So I should have my second snus order arriving tomorrow or the next day and I have 3 cans of loose open. So I have been hoping to finish the loose I have open, because I know I will have to open at least a can of ettan and gotlands when I get the order. So I did a double dip of skruff stark. I know, from what I have read and seen in pictures here, that a lot of you all could easily handle the amount of skruf stark I took with no problem, but me, I had to lay down and take a nap.
A pris right, a pris left and after about 30 minutes, me prone
I had been on the fence about the flavor and texture and burn of skruf stark, and I am on the fence no more. I think this is the last can of it I will buy. I don't know if its the texture or what, but it seems to have a way of going right past fun to either unoticable or way too hardcore. Goodbye skruf stark.
A pris right, a pris left and after about 30 minutes, me prone
