Any relation?
One of the reasons I quit smoking was because I was getting really bad heartburn, bad enough to where I felt like there was a constant lump in my throat. Ironically, smoking a cigarette would actually sooth it slightly, if that makes any sense, but I know that smoking couldn't be helping the situation in the long run.
Anyway, once I quit and started using snus, things got a lot better: I almost forgot that I'd even had heartburn. after a couple of months, it's back with a vengence. :evil: I would easily say it's much worse than it was before. I'm willing to bet it's GERD (my brother has it, as well as my mother, who is in fact having her gall bladder removed this very week because of it), but I'm wondering how much of an impact the snus has on this condition? I would really hate to quit because I enjoy it so much, but you gotta do what you gotta do... :cry:
One of the reasons I quit smoking was because I was getting really bad heartburn, bad enough to where I felt like there was a constant lump in my throat. Ironically, smoking a cigarette would actually sooth it slightly, if that makes any sense, but I know that smoking couldn't be helping the situation in the long run.
Anyway, once I quit and started using snus, things got a lot better: I almost forgot that I'd even had heartburn. after a couple of months, it's back with a vengence. :evil: I would easily say it's much worse than it was before. I'm willing to bet it's GERD (my brother has it, as well as my mother, who is in fact having her gall bladder removed this very week because of it), but I'm wondering how much of an impact the snus has on this condition? I would really hate to quit because I enjoy it so much, but you gotta do what you gotta do... :cry: