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  • alex
    • Jul 2007
    • 226


    No pun intended to ChainSnusser :P haha


    How many of you guys chain snus? one portion right after another?

    I think I am prone to do this since I recently quit smoking. If I don't snus almost constantly, the draw for instantly getting nicotine can be strong. Also, I keep portions in for about 2 hours at a time, so the nicotine delivery has kind of warn off by the time I literally exchange for a new portion. Sometimes I have to actively tell myself to take a break :?

    Does anyone else here use snus back to back most of every day? Does anyone know if swedish use is similar? And if so, any comments on how this could effect health?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I almost chain snus. I put a portion in for anywhere from .5 hours to 2 hours. I then smoke a cigarette when I'm finished, wait about .5 hours, then another snus. I guess I use about 5-6 portions per day.


    • Craig de Tering
      • Nov 2006
      • 525

      Are you only using portions?? You must be a masochist then.
      Are you using the strongest pouched snus (is it N&J?)?

      I find pouches to be less friendly to my gums and besides, brands being equal; loose snus is always stronger, a pris is always bigger than a 1gram pouch and there's one less barrier for the nic.
      Also, weight for weight they're much more expensive.

      Then again, I don't like extra-strength snuses and can easily go a day or two without snus.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Re: Chain-Snussing?

        Originally posted by alex
        No pun intended to ChainSnusser :P haha :?: How many of you guys chain snus?
        Haha, I do, really, since December 2, 2006. I use portions, as well as loose snus, almost always between 2 and 5 hours and I also almost always replace one portion/prilla directly with another. Like with all 'psychoactive substances', you'll also find people, who are 'light users'. I don't think, there's a special 'swedish way' to it.

        I doubt, the nicotine matters at all, when talking about possible negative health effects of snusing, but gum recession is something, you should have an eye on. From what I know, even gum recession, normally, is much more promoted by smoking. I always switch sides and alternate between portions and loose-snus. So far, I didn't have any problems.
        When talking about cancer, there seems to be virtually no measurable risk connected with snus-use. I don't negate, that there might be a risk, but it's obviously nothing, that's worth thinking about constantly. It may even be riskier to have a bias for certain types of food.

        Since I don't want (and possibly even cannot) stop nicotine-use, snus is just the best way, to get my fix and after nearly 20 years of heavy smoking, I only regret, that I didn't search for alternatives, earlier.



        • alex
          • Jul 2007
          • 226

          Craig - I was for a while using N&J all day (it's just so damn good), but that made me sickly :? and so I returned to a regular brand for all day snussing. Yes I mostly use portions (remaining discreet at my job is probably best since it's a business environment), and at night I am just getting into enjoying loose after dinner/before bed.

          Weight for weight, it is still waaaay cheaper then american cigarettes with shipping!

          - you my friend, are one hard core nicotine user!

          I wonder if he'll go down the same path as others and just eventually want to quit smoking due to snus being so much better

          chainsnusser -

          "I don't think, there's a special 'swedish way' to it. "
          I was just curious if as a general rule, consumption was portion after portion - or more casual, to where a day or so break wouldn't be a big deal (I would go bonkers :P )

          I understand that the health risks are low (I read a ton before getting into snus), but I always still wonder what average consumption is. And in regards to that, whether I am way above the mean, or right there with it.

          I have no desire to quit using snus, I enjoy the taste, the kick, and i'll sheepishly admit - the cool of it.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by alex

            - you my friend, are one hard core nicotine user!

            I wonder if he'll go down the same path as others and just eventually want to quit smoking due to snus being so much better
            If there were no health consequences with tobacco use I'd keep smoking as my regular habit, and use snus for an occasional treat. I like everything about smoking. The taste, the smell of smoke on the outside breeze, and the awesome accompaniment to a good cup of coffee Taking health affects into account though, I'd like to reduce my smoking and snusing to a minimal level and only use either of them as a treat. I don't want to quit tobacco completely, but I'd like to use it because I want to, not because I have to


            • alex
              • Jul 2007
              • 226

              Fair enough. I love tobacco use, and as a matter of fact, I loved smoking. Eventually after both snussing and smoking for a while, one day I just decided that liked snus way more and quitting smoking just happened on it's own. I should say though, that for a while I have wanted to kick the cigs!

              Occasionally I will pull out the trusty 'ol briar and have a pipe


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by alex
                Occasionally I will pull out the trusty 'ol briar and have a pipe
                Ah, I dig a nice pipe 8) That was the first thing I regularly smoked. I guess I was about 14 at the time. I quit that and started cigarettes because I had a job in food service, and cigarettes were more convenient.

