Belgian Snus? Pure Makla

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  • Dead Rabbit
    • Mar 2008
    • 315

    Belgian Snus? Pure Makla

    Anyone ever heard of a Belgian snus called Pure Makla? I read somewhere this stuff has a huge nicotine kick. I wonder if it goes in the top lip or bottom. Is it fired like the American stuff? Salted? Lots of cancer stuff in it?
  • Coffey
    • Feb 2007
    • 150

    Hmmm... Never heard of it before. The consistency looks like that of Offroad loose. Further, the black metal can looks like Offroad, and the flavors are Offroad.... I don't know if there's any connection whatsoever between the two brands, but it might be interesting to find out. Is the V2 rep still posting on here anymore? I haven't been around in a while.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      I would guess that it is Offroad. If you go to v2's website, you will see that they offer the ability to purchase their services to sell snus labelled however you want.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        It IS Offroad. Since snus cannot be sold in Germany, it is sold under the name "Makla", which normally is a north african sort of dip with unknown ingredients, but unlike snus still free for sale, since it is produced in belgium (where also the capital of our beloved EU-"democratorship" lies).

        I know that from a small conversation with the owner of the Makla-shop in a German smokeless-tobacco-forum, where he didn't(!) answer my question, whether it is Offroad-snus or not.

        Needless to say, that I have nothing against the owner of the shop and I wish him all the best with his "Pure Makla"-project.



        • Dead Rabbit
          • Mar 2008
          • 315

          Wow….what a loop hole in law, it seems like a dangerous precedent to allow one product of unknown ingredients to remain legal and outlaw another (snus) that lists its ingredients. Got to love big government.

          Following this logic, it seems one could sell cans of Makla filled with pure uncut cocaine.


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
            Wow….what a loop hole in law, it seems like a dangerous precedent to allow one product of unknown ingredients to remain legal and outlaw another (snus) that lists its ingredients. Got to love big government.

            Following this logic, it seems one could sell cans of Makla filled with pure uncut cocaine.
            Yeah, indeed, but this applies all the more for cigarettes, which can be called "designer-drugs" nowadays, while Makla is just a traditional tobacco product, that I might even try someday.



            • Slydel
              • Mar 2008
              • 421

              Are you sure it is not "Jamaican" snus?


              • Mazur
                • May 2007
                • 159

                Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                Wow….what a loop hole in law, it seems like a dangerous precedent to allow one product of unknown ingredients to remain legal and outlaw another (snus) that lists its ingredients. Got to love big government.

                Following this logic, it seems one could sell cans of Makla filled with pure uncut cocaine.
                Friend of mine suggested that one can sell snus in EU as "shoe polish". Boxes are similar.

                If I knew a good laweyer I would do that and f*** the ban.


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  Snus concealed in Kiwi cans. Great idea.

                  If my retarded government ever decides to ban snus, I'll keep this in mind. :wink:


                  • bruno
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 18

                    Re: Belgian Snus? Pure Makla

                    Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                    Anyone ever heard of a Belgian snus called Pure Makla? I read somewhere this stuff has a huge nicotine kick. I wonder if it goes in the top lip or bottom. Is it fired like the American stuff? Salted? Lots of cancer stuff in it?

                    I think you are confusing "Pure Makla" with "makla ifrikia". I have tried to buy (in Belgium) "Pure Makla" without any success (on the contrary you find everywhere the ifrikia one). Even on the net: I did find only a german seller who was selling it only in Switzerland!

                    Now, Coffey, Xobeloot, and chainsnuser seems to say it is Offroad. By chance I have ordered Offroad recently. I'm still waiting... Curious to see if it has something in common with maklas. Curious to see the texture. I must say I like very much the africans snus made in Belgium (makla ifrikia, makla bouhlel bentchicou). i like very much the sweedish too especially through the variety of taste and flavors. But I wrote to Sifaco (the belgian company producing makla ifrikia) and they told me they have nothing to do with the "pure makla". Offroad? that would partially solve a mystery.
                    Now the ifrikia is done with Nicotiana Rustica (wild eastern tobacco with more little leaf than the usual Nicotiana Tabacum), known as full of nicotine (good, and I have found many references to that) and having perhaps more nitrosamine (too bad, I have not (yet) found references, could be a rumor, like the broken glass). Salt? I guess, but I don't taste it. I like the discreet taste of the maklas.


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Re: Belgian Snus? Pure Makla

                      Originally posted by bruno
                      Now the ifrikia is done with Nicotiana Rustica ...
                      I always suspected that. At the moment I'm growing some Rusticas in the garden and on a window sill. I hope that I can make some usable chewing tobacco from it. Will have to take small prises at first. I'm heavily used to nicotine but after all I've read about Rustica's nicotine-content, I'm a bit cautious.

