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  • littlesilverboxfromwales
    • Mar 2007
    • 118


    Are there any Ex-smokers out there who have noticed improvements in their general health since switching to Snus, and what have they been?
    I have noticed, I don't wheeze, snore or get out of breath when walking up steep hills. My sense of taste and smell have improved a little and I have no feeling of panic as the smoking ban looms on the horizon 8)
    Oh and my circulation is a bit better, my hands and feet stay warmer.
  • mwood72

    Re: Health

    Originally posted by littlesilverboxfromwales
    Are there any Ex-smokers out there who have noticed improvements in their general health since switching to Snus, and what have they been?
    I have noticed, I don't wheeze, snore or get out of breath when walking up steep hills. My sense of taste and smell have improved a little and I have no feeling of panic as the smoking ban looms on the horizon 8)
    Oh and my circulation is a bit better, my hands and feet stay warmer.
    Breathing, taste and smell have improved and feel I have 1 up on the smokers about to face the smoking ban in pubs in the UK in the summer


    • TBonehawk

      I've noticed that riding my bike to and from campus is much easier. Additionally, I've noticed that hangovers are a lot milder than they used to be.


      • littlesilverboxfromwales
        • Mar 2007
        • 118

        Hi T, Now you mention that, I have noticed that hangovers only seem to mean I'm just de-hydrated(?spelling?) rather than poisoned.


        • nzkiwi
          • Jan 2007
          • 141

          My lungs don't hurt anymore and my allergies don't flare up as often. Oh.... and less stress because I don't have to go outside during a midwest winter for a fag.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            ^ midwest...winter? You're a america? :?:


            • nzkiwi
              • Jan 2007
              • 141

              Born and raised in N.Z. I have lived in the u.s for 12 years. I attended college here in the U.S and decided to stay. I do miss the people and the laid back lifestyle New Zealand offers. Gee, I sound like a t.v ad for vacationing in N.Z.

              On a lighter note. No snus in New Zealand, they don't know what they are missing out on.


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                NZ seems like a very beautiful place from what I've seen. Sort of like an island version of Norway I guess. But since I was born and raised on a microscopic island in the Caribbean I'm loathe of islands for lack of land connection to other countries. It also doesn't help there's a problem with violence according to the media.
                I like variation and I want it at the drop of a hat. No booking planes or trains or ferries. Jump in the car or on the bike or put on your shoes and go.


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  my word, how you could refuse to go back to NZ in favour of america...boggles the mind :shock:


                  • Craig de Tering
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 525

                    Uhh...I'm thinking something along the line of "the grass is always greener... blah blah blah". :wink:


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      yeah, it's greener in new zealand, mate :lol:


                      • nzkiwi
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 141

                        Actually I have half my family in the U.S (father's side) and I met a girl while I was here. Woman, they'll do it to ya everytime.

                        You might be right about the grass is greener........ thing. If I was back in New Zealand I would probably miss some aspects of the U.S(baseball, hot dogs, lawyers, girls gone wild video's). Just kidding about the lawyers part. I think you will always miss the place you were born and raised. Home will always be Home.

                        New Zealand is a little isolated making it expensive to travel, unless Australia is your destination of choice. I must say, N.Zer's are well traveled, most U.S citizens have never left their own country, some their own state. New Zealander's jump at the chance to travel overseas, many U.S citizens don't care to leave the U.S. Perhaps it's the due to the geographics of were New Zealand lies. If you're a N.Zer and want to see the world, you have no choice but travel overseas.

                        Anyway's, i'll step aside a let someone else have a say. See ya mates! :wink:


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          I had a feeling it must have been a girl :lol: No kidding though, london must have a small suburb of new zealanders around, you lot are everywhere, man


                          • nzkiwi
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 141

                            Funny you say that, I have a couple of cousins and an ex-girlfriend that live in london. :lol: These are just the kiwi's I know of living in London.


                            • Dogfishfsn
                              • Apr 2011
                              • 91

                              I quit smoking for Snus because I was wheezing. While I had a very bad cough for the first 3 weeks its all cleared up now(3 Mo. in). Smell and taste are 20% better and the sore throat I had for a year is gone. I feel great in fact.