                I've thought about digging my old pipes out of storage and giving them another go. One problem that I mentioned in another thread is the disappearance of good tobacco shops in my area. I like good custom blends, and am not a big fan of the drug store tobaccos. I particularly like Danish tobaccos. They're very moist, and really slop up the bowl, but they're mellow and tasty. Hmm, there has to be a tobacco shop somewhere near me. I may have to go out and see what's available for a pipe 8)


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  Ah, talk of pipes! I quit cigarettes but I still love to smoke my pipe, especially when the weather gets cold. It's slowly getting colder here and I'm just itching to get my pipe out again.

                  Which reminds me, I need to get some more pipe tobacco tomorrow. I wish the good smoke shop here didn't close at 6 p.m.


                  • alex
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 226

                    One thing we do have here in KC is a really cool cigar and tabac that has a huge selection of pipes and tabaccos (and cigars, which I have never really been into)


                    • The Cook
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 166

                      I snus about six times a day - 2 in the morn, 2 in the afternoon and two in the evening. I try to pace them out, not always successfully.

                      I calculated my nicotine intake, snus vs. cigarettes. I used to smoke 25 to 30 strong Canadian cigarettes a day. At 2.5 mg per cig, I consumed ~75 mg of nicotine a day. With snus, I consume ~ 48 mg of nicotine, a good improvement over cigarettes. I rarely have a huge craving for nicotine. Some days are harder than others and I do more snus than six times, but I haven't started to chainsnus yet.


                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        Originally posted by The Cook
                        I snus about six times a day - 2 in the morn, 2 in the afternoon and two in the evening. I try to pace them out, not always successfully.

                        I calculated my nicotine intake, snus vs. cigarettes. I used to smoke 25 to 30 strong Canadian cigarettes a day. At 2.5 mg per cig, I consumed ~75 mg of nicotine a day. With snus, I consume ~ 48 mg of nicotine, a good improvement over cigarettes. I rarely have a huge craving for nicotine. Some days are harder than others and I do more snus than six times, but I haven't started to chainsnus yet.
                        Those nic figures for cigarettes depend on the measuring method by I don't think that's the true amount of nic that ends up in your blood.
                        Most is burned away and another portion is exhaled again. Smoking is a very inefficient way to consume nicotine.


                        • The Cook
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 166

                          The nicotine ratings were provided by the tobacco manufacturer, 2.5mg per cig. How much nicotine that is delivered to the body, I guess that's not known. I suppose that the same thing is true for snus, that you wouldn't get all of the 8mg/1 gm pouch.


                          • Craig de Tering
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 525

                            But my guess is that gram for gram (of pure tobacco) our bodies absorb much more nic from snus than from smoking.

                            Instead of hastily burning up -what- 3/6 grams of tobacco in about 5 minutes? ...we slowly soak up 1 to 5 grams with saliva over anywhere from 15 minutes to 5 hours (in my case, sometimes).

                            Heck, doing the math like this makes one like the price of snus even more.


                            • chainsnuser
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 1388

                              Yes, the full amount of nicotine in snus-tobacco surely doesn't get into your blood. Gothiatek states, that within 30 minutes 10-20% of the nicotine are absorbed. The question is, how much nicotine is absorbed with longer use. I don't know, but I don't get any nicotine-cravings, even when I use my portions/prillas for up to 5 hours.

                              The amounts of nicotine, given on cigarette-packs are very trustworthy, if you take into acount, that these are measured with so-called smoking-machines, which try to emulate a human being's smoking-habit. They are already far away from the absolute nicotine-content in the cigarette-tobacco itself, which is about ten times higher! So yes, smoking, as Craig stated, indeed, is a terribly ineffective way to get nicotine. You only get a fast kick, that fades quickly, because the amount of nicotine, absorbed from a cigarette, is overall very, very low.

                              BTW, The Cook, you're very lucky to live in Canada, because in the EU, since many years, we have a law, that only allows a maximum nicotine content of 1.0 mg per cigarette (also measured with 'smoking-machines', of course). Many brands, including popular ones, like Camel and Marlboro, which formerly had about 1.2 mg, had to apply new recipes. Of course, weaker cigarettes only led to more chainsmokers and more tax-revenues for greedy governments. It has absolutely nothing to do with health-politics.

                              Since I use snus, my personal nicotine-intake has surely become higher, but I don't have a problem with that fact.