                      Originally posted by bruno
                      ... and having perhaps more nitrosamine (too bad, I have not (yet) found references, could be a rumor, like the broken glass). Salt? I guess, but I don't taste it. I like the discreet taste of the maklas.
                      From my humble knowledge, most nitrosamines are built through fire-curing and fermentation. Rustica is known as an air-cured tobacco. The fermentation should generate a noticeable taste of violets. If you can't find such a taste in Makla, then chances are, that it is as low in nitrosamines as snus.

                      What kept me from trying Makla until now are the stories I've heard about how harsh it is on the gums, otherwise I find it quite interesting. No doubt that it also is at least a hundred times safer than to smoke!



                      • bruno
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 18

                        Re: Belgian Snus? Pure Makla

                        Originally posted by chainsnuser

                        I always suspected that. At the moment I'm growing some Rusticas in the garden and on a window sill. I hope that I can make some usable chewing tobacco from it. Will have to take small prises at first. I'm heavily used to nicotine but after all I've read about Rustica's nicotine-content, I'm a bit cautious.
                        Really chewing? You can enclose directly the tobacco, with one drop of salted water, in a tea-bag-paper portion under your lip. Perhaps that is what you mean. No need to chew imo.
                        btw, I did'nt know that you can grow rustica (or tabacum) like that. Bravo.

                        Originally posted by chainsnuser

                        From my humble knowledge, most nitrosamines are built through fire-curing and fermentation. Rustica is known as an air-cured tobacco. The fermentation should generate a noticeable taste of violets. If you can't find such a taste in Makla, then chances are, that it is as low in nitrosamines as snus.
                        I can't really find it, but I don't eat violet each day at breakfast
                        But I will dig on that issue (should snus some violet!). Thanks for the clue.

                        Originally posted by chainsnuser

                        What kept me from trying Makla until now are the stories I've heard about how harsh it is on the gums, otherwise I find it quite interesting. No doubt that it also is at least a hundred times safer than to smoke!
                        I think so, especially when you go through lungs' obstruction ...

                        Ifrikia hard on the gums? Yes and No. My experience after three weeks of comparison between sweedish snus and ifrikia is, ... well ifrikia exists only in the loose form, but again it is up to you to build a tea-bag paper portion (I should do a video on that: in 7 clips I can do 240 tea-bags in less than 30 seconds from recycled giant empty tea-bag).
                        The result:
                        Ifrikia when put in the loose form in the month is indeed very harch. So much that for a time I attribute such an effect to the broken glass! Certainly more harch than any sweedish snus, loose in the mouth.

                        Now, when ifrikia is put in a tea-bag paper portion, I have to say it is less harch than loose or portion of sweedish, for an equivalent buzz!
                        I explain this by the fact that ifrikia is much drier than most sweedish snus (with the exception of the white mini-portions).
                        The ifrikia portion does not leak at all, and it is easy to keep any difference of PH (alcalinity) away from the teeth, which I appreciate (sensible teeth).
                        So, if you are not a loose-in-mouth addicted fundamentalist, it is worth to taste


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Bruno, I'll try to use it just like other chewing tobaccos, which are used nearly the same way as snus. The name is a bit misleading. Have a look at Oliver Twist's instructions:

                          BTW, since chewing tobacco is so uncommon nowadays, at least here in Western Europe, many people really think that it has to be chewed. You'll find some threads in other smokeless-tobacco-forums, where someone says: "I've tried chewing tobacco and it tasted awfully." The answer to such messages usually is: "Don't tell you've chewed it!" :lol:

                          OK, something has to be done to flavor the dried tobacco and to freebase the nicotine, just like the salt and soda does in snus. I've seen some instructions and recipes on the internet. Some experimentation will be needed to see what's practicable. I'll not even try to make my own snus, because it seems far too complex to me. It's certainly as complex to make a first-class chewing tobacco, but my aim is just to get something usable. It's my first trial this year to grow tobacco, so I'm absolutely not sure about the outcome.

                          Rustica grows only 40-60cm tall and has quite short leaves. It has enough space on a window-sill. I'm not so sure about the Virginia-tobacco, that I've recently placed at the same window. It's still quite small but it grows extremely fast. I will make some new photos in the next days, since the Rustica plant is about to bloom now.
                          Check this thread to read more, especially STORM6490MT's tips and recommendations. You'll also find a photo of my new-found love with that beautiful name Nicotiana.

                          I wonder, why the producers of Makla Ifrikia never had the idea to make portions, if it makes such a difference.

                          I don't think, that there's broken glass in Makla. It's an urban legend that broken glass is used to boost the nicotine absorption from smokeless tobacco (of what kind ever), but that is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. Not only would broken glass lead to constant lesions and bleedings (which surely wouldn't be very helpful to get satisfied consumers) but the bleedings would in fact also hinder the nicotine-absorption. I guess, that Makla probably contains stems or a bit too much salt and soda, but certainly no glass.



