Quitting Snus??? Exit Strategies

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  • Azrsuperstar
    • May 2008
    • 55

    Quitting Snus??? Exit Strategies


    I was wondering if anybody here has any plans to quit snussing. If so, what tactics do you plan on using?

    Personally, I'm using snus to ween me off of cigarettes. I think it's working pretty well. However, once I'm hooked on snus--trust me, I'm almost there--What can I use to get off the snus?

    Tabacco free snus?
    Cold Turkey?
    The Patch?
  • mwood72

    Interesting question....I've tried and failed a few times with NRT never lasting beyond a week.....I recall that 1st snus after a week of abstinence is absolute heaven!...I feel maybe it's better for me to continue snusing though as it stops me from being tempted to smoke which would be a lot worse....


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      I dated a woman for a month and a half last September who had a bad heart condition, She was supersensitive to ANY nicotine, can not even eat eggplant because of the trace amounts of nicotine. When we kissed, nicotine in me would be transfered through the mucus membranes back to her.

      You won't need the patch. That would be kinda silly, since your point is to get off the nicotine. I found that, although still not fun, it was a bit easier than quitting cigarettes. Since the drop off in nicotine is MUCH slower, you won't be panicking as much. But beyond that, it still sucks. That first two days I was mostly insane. After that first two days, it was much easier. I didn't have the intense cravings that would follow after I had quit cigarettes. I missed it, but it was a much more mellow feeling than when I quit smoking. I never tried the nicotine free snus, but I imagine that might have made it a bit easier. At least make me miss my "friends" a little less

      But for me, the absence of nicotine is a health issue. Studies over the past 5 years have shown that nicotine is as effective as amphetamines for treating ADHD. As someone who has that bad, I am horribly ineffective in life without some sort of medication. I desperately don't want to turn to amphetamines (As an ancient meth head from the late 80's, I just don't trust myself).

      A month after I had quit, she decided that we should not date. I was at her house, and she still wanted to watch a movie that night with me. I said sure, but give me 5 minutes. I ran home and got the snus that was still in my freezer. I wasn't gonna wait one minute longer than I needed to to go back.


      • TropicalBob
        • Feb 2008
        • 316

        That is one terrific story!

        It's missing only the ending: "We kissed. She dropped dead of a heart attack. I went back to snusing and private eye work."

        Seriously, I've done the suggestions for leaving nicotine. That's how I came to snus last year. Patch, gum and expensive NRT crap didn't work worth a damn. Cold turkey never got beyond about 3 weeks.

        The no-nicotine snus is a possibility. I tried those, and enjoyed the taste. But I was jumpy-jumpy all the time. It felt like I was snusing, but it wasn't much enjoyment without nicotine. Still, that could work if you're determined.

        Right now, I've dumped all exit strategies except snus and my electronic cigarette. Both are terrific. I tend to use snus all day and after meals. I use the e-cig first thing on awakening and late into the night. With either, it's possible to drop to no-nicotine and then exit. (I have a brand new e-cig, BTW, that produces CLOUDS of vapors, in flavors from flue-cured tobacco to strawberry. It is very much like cigarette smoking -- without the health hazards.) I have no desire to quit either, but plan to keep cutting back the nicotine level and see if I naturally want to get off that addictive drug.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Cold Turkey. I believe that it could work with snus unlike with cigarettes, which mostly for sure contain addiction-enhancing additives.

          Try to stay without snus for 3 or 4 hours. The feeling is different than with cigarettes, not enjoyable either, but you won't feel half-dead.

          BTW, I have absolutely no plans to quit snus.



          • Dead Rabbit
            • Mar 2008
            • 315

            Originally posted by chainsnuser
            Cold Turkey. I believe that it could work with snus unlike with cigarettes, which mostly for sure contain addiction-enhancing additives.

            Try to stay without snus for 3 or 4 hours. The feeling is different than with cigarettes, not enjoyable either, but you won't feel half-dead.

