Nicotine And The Immune System?

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  • Anti
    • Dec 2007
    • 140

    Nicotine And The Immune System?

    Anyone snus when you're sick? Does snus/nicotine affect the immune system in any way?
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    I've been sick the past few days with a cold and a nasty cough. Been taking snus the whole time, mostly Grov loose. It didn't slow my getting better at all. I get better a hell of a lot faster now when I get sick as opposed to back then when I was a heavy smoker and getting sick with a cold meant I'd feel like shit for about a week and a half, followed by at least another week with a horrible sounding death rattle of a cough.

    So yeah man, stick with NyQuil, bed rest, plenty of fluids and plenty of snus. :lol:


    • mwood72

      Nicotine is supposed to supress the immune system but I can't say I've been more prone to sickness or took longer to get over things through using it. Mind you when I heard that Nicotine could supress the immune system I've been taking daily Vitamin C supplements to ensure it counteracts any effects it may have.


      • Shrewd
        • Feb 2008
        • 118

        I used to smoke when I was sick, so yeah, I snus when I'm sick. I always found that if I compounded being sick with nicotine withdrawal I was just asking for trouble. I'm sure it adversly affected my getting better, but I just didn't really think about it. You could always tell if I was *REALLY* sick because I wouldn't even smoke (sleep all day basically). That only happened a couple times when I got a full-blown flu (not a bad cold) that would generally last like a week. Those were the only times I quit smoking (and it would last like 6 months) because I had already made it a week and the withdrawal was gone - but unfortunately it never stuck. I'm hoping snus will do better (so far so good).


        • Jason
          • Jan 2008
          • 1370

          My smoking never seemed to slow at all when I was sick; I do know that it took me a lot longer to recover (compared to other people) because of it. I've taken B-complex vitamins fortified with vitamin C for almost a year now, though...I can honestly say that I haven't been sick since I started taking them.


          • TropicalBob
            • Feb 2008
            • 316

            Any ex-smokers switch to menthol cigarettes when the nose stopped up? I sure used to. Never cut down my smoking much, but just shifted to menthol cigs cause I couldn't taste anything anyhow.

            You're right about the need for Vitamin C. Nicotine depletes it, and it's needed to fight off disease. B complex is good, too. A hypnosis program I completed came with really heavy nutrition information for smokers. Very complete and quite scientific (no herbal remedies, pseudo-science, etc).

            In a hospital stay last year, I used Stonewell bits and snus on a regular basis. But, hey, I grew hypersensitive to smoke during that time and could tell the nurses who smoked as they brought their hands to me to take my temperature. Freaked 'em out.


            • yummi4tunekookie
              • Feb 2008
              • 277

              Maaan, menthol is my cigarette of choice. I totally smoked when I had the flu recently, though it kinda hurt--but I HAD to :x ! Anyway, aside from having the flu (about 2 or 3 weeks ago), I hardly ever get sick. And I'm starting to take B vitamins fortified with C, like Jason. Hopefully I'll never get sick again, because the flu sucked. :cry:


              • Shrewd
                • Feb 2008
                • 118

                Menthol cigarettes? ick, never cared for them. I was a one cigarette type smoker... then they discontinued them. Oh well, good thing I found snus.


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  I used to smoke the occasional menthol just for a change of pace, but I could never get through a pack; I always ended up trading or giving them away. The taste was ok, but they just wracked my throat something awful.

                  I had a girlfriend in high school whose father smoked menthol GPC's daily; over two pack's worth. I never heard anyone with smoker's cough as bad as he had it...


                  • Anti
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 140

                    I'm finding it easier to stick to white portions, because the juice from the regular portions seems to irritate my already sore throat.

                    Even back when I smoked, I never really smoked when I was sick. The desire wasn't there.

