How many of us started snusing as a way to quit smoking?
Quitting poll
I did. And I came to find that I enjoy snus a hell of a lot more than I enjoyed smoking. I smoked heavily for four years (I'm 19, started when I was 15) and I'm very, very glad that I gave it up in favor of snus as such a young age. I have a feeling that snus will stay with me for a long, long time to come.
I can honestly say that I have no intention of quitting snus. Whereas I knew I'd have to quit smoking at some point, I can see no reason to give up the snus. A slightly increased risk of pancreatic cancer as opposed to the overwhelming possibility of lung cancer as a result of smoking is fine by me.
I'm withholding vote as none of the choices are truly accurate. I took up snus because I really liked the taste, and the quitting smoking came up as an after thought. I would like to get to the point when I can have the occasional cigarette, and it doesn't trigger the desire to have 10 more :lol: I've cut down to 1 tin of American Spirit every 2-3 weeks. I like to get to 1 tin per month or a little more, and that'll be perfect.
Ah, American Spirit. Well, at least you're not inhaling all of those additives. Even when I smoked, I usually only smoked American Spirits. Jester for spliffs, but for real cigarettes it was usually Spirit rollies, the U.S. grown in the royal blue bag. And if not the rollies, it was the Blues.
If you're going to smoke at all, stick to the Spirits. The lack of chemicals has to make it at least slightly less dangerous.
Originally posted by CoffeyHey Zero, can I edit the poll itself? I would like to put up an option to the effect of: Tried it without the intention of quitting smoking, but it did the trick.
Totally agreed!
There are, indeed, too many options to choose from, personally, to include them in a poll, and even if there were only two choices (yes/no), it still would be a good poll.
I, for example, had some doubts about how usable snus really is, but for me, indeed, snus was meant as a 'stop-smoking-device', from the beginning.
I guess, we are still a forum of tobacco-lovers and everyone, who uses snus, is welcome, no matter, if snus is originally meant to stop smoking, or just to bypass smoking-bans etc.
So again, the poll is absolutely fine, including the "leave me alone"-option.