omfg! I've bn smoking 18 years 1-2 packs a using nicorette gum cut down bt still smokin..a friend at work turned me onto snus n I haven't wanted to smoke since! I haven't tried the real swedish version bt I cnt w8t! thanx for this lifesaver!
just started
Same here. Smoked normally for 18 years. Got my first taste of snus and alternated with cigs for about a week. Gradually phased the smokes out and as soon as my first package from buysnus came I put the smokes down. Haven't looked back!Totally amazing and I recommend it to anyone who is nicotine dependent and looking to give up cigarettes.
Glad to see you have given the smokes the heave-ho.
My first pouch was a Ganit Maxi, I couldn't have smoked after it :shock:
I'm down to Knox mini's and Kronan or LD Gold large now, as they are cheap, taste ok and do the job nicely. I have almost forgotten what smoking is like now, no need to do it really!
Originally posted by KindrdI haven't tried the real swedish version
Agreed, nothing beats the Swedish stuff.
I first heard about snus when Camel/Marlboro started test marketing theirs in my area. I tried it and liked it quite a bit, and then some one on a message board told me about First order and I've never looked back.
I have a small stack of coupons for a free pack of Marlboro Snus, but they will just sit there and expire...