            BTW, I have absolutely no plans to quit snus.

            i agree..i think quiting snus will be a ton easier then smokes. the oral fixation just isn't there as much. plus, snus has snapped me out of those moments where i automatically and ritualistically need to light up. i plan on quiting snus after labor day. i love snus, but just don't like being addicted to a drug. after labor day, i plan on cutting down that month. 4 times a day, week one. 3 times a day week 2. 2 times a day and no morning snus week 3. 1 time a day week 4. If I feel one time a day can work, i may stick with it. meaning, i'm not a slave to nicotine and a fiend all day until that one snus. if so, i'm done...we will see.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Dead Rabbit, I wish you luck. But I can tell you from my expierence that snus creates it's own rituals that are almost equally hard to break. You will miss it, BIG TIME. They always say that walking away from ciggarettes is like walking away from a friend. I can tell you, when I quit for 6 weeks, I felt that sensation even more with snus than with ciggarrtetts. Perhaps since snus had been so much kinder to me, I felt even closer to them. Many times a day, I could almost hear them calling out to me..LOL

              Good luck, and make sure you report back to us when the time comes how it is going with you.


              • RPatrick
                • May 2008
                • 48

                I have quit smokeless tobacco several times. One time I quit for 2 years !

                Cold turkey is the best way to do this.

                To quit successfully, you've got to find peace with yourself without any type of crutch. You've got to develop the thought that you don't need any type of drug or other stimulation to enjoy your life. It is a completely different way of thinking, but that is what it takes. Your life will not be the same, and you've got to accept that and learn to enjoy other things that life has to offer. Any substitute for the tobacco product can prevent you from developing this healthy way of thinking, and does not address the real psychological issue. The thought that you need something, whether it is tobacco, gum, sunflower seeds, or whatever will prevent you from beating the psycological addiction.

                In my experience, the toughest part is the first one to four weeks without tobacco. After that the physical cravings die down and then you just have to deal with the mental aspect of it.

                I returned to using tobacco because it helps me deal with the stress and anxiety of life (mainly work). Maybe if I could naturally handle stress better my decision would be different. My life is better with it, than without it. I would not have known that though without completely quitting for a couple of years, so it is worth it to quit to find out what is right for you.

                Good Luck !


                • bondzai
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 362

                  I cold turkeyed cigs years ago no problem Someone said the physical part was over after 72 hours and I believed them. I recently started snuffing and snusing and love it. However, I do tend to overdo it. I don't want to overdo it anymore. So, I can take the snus out early, use smaller portions, use oliver twists etc..... I don't really like too much nicotine.... At first it was hard to get used to even a little. So, I do think the physical addiction does drop off fast. So if you want to quit, you can either cold turkey or taper off. Tapering off could be to put in less frequently, smaller amounts etc.....


                  • reshumate
                    • May 2008
                    • 94

                    Don't like being addicted to a drug? Do you drink coffee? How about alcohol consumption?

                    I'm a former smoker and new snuser, and know that nicotine helps keep the edge off. Until they discover that snus is bad for you, I think I will stick with it. Beats smoking all to hell.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9758

                      I have thought about quiting but decided against it. Instead I am building my own casket. Inside the casket I have designed an area with shelves for a large stockpile of snus. I'm not too worried about them drying out as I figure six feet under it should be cool enough to keep my snus fresh for quite a while. :wink:
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        That is why I will never be without Elyxr. Covers the caffeine AND Nicotine addictions in one small, easy to use package. Seriously, the caffeine withdrawal symptoms are far nastier for me than the nicotine.

                        I use Nicotine for health issues. It is an effective treatment for ADHD




                        And many, many others......


                        • Azrsuperstar
                          • May 2008
                          • 55

                          I feel like an ass for posting this thread, considering, I left home without my snus today--went back home 35 minute drive to pick some up. I'm no where near quitting this stuff.

                          On a high note, it's been 7 days without cigarettes...a first for me. :twisted:


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Don't, I have done the same thing before.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Re: Quitting Snus??? Exit Strategies

                              Originally posted by Azrsuperstar

                              I was wondering if anybody here has any plans to quit snussing. If so, what tactics do you plan on using?

                              Personally, I'm using snus to ween me off of cigarettes. I think it's working pretty well. However, once I'm hooked on snus--trust me, I'm almost there--What can I use to get off the snus?

                              Tabacco free snus?
                              Cold Turkey?
                              The Patch?
                              Death ;^)