                          • bruno
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 18

                            Originally posted by chainsnuser
                            Bruno, I'll try to use it just like other chewing tobaccos, which are used nearly the same way as snus. The name is a bit misleading. Have a look at Oliver Twist's instructions:

                            BTW, since chewing tobacco is so uncommon nowadays, at least here in Western Europe, many people really think that it has to be chewed. You'll find some threads in other smokeless-tobacco-forums, where someone says: "I've tried chewing tobacco and it tasted awfully." The answer to such messages usually is: "Don't tell you've chewed it!" :lol:
                            Thanks for the information. So I will have to try that Oliver twist. I want to try all non chewing smokeless tobacco. Note that makla ifrikia is randomly sold as chewing tobacco or nasal snuff here. But the makla is unchewable at the extreme, and it is nonsense to put it in the nose. Note that after two month of inquiry I still don't know if selling makla is legal in Belgium. I get only contradictory assertions ...

                            Originally posted by chainsnuser
                            OK, something has to be done to flavor the dried tobacco and to freebase the nicotine, just like the salt and soda does in snus. I've seen some instructions and recipes on the internet. Some experimentation will be needed to see what's practicable. I'll not even try to make my own snus, because it seems far too complex to me. It's certainly as complex to make a first-class chewing tobacco, but my aim is just to get something usable. It's my first trial this year to grow tobacco, so I'm absolutely not sure about the outcome.

                            You know I have put ordinary tobacco in tea-big paper portion with just one drop of water, for a while, and it works pretty well for the nicotine delivery. I have put vodka for the flavor until I have read that alcohol enhances, not the nicotine delivery, but the nitrosamin delivery! Humid ordinary tobacco on the gums is not as bad as tobacco on the tongue, but it has none of the magic delivery and taste of snus or maklas. How snus is done remains a mystery for me.

                            Originally posted by chainsnuser
                            Rustica grows only 40-60cm tall and has quite short leaves. It has enough space on a window-sill. I'm not so sure about the Virginia-tobacco, that I've recently placed at the same window. It's still quite small but it grows extremely fast. I will make some new photos in the next days, since the Rustica plant is about to bloom now.
                            Check this thread to read more, especially STORM6490MT's tips and recommendations. You'll also find a photo of my new-found love with that beautiful name Nicotiana.
                            You know, making growing tobacco privately is forbidden in Belgium. Growing cannabis too, but is now more or less tolerated. I have make growing cannabis for years, but never thought growing tobacco. I'm interested in your promising results! (I will watch the topics you have mentionned above).

                            Originally posted by chainsnuser
                            I wonder, why the producers of Makla Ifrikia never had the idea to make portions, if it makes such a difference.
                            Well, in the Algerian tradition they make the portion themselves with a paper called massa, or they take a loose dip, called rafa. Now, all algerians I met put it indeed loose in the mouth, and apparently get used to the harch effect on the gums. Harch, but not dangerous, it looks like. I have met an algerian who put an entire makla ifrikia can (20 g, the cans are little) in the mouth, and then ... drinks his coffee peacefully. Note also that a can of makla is less than one US dollar, it is incredibly cheap.

                            Originally posted by chainsnuser
                            I don't think, that there's broken glass in Makla. It's an urban legend that broken glass is used to boost the nicotine absorption from smokeless tobacco (of what kind ever), but that is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. Not only would broken glass lead to constant lesions and bleedings (which surely wouldn't be very helpful to get satisfied consumers) but the bleedings would in fact also hinder the nicotine-absorption. I guess, that Makla probably contains stems or a bit too much salt and soda, but certainly no glass.
                            I think you are right. But crystal of salt does dissolve in water, unlike some crystal in the maklas. I think the makla have silice crystals, like in sand, not for boosting the nicotine absorption but as being part of the texture, which is a sort of dry, very lightly humid, soil texture.
                            The makla is also full of little pieces of (rustica) woods. I put them away when I do the portion, but I am probably the only one doing that. Actually I really enjoy doing the portion, like I was enjoying rolling my cigarette when I was a smoker. I think that a few bit of ritual is part of the pleasure and it prevents compulsive consumption. 'course I enjoy the swedish portions too...



                            • bruno
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 18

                              Originally posted by bruno
                              You know I have put ordinary tobacco in tea-big paper portion with just one drop of water, for a while, and it works pretty well for the nicotine delivery. I have put vodka for the flavor until I have read that alcohol enhances, not the nicotine delivery, but the nitrosamin delivery! Humid ordinary tobacco on the gums is not as bad as tobacco on the tongue, but it has none of the magic delivery and taste of snus or maklas. How snus is done remains a mystery for me.
                              Hmm... searching a bit on the net, I realize that doing just ordinary tobacco is far more complex than I thought, even more complex than doing beers. You could easily end up with bad alcohol full of nitrosamine: a doubly dangerous product! Be careful!
                              I can understand the pleasure of growing tobacco at home though. I guess that putting the leaves in the mouth directly will not work, even those with high nicotine product like rustica ... I understand why much more people grows their cannabis than their tobacco ...

