Anyone snus when you're sick? Does snus/nicotine affect the immune system in any way?
Nicotine And The Immune System?
I've been sick the past few days with a cold and a nasty cough. Been taking snus the whole time, mostly Grov loose. It didn't slow my getting better at all. I get better a hell of a lot faster now when I get sick as opposed to back then when I was a heavy smoker and getting sick with a cold meant I'd feel like shit for about a week and a half, followed by at least another week with a horrible sounding death rattle of a cough.
So yeah man, stick with NyQuil, bed rest, plenty of fluids and plenty of snus. :lol:
Nicotine is supposed to supress the immune system but I can't say I've been more prone to sickness or took longer to get over things through using it. Mind you when I heard that Nicotine could supress the immune system I've been taking daily Vitamin C supplements to ensure it counteracts any effects it may have.
I used to smoke when I was sick, so yeah, I snus when I'm sick. I always found that if I compounded being sick with nicotine withdrawal I was just asking for trouble. I'm sure it adversly affected my getting better, but I just didn't really think about it. You could always tell if I was *REALLY* sick because I wouldn't even smoke (sleep all day basically). That only happened a couple times when I got a full-blown flu (not a bad cold) that would generally last like a week. Those were the only times I quit smoking (and it would last like 6 months) because I had already made it a week and the withdrawal was gone - but unfortunately it never stuck. I'm hoping snus will do better (so far so good).
My smoking never seemed to slow at all when I was sick; I do know that it took me a lot longer to recover (compared to other people) because of it. I've taken B-complex vitamins fortified with vitamin C for almost a year now, though...I can honestly say that I haven't been sick since I started taking them.
Any ex-smokers switch to menthol cigarettes when the nose stopped up? I sure used to. Never cut down my smoking much, but just shifted to menthol cigs cause I couldn't taste anything anyhow.
You're right about the need for Vitamin C. Nicotine depletes it, and it's needed to fight off disease. B complex is good, too. A hypnosis program I completed came with really heavy nutrition information for smokers. Very complete and quite scientific (no herbal remedies, pseudo-science, etc).
In a hospital stay last year, I used Stonewell bits and snus on a regular basis. But, hey, I grew hypersensitive to smoke during that time and could tell the nurses who smoked as they brought their hands to me to take my temperature. Freaked 'em out.
Maaan, menthol is my cigarette of choice. I totally smoked when I had the flu recently, though it kinda hurt--but I HAD to :x ! Anyway, aside from having the flu (about 2 or 3 weeks ago), I hardly ever get sick. And I'm starting to take B vitamins fortified with C, like Jason. Hopefully I'll never get sick again, because the flu sucked. :cry:
I used to smoke the occasional menthol just for a change of pace, but I could never get through a pack; I always ended up trading or giving them away. The taste was ok, but they just wracked my throat something awful.
I had a girlfriend in high school whose father smoked menthol GPC's daily; over two pack's worth. I never heard anyone with smoker's cough as bad as he had it...