Snus & Tobacco Stained Teeth

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  • mwood72

    Snus & Tobacco Stained Teeth

    Has anyone had a bad time with their Dentist after starting Snusing? I've been Snusing for about 6 months and I do worry about the Tobacco stains on my teeth. I never used to get them when I smoked. I'm almost afraid to go for my check-up for fear of the lecture I might get or what they might say I'm doing to myself Surely it can't be as bad for you as smoking though (from what you read) ?
  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    I guess it's possible since smoking does that too but then again, smoke contains MANY more chemicals than snus so who knows?
    I haven't noticed any coloring of my teeth nor on a heavy snusing norwegian friend.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      If you brush regularly with a whitening toothpaste you should be fine, mate. If you want gleaming white teeth, drop by a local mosque or islamic shop (in the UK you shouldn't have a problem finding one :lol: ) and pick up a miswak. It's a wooden stick with a brush-like fibrous core - you strip off about 3mm of the bark, moisten the tip, and go over your teeth with it. Use it every day and you'll have hollywood-star white teeth, mate, guaranteed! Just once and you'll notice a difference - I was honestly amazed when my mate introduced me to the things.


      • mwood72

        Thanks Zero. I'll try the whitening toothpaste first I think.


        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          [quote="Zero"]If you brush regularly with a whitening toothpaste you should be fine, mate. [quote]
          I always use that. Maybe that's why.
          If you want gleaming white teeth, drop by a local mosque or islamic shop (in the UK you shouldn't have a problem finding one :lol: ) and pick up a miswak. It's a wooden stick with a brush-like fibrous core - you strip off about 3mm of the bark, moisten the tip, and go over your teeth with it. Use it every day and you'll have hollywood-star white teeth, mate, guaranteed! Just once and you'll notice a difference - I was honestly amazed when my mate introduced me to the things.
          I'll try that too, thanx!


          • TheCanuck
            • May 2006
            • 38

            My front four teeth are all caps after a hockey "mishap" and snus doesn't seem to stain them at all. My dentist has never mentioned anything, either.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              hockey teeth! :lol:


              • StarWing
                • Aug 2006
                • 124

                I've been Snusing for almost 5 months now, and my teeth have not been stained that I can notice .... OTOH, I wear a full set of Dentures, thus, my teeth are unreal :wink:


                • mwood72

                  Originally posted by StarWing
                  I've been Snusing for almost 5 months now, and my teeth have not been stained that I can notice .... OTOH, I wear a full set of Dentures, thus, my teeth are unreal :wink:
                  Starwing - Just out of curiosity do you use Original portions, White portions or loose? It's just I wonder if it's because I use Original portions and they drip more than White portions that I have this problem? I prefer Original portions though as I find them tastier, less harsh on my throat and the Nicotine hit a lot quicker and more intense than White portions


                  • Craig de Tering
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 525

                    Mwood, you just described the purpose of white portions!
                    It's exactly why they were developped in the first place.


                    • StarWing
                      • Aug 2006
                      • 124

                      Originally posted by mwood72
                      Starwing - Just out of curiosity do you use Original portions, White portions or loose? It's just I wonder if it's because I use Original portions and they drip more than White portions that I have this problem? I prefer Original portions though as I find them tastier, less harsh on my throat and the Nicotine hit a lot quicker and more intense than White portions
                      I have used them all, and currently got to the point where I am using the large white portions. I have used the Original Portions quite a bit, and still have a couple of cans of that. At this point, I have found that I highly favor the Ettan White Portions, because I like to flavor released better than the Original Portions or Loose of that brand. It's been several days now since I used any Original Portions, but plan to mix them back into my usage tomorrow.


                      • nicotinedream
                        • Oct 2006
                        • 66

                        Originally posted by Zero
                        If you brush regularly with a whitening toothpaste you should be fine, mate. If you want gleaming white teeth, drop by a local mosque or islamic shop (in the UK you shouldn't have a problem finding one :lol: ) and pick up a miswak. It's a wooden stick with a brush-like fibrous core - you strip off about 3mm of the bark, moisten the tip, and go over your teeth with it. Use it every day and you'll have hollywood-star white teeth, mate, guaranteed! Just once and you'll notice a difference - I was honestly amazed when my mate introduced me to the things.
                        I wanted to let Zero know that I have been using the miswak for about a week. They are amazing! A natural product that truly works. Thanks Zero for turning me on to these.



                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Wild, glad you like it, mate. 8)


                          • pelouk
                            New Member
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 1

                            Originally posted by Zero
                            If you want gleaming white teeth, drop by a local mosque or islamic shop (in the UK you shouldn't have a problem finding one :lol: ) and pick up a miswak.
                            Thanks. Good tip.
                            I see you are in UK. I live there to and I'm thinking of taking up snuss. Since it's baned here, I guess I'll have to order from Sweden. Have you had any problems with Customs when ordering fro Sweden or elsewhere? Any impounded deliveries?


                            • Kindrd
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 266

                              I am definately developing stains in the gaps of my teeth. It is somewhat bumming me out. The stains on the fronts of my teeth(from smoking) went away and now the gaps are turning dark. I brush 2-3 times a day and lately have been trying targon mouthwash. They are getting darker though. I need to get my snus out of the front of my mouth but I can't quite get used to using them towards the back.

