The October 3rd issue of the New York Times featured an article on Snus in the front page of the business section. I'm sure you've all heard that American tobacco companies such as Camel and Marlboro have been test marketing Snus in locations such as New York and Chicago but this is really the first national recognition the miracle product has gotten here in the United States. After reading the article, none of which was new news to me I was left with a bittersweet sentiment. When and if Snus eventually catches on in the United States we will no longer pay $3.30 a tin, I fear that through federal taxes if Snus is widely available in the US we will be paying closer to $6. Should Snus continue to be a rather hidden, inexpensive commodity with few regulations? It is my feeling that Snus should stay Swedish, even if it does mean waiting 5 days for UPS to bring it to my college mailbox.
To view the article in the New York Times
To view the article in the New York Times