke - bring in some policy to provide decent smoking areas that won't contaminate the non smoking areas(that does not include the UK policy on no smoking in pubs as now I just have the smoke blowing on me everytime I walk near an entrance to a nonsmoking property)
                  B. want to have healthier options - Why does the government insist on NRT being so expensive? This is not very well organised and the law on smoke free tobacco is absurd.
                  The idea of the e-cigarette has been one I have thought of for a long time - a nicotine vapour that contains is healthier but gives the nicotine in a similar way to a cigarette. Only recently have they become available but I think that soon they will be banned for some stupid reason made up by a non smoker.

                  I have disliked smoking for so long, I think I only really enjoyed it for the first few months after which it became another thing that I should give up. Real help is hard to come by, a reason why I really like the support that this forum can give to people who want to find a better option.
                  I have found that using snus has actually lowered my wish for nicotine even though I think I am getting more of it through snus. I now feel that I could get away with just a couple a day as the slower relase of nicotine is more long term rewarding than a cigarette.


                  • snoosiphant
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 175

                    I only started with snus toward the end of Feburary and I had cut my smoking back considerably even before then. Last week I probably had 3-4 RYO cigarettes and a couple of small cigars and maybe a pinch or two of nasal snuff.

                    When the weather warms up here I will have an occaisional cigar or pipe on the porch.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I still smoke, and probably always will. I used to smoke about 150g of ryo tobacco per week. I've cut down to a couple of cigarettes per day, and when I run out of tobacco I don't get any for awhile. I'm pretty happy with this situation, and am planning on maintaining it :^)


                      • The Wolf
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 132

                        I never smoked "seriously" before started snusing. I enjoy the occasional cigarette, mostly while drinking, but can't see why should I go into smokes instead of snusing (if I'd have to choose between these two). As you all know the smell of cigarettes on your clothes on the famous next morning is quite awful compared to snus' pretty mild aroma... And I don't wanna be one of those who suffer from not being able to smoke whenever one wants.


                        • ['nju:bI]
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 29

                          I've started transitioning to snus in January already.
                          Unfortunately, my former 1 1/2-pack-a-day habit is still so strong on me, it usually makes me buy a whole pack when I'm out having a drink. I've been smoking half of my life, you know.
                          But I'm fairly sure this'll wear off soon enough, because I regularly regret these nights more and more when I wake up the next morning. Smoking just isn't good for me, I can actually feel that physically now. And when there's no smoker around, I can even have quite a few drinks without the urge to smoke.
                          In fact, I suppose it's gonna be alot easier for me once smoking will be banned in all bars here in Germany - THAT is in a transitioning phase, too, right now.

                          To cut it short: I voted for the occasional one, but I'm sure it's not gonna stay that way. And, man, I feel good about it !


                          • yummi4tunekookie
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 277

                            I voted #5; I started using snus near the end of February, and since then, I've cut back quite a bit. I've only been smoking for about 2 years and never quite made it to a pack a day--more like 10-15 a day. Now I only smoke around 3-10 a day. Not too much better, but it's difficult, as many of my friends are smokers, and I tend to smoke more socially.

                            I also had an issue with snus being too noticeable in the beginning--even the mini portions gave my upper lip a distinct bulge. But, just as others here have told me, practice makes perfect. I am now at the point where mini portions are super comfortable, and nobody notices that I have one in anymore. Yaaay! I made my 2nd order recently and included mostly mini portions. I'm confident that I'll be cutting back even more now that I'm comfortable with using portions in public.

                            ...It's still very difficult to hold back from smoking when I drink, though :x Curse you, alcohol!


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              I quit smoking completely in favor of Snus, but This past week has been a full-on smoking relapse. I smoked more than I used snus. Now I am back to square one. I have only had one cigarette today, and my body is screaming at me. My lungs hurt and I feel like crap. I won't use the term "quit" when referring to cigarettes ever again. It is so easy to get sucked right back into it. So, for now, I have stopped smoking again. Most likely I will still have the occasional smoke, but I make no plans to do it.